
Chapter 497: Accident

The news that the British offered to negotiate was passed back to Vienna, and Franz approved it as soon as possible. Although the loss on the battlefield is not great, it hurts money!

Since Cape Town cannot be conquered, continuing to fight it is a waste of time. Looking at the information from the front, Franz was helpless.

The pride of the British Empire in this era is completely beyond ordinary people's imagination. Millions of pounds were said to be thrown in, and they were thrown in. At first glance, they are all dense fortifications. How can the battle be fought?

The original Raiders of Cape Town, under the British tyrant tactics, did not play its due role.

Don't look at the British falling into the downwind. In fact, they still brazenly showed off their strength to the world. The funds plunged before and after the war in Britain during the South African War will probably cost hundreds of millions.

With regard to this financial resources, no country in the world can afford it except Britain. If he moved, Franz would flinch early, and he would be so short of money.

Even if it prevails on the battlefield, the price paid by the Vienna government is not small. Now that the war has progressed, more than 40 Aegis have been smashed into it.

Without being able to conquer Cape Town, Franz summed up the reasons, not because the soldiers were ineffective, nor was the commander in the frontline incompetent, mainly because they had no money and no pride.

Otherwise, thousands of heavy artillery pieces were transported at all costs, and 1.8 million tons of artillery shells were fired, and no more fortifications were blown up.

Oh, this seems to have to be built first. Otherwise, the logistics on the battlefield cannot be guaranteed.

Taking a preliminary estimate of these expenses, it is estimated that there are two or three hundred million Aegis, which is almost enough.

This is not something that the Vienna government can afford, otherwise railway construction in Africa would not be so slow. If the railway extended to Transvaal early, the British would not dare to provoke war.

The British-English war was not without its benefits. The reality once again taught the world: war is a swallow of golden beasts. Do n't fight without money.

South Africa 's gold has not yet been mined on a large scale, and it is widely believed that there is no winner in this war. Austria won the British with a Boer vest, but failed to capture the Cape of Good Hope, and the strategic goal was not achieved.

Economically, South Africa, which has not been developed, is worth more than 50 million aegis. The British bought Cape Town that year because of Cape of Good Hope, South Africa without this strategically important place.

Compared to Austria, which has a small loss, the British are losing blood. The war was launched on the initiative of the colony of the Boer Republic.

The British spent a lot of war funds and suffered tens of thousands of casualties. Not only did they fail to achieve their goals, they were also pushed back to Cape Town by the enemy.

Negotiations also need to pay a price. It is easy to start a war and difficult to end it. Besides, whether to recover the lost land is a headache.

Even if this colony is worthless, the strategic security of the Cape of Good Hope must be considered? If there is a conflict, the enemy will come to the city, that day will not pass?

Even if it is not open, the daily life supplies are in the hands of others, and the price will rise once every three minutes, and no one can stand it.

Therefore, other places can be avoided. The water, coal, and farms outside the city must be purchased in these cities, and the British must take it back.

The promise of empty mouth and white teeth is obviously impossible. Wearing a vest in the Boer Republic does not mean that the enemy outside the city is the Boer Republic. To get all of this at the negotiating table, you have to pay the price.

Franz didn't care what the results were. Anyway, there is no way to lose, if the British are not in a hurry, it is good to be so deadlocked.

The supply of living supplies in Austria allows the Boer Republic to provide most of it, and the problem of food for frontline troops can be solved nearby.

The British in the city were tragedy. Even fresh water was shipped from Madagascar or bought by the Portuguese. Not to mention other living materials, all have to be transported from the outside.

Do not look at the convenience of shipping, but also consider where it is. The Cape of Good Hope is not a good place. It has always been a high-incidence area for shipwrecks. After a month or two, the monsoon is coming to kill the world.

There are two ways before the British. Either stock up enough winter supplies now, or end the war before winter comes.

The plan will never change quickly, and at the same time as the "Imbu Negotiations" began, a sudden plague broke out.

It first appeared in the Indian colonial army. The British did not pay attention to it.

During the fighting, the plague was also brought into the cannon fodder units of the Bur Republic. In this battlefield where every day is dead, it is also normal for a few people to fall ill, not to mention the unfocused artillery unit.

Poor sanitation in military camps has accelerated the spread of the epidemic. Soon a large number of soldiers fell ill, the plague did not recognize people, and white soldiers were not immune.

The British were first discovered. As the defender of the city, the density of the British army was much greater because the lack of water in the city worsened the deterioration of sanitary conditions.

These conditions brought convenience to the spread of the plague. A large number of British soldiers fell ill and attracted the attention of military doctor Horez. The plague was discovered only after a check.

Dare not to neglect, Horez immediately reported the news of the outbreak. It was reported to Governor Delphi step by step, and it was already May 18, 1871.

When did the epidemic first occur? The British medical system is not yet complete enough to equip Indian soldiers with full-time doctors.

It's sunny and thunderous This is, for Governor Delphi, this is one of the worst news without. Without any hesitation, Governor Delphi immediately convened a high-level meeting and issued an epidemic prevention order:

"Isolate all patients immediately, and ask the local power generators to send professional plague prevention experts in China. The epidemic prevention work must be done now. What should you do to consult your doctor?"

This is all he can do. The plague is out of control. The medical technology of this era is limited and can only be left to fate.

Shortly after the British discovered the outbreak, the army of the Republic of Boer also found it.

The first to be infected was Lieutenant Merks, who had sent a commander of the cannon fodder. They talked at the doctor and complained that there were many sick people under their hands, which triggered the curiosity of an intern.

Curiosity does not necessarily kill the cat. This is why Dr. Luke ran to the black army barracks to check it on the spot. If he didn't know it, it would startle him.

This is clearly a plague, but a plague that has spread. The number of people infected by a single unit is not terrible, and the total would be scary.

After the news was reported, Viscount Fickney immediately sent for investigation. As a result, it was found that more than 2,000 infected people had been identified after investigation, including 87 Boer soldiers.

It's just that it's already onset. There are no carriers of the virus, and we don't know how many. Looking at the data in his hand, Viscount Fickney was speechless for a long time.

Fortunately, both the cannon fodder and the main force are stationed separately. Apart from the officers who manage this unit, the main force still rarely contacts them.

Needless to say, the epidemic prevention work started automatically. The Austrian army has a special epidemic prevention department, usually part-time by a medic, and this unit that bears the vest of the Bur Republic army is no exception.

All troops have carried out the epidemic prevention work in an orderly manner in accordance with the issued epidemic prevention regulations.

Viscount Fickney asked with concern: "Is the epidemic determined? What caused the plague?"

The plagues are also divided into three, six, and nine. The most lethal nature is the plague, including the Black Death that almost extinct Europe, which is a type of plague, and then smallpox, cholera, malaria, and influenza.

All of them are afraid of killers, regardless of high or low, they are all right to kill.

Lesner, the medic who presided over the epidemic prevention work, thought for a while and said, "The route of transmission of the plague has not been determined, and there are two cases of its preliminary judgment.

The biggest possibility is that the corpses on the battlefield were not handled properly, which caused the virus to breed, and finally caused the plague.

Another possibility is brought from the outside. According to the information we collected, a plague has also occurred in India not long ago, most likely brought by the Indians.

If the virus originates from India, then the plague is not difficult to resolve, and it has been proven that the spread of the plague in India is not strong.

From the current situation, the former is more likely. If the virus originates from India, then the virus has mutated. "

War is often accompanied by disease. This South African war looks inconspicuous, but the death toll is definitely the highest in human history.

Not only are the dead on the battlefield, but they are not as dead on the battlefield as they are on the battlefield. After this war, the total population of South Africa was less than 30% before the war.

With so many people dead, the handling of corpses became a problem. On the surface, most of the corpses on the battlefield were burned or buried in deep pits.

But flesh and blood flew, there are always left. It seems that the harm is not great, but after the accumulation of less is more, it is not known what will happen.

At the beginning of the war, Franz secretly issued an order for epidemic prevention. So this Boer republic army was not unprepared, but it did not expect that the plague would erupt just before the end of the war.

The source of the plague is just the concern of professionals. Viscount Fickney is more interested in prevention, no matter how it comes, as long as it can control the epidemic.

After a little thought, Viscount Fickney made the decision: "Order the main force to withdraw from the streets already occupied, and the Special South African Seventh Division will take over the defense.

In the face of the plague, all the fruits of the battle were clouds. In this kind of street with broken walls, no one knows in which corner there are dead bodies.

It is too dangerous to have the main force stationed in such a place, or it is safer to station outside the city.

The 7th Division of the South African Special Dispatched Army is the unit with the worst outbreak, and letting them take over defense is waste utilization.

If the British ran offensive, give them. Viscount Fickney has decided to put isolation camps at the forefront to see if the British can add a few more patients.

Even if it doesn't work, you have to disgusted the British. Relieve the grievances in your heart, the war has hit now, and the two sides have long established blood feuds.

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