
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
192 Chs

Card Game 1

'How come I didn't notice it? Although I have trained my mind to the insanity that it almost reaches the level of photographic memory, it is at most close to it's level. There's no way I can remember every single small detail in my past life(17)'

'Now that you say it, it's true! I can even remember all the item recipes for Terraria's Fargo's Souls Mod.(21)'

These 2 talked inside Kuro and how they reached to this discussion is nothing too hard. It just came into 17's mind… if he has one right now.

Going back to the current scene, Lamy has already done drinking her 1st booze and started drinking the next one. a monstrous speed of drinking from the experienced drinker.

Kuro decided to ignore these and said "So what's the matter, Botan-Onee-Chan?"

Deep inside Kuro, he also thought considered of drinking an alcohol when he gets older, since Lamy was drinking it so deliciously.

The white lion who kept the serious face, also didn't mind Lamy's drinking and looked directly toward Kuro "I got hired at MakDonald and we decided to work there."

'Huh, that's it?'

Despite this thoughts, Kuro kept the smiles in his face then question her once again. "There's something bothering you, right?"

A little bit surprised that her thoughts was seen, Botan nodded to Kuro. "That's right… I can't keep up with the employees's discussion in there."

''Ahh, I know her feeling.(17)(21)''

'Crap, if I went this way from now on, I won't have anyone else to talk other than Ayame-chan. I hafta make a friend or else I'll become like 17 and 21.(4)'

Kuro 'pondered' for a little while before asking more question to the lion. "I see, then what kinds of discussion would they talk?"

Kuro asked her to be more clear about the situations in her workplace. It's not like he's an detective or something but, from time to time, 21 makes an Detective Conan jokes to 17 and listening to their talks taught a little bit of lesson to Kuro. Although, 99.999% of them are useless information.

Unaware of Kuro's current self-compliment, Botan thoughts of what kind of discussion they were talking before answering to Kuro. "They were talking something about like: who's the strongest hero in Reign Empire, why the cheeseburgers suddenly got delicious."

"So, you want to join in their conversation?"

"No, it's not like that. Besides, I am not the only one who can't join their conversation."

"What do you want, then?"

"I want something that can enjoyed alone or, at least with 2 person. You promised to make me a game, right?"

At this moment, Kuro unconsciously sweated hard. Because, this feeling he is experiencing right now is far too familiar. It's like after the summer vacation, your teacher asked everyone to go forward and bring out their homework and you have done not even a single homework.

The good thing was, Kuro have done his homework so he don't have to be nervous. "You have aksed the right person, Botan-Onee-Chan! Behold! My newest and, Virturan's first game, Trump Card!"

What Kuro took was a cards. More accurately, 52 cards. Hearts, Spades, Clover and Diamond. Each of these groups has from A to 10 and J, Q, K. And finally, a joker.

"This is the game I made, Botan-Onee-Chan."

Botan who held the card, took a diamond of 7 then look at the backside of card. She was about to lose interest but upon seeing the pattern in the backside, she widened her eyes. "What, is this…"

Then, as if to confirms her suspicions, she took the different cards only to find out that its back side to have the exactly same pattern.

Kuro who was watching at her amazement, couldn't help but lift his corner of mouth. "Well spotted! Over this long lo~ng time, I was making these drawings. (because this world, or at least, this goddamn place don't have a machine that let me copy it) These drawings serves 2 roles."

Ayame's attention was also taken by Kuro's mysterious trump card. By what means, did he have to make such a complicated rune drawing. And also, she was satisfied. "No wonder you were skipping you training and playing time with me. I thought you lost interest to it."

"Hehe~ it's not like that. *cough* *cough* anyway! One: I've draw them exactly the same so that the players doesn't know what's drawn in the front side. To say it more simpler: it's so that player don't cheat."

Kuro continued "Two: I've written an mana reactor spells and, rune that obstructs people's sight/feels/smelling sense. To say it less complicated, it's so that player don't cheat."

Although Kuro explained the reasons, Botan, Ayame and Lamy who was blushing hard couldn't understand. As for Lamy, it may be a different reason that she didn't understand what Kuro was saying. She was just purely drunk.

To question him, Shishiron opened her mouth "Sti-"

But before she even finished her sentences or says her first word, Kuro opened his mouth "Three: It's because its more fun to look at something than nothing, right? Besides, rune drawing seriously looks cool!"

As if she saw a chances in this conversation, the Oni raised her hands "Sensei!"

Imitating the motion of stroking his beard, Kuro pointed toward Ayame "Fumu, what is it, Ayame-kun?"

"Yes, sensei! You said two reasons before, but you said three reasons! Is there a meaning in this?"

"Hohoho, Ayame-kun you truly have a great ear to spot your sensei's true intention for all of you here. In your question, your sensei shall answers to you: be more interesting. Or at least, don't get too trapped to common sense."

'Be more interesting…? What does that mean?' Despite she joked around at first and called Kuro a 'sensei' when Kuro gave her his answer, she couldn't help but ponder more.

Then, Kuro's attention went toward Botan who was left speechless, interrupted. "Botan-Onee-Chan, you were trying to ask 'why do this much,' right?"

The lion nodded quietly.

"It's easy. Because it's more fun that way. You see, this world is too boring and the people's common sense here has gone into the wrong direction."

"People have only been thinking of fighting, battle, and war. Just reading from the books in the library made me understand how boring this world is."

"If one is weak, they'll get dominated by the stronger ones. If one is strong, they'll get killed by those who's stronger than them. If one is the strongest, he/she'll get bored as there's nothing that can stop them and he/she'll feel that this world itself lost its worth. Maybe that's why the current demon king has been missing."

"There's so much races in this world, so much intelligent creatures except than humans, so many types of power and so many magics you can have a lot of fun (although you have to contract with god) with how big this world is, you can even have a lot of fun just by adventuring."

"Then, why is this world so boring? Because all of you guys keeps denying each others. No, more accurately, the people in this world's only way to live is by denying others. Why? Because they were taught to do that."

"You'll be branded as cursed child if you rescue an Oni, as a human. You'll be branded as traitor if you've made friends with other races. Sigh… [Virturantlings is damn racist (Japanese)] anyway I have let off the track this conversation far too much."

"In the end, what I want to say is, what have been the Virturantlings doing during these 5,000 or so years? Develop an weapon which no countries can't defend from? Boring. Teaching a young child so that they can become a fine killing-machine in the future? Boring."

"What I truly want and seeks from this world is, a places where everyone can live peacefully and smiling. In terms of that, Reign Empire did a good job for building a MakDonald. The cheeseburger were delicious."

At the end of his long sentences, Kuro smiled widely toward Botan.

*swish* *swish*

At the same time, 2 shadows flashed and taking al 51 cards in the table, only leaving the joker card.





Kuro raged over as his body violently shook and chased the 2 shadows.

Looking at the back of this young child, Shishiro Botan began laughing. Laughing because of how right his speedh was.

Lamy, who's supposedly drunk, said while looking at Kuro's back. "Is that person… really a 4 years old…?"

This question caused Botan to respond to her. "He's going to turn into 5 years old soon, and…"

In the midst of her sentences, Botan looked at the Oni who was still searching for the answer of 'be more interesting' after listening to Kuro's speech.

Upon this thinking adorable girl, Botan couldn't help but secretly smile toward her.

To tell you the truth, I wrote this chapter yesterday (7/16)

I’ve read the whole chapter and edited it. (The sentences. Spelling mistakes/broken english may still be there)

1,400+ words

R4INcreators' thoughts