
Holo Alter

a creatures that's supposed to not exist, by any chance, he came to life—living an average life on planet called Earth. Until, his existent took a certain god's attention. The god who find out his potential—thoughts and tried of many plans; that is to cause misfortune in his life to accelerate his negative points, to replace him, so he can safely retires his job as a god... only for everything to be in futile. Lifetime worth of staging the world in fail, the god decided to give up on him and send him to foreign places in different universe. Here, his 3rd life unfolds as he live the life of average person without being bothered by any higher beings—unbounded by destiny on characters that appears on story. ----- Edited in 2022/1/16 Many information will contrasts from original works but I won't mess with the characters' emotions too much. At first, I thought of making the hololive characters as main focus of story but writing up to a hundred chapters, I couldn't do it. So the hololive characters will only be appearing when the time is right. But to keep their uniqueness intact, I will make them slightly or more 'special' compared to others characters... (with a reason) Viewpoint can change from 3rd perspective to 1st perspective depending on the situation. Fanfiction based on [Hololive Alternative's Teaser] and **Author's Imagination & Author's Deep Analysis Supported by Author's Immense Knowledge.

R4IN · Anime e Quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
192 Chs

Absurdity [3]

[By the way I edited (Ch.4 Meeting) so that it makes more sense(?) why Kuro and Kuro appeared inside Kuro]

Oujian hold his sword with his right hand while the pistol was in his left hand.

Oujian maybe famous for many reasons; the most freedom man, the strongest pirate, charismatic captain. but one of the reasons was also his strange dual-wielding technique.

Most people dual wield with either sword/sword or gun/gun or even staff/staff. but the dual wielding between differences weapon such as sword/gun was rare because of its complicity.

Because of it, he was both strong in close-range and mid-range. As for long-range, he have no choice but to admit that Dante was better in that aspect.

Holding his weapon... what was it? Excalibu(Sword) and Slayer(Gun), he stepped out of the ship lightly then directly levitated in the middle of air, taking the attention of every person in there.

"Then, I am leaving it to you, Ben"

Oujian lightly muttered in the voice no one would hear judging from their distance and his sound. but Ben could hear it. He have already unlocked the Hyperbolic 1st Sense since long ago.

"Roger Cap'n."

Taking an weird weapon... No, instruments from the storage spaces. The instruments itself looked like a guitar, but it wasn't. The thin string order in neat line was pleasing to eyes. Using the violin bow, he made it dance on the top of instruments.

The sound he made was completely different from the current mood they were on, but it was completely calm, as if reassuring everyone around here, to forget every grudges and let the nature solves everything.

but the biggest flaws this had was, no one heard it!

That's right. No one heard it. It wasn't that the sound was too little. It's just, the sound of the aggressive wave crushing to the ships, the sound of the greedy voices of their enemies. That was the only thing they needed to erase the sound of beautiful violin.

"Kuru, why don't we talk peacefu-"

"THAT IS HIM! If I got that red-hair's head, I can have a million platinum coins."

"a single platinum coin is enough for me to live peacefully for the rest of my life. a millions can buy all women, treasure, in this world."

Such an violent voices sounded when Oujian was about to speak. These voice completely erased Oujian's sound.

Oujian already knew this would have happened but because of the 3 years of peacefulness, he habitually spoke normally. He sighed from this occurrence and changed his way.

"Kuru, why don't we talk peacefully?"

With a tad bit of seriousness seen in his eyes, there was not a single voice that interrupted his speech. They couldn't open their mouth because of this strange forces. Some of them have even fainted from this peers pressures.

"Kukuku, how about you give me Treasure Orbs and your life? After that I'll make it smooth and just steal your comrades' lives."

"That's the Sin of Greed for you... *sigh* if one of the sin was as crazy as this, I wonder how crazy the other was."

Oujian lightly muttered to himself then continued.

"Are there any way to negotiate? How about I give you a book about how cute my 2 daughters is? I've heard you like cute little girls, right?"

"What? You're selling your daughters just for your life? How low have you fallen during this 3 years, Oujian?"

The both of them talked like a friend but of course their relationships was opposite as mentioned.

"Doesn't matter! If I killed you, all your belongings in the storage spaces, will be mine! I will obtain the Treasures Orb, and the book about your daughters at the same time!"

"Hol' up right there, Kuru. I should have told you the truth. I didn't hid the book of how cute my daughters are, in my storage spaces. so, if you killed me right now, all you can obtain is my Treasure Orbs. You will take a loss, here."

"Kukuku, you've forgotten about me after this long time, Oujian. After I've killed you, I can take all your memories. So no matter how much you've hidden it in secluded places, I can find it!"

"Ah sh**... OR DID YOU THINK I WOULD SAY THAT!? KAH! I've already told Ben Thoven to erase my memories about where I hid that book."

"Wha, cur-cur-curse you... OR DID YOU THINK I WOULD SAY THAT!? HAH! I can just take your memories where you've read that books SO I DON'T HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT!"

"Da-damn it... I've lost... OR DID YOU THINK I WOULD SAY THAT!? HAHA! I already asked for Ben Thoven to erase my entire memory about that book. SO EVEN IF YOU TOOK MY MEMORY, IN THE END YOU WOULDN'T FIND IT NOR KNOW THE CONTENT."

"Damn it... wait, then how did you know that such a book existed?"


Whilst these 2 idiots were fighting, the ships has already disappeared from Oujian's behind. It was moving secretly but no one noticed it.

The first reason of it was Ben Thoven's sounds. As light as it is, as faint as it is. Not only it will camouflage his ally's presences, it will also make themselves easier to get distracted for something else.

The second was Oujian's sheer existences. With his aura, it made their enemy distracted to him and completely forgot about the ship. His strange technique which forced them to close their mouth made them completely forget about the ship.

Then with Marie's wooden esper ability, she duplicated a ships. Their ship at this point was somewhat similar to ghost ship that it didn't even cause the littlest strangeness feeling to their enemy.

Of course, Kuru couls have noticed it but Oujian doubled Kuru's greed for him. This made Kuru forgot about his surrounding. Of course, his underestimation was also one of the fault.

When they noticed it, it was already to late as Dante has already finished charging up.


Single projectiles was sent out of that huge gun or cannon? of his. This projectiles was so small, that it didn't seem that it was an ammo fired from Dante's weapon, nor could it damage their ship, not to mention, destroy.

As it cut the airs at this speed that far exceeded the speed of sound, even exceeding the speed of hypersonic, it pierced the ship.

From the position Houshou Pirate's ship was, all their enemy's ship could be seen ordered in line. This was their final intention for planning this.

The bullets not only pierced 1 ship, but 8 ships in order. 5 middle-graded ships and 2 high-graded ships, it couldn't pierce the remaining 2 middle-graded ships and a peak-graded due to its momentum lost.


The enemies was dumbfounded. What kind of technique who had a cool name, a gun which had beautiful effects before firing a bullet, bring some empty effects?

The bullets was surely powerful, but it seemed to bring no effect to their ships. The sonic boom from before also seemed like a lie.

Just when they ear regained the ability to hear, a crack was made from the holes of ship in order which it pierced.

The crack got bigger and bigger, then, the ships has been destructed into 2 bits. Afterward, from the inside of ships which seemed to come from nowhere, multiple strange tentacles appeared, crashed the every bits of fragment of ships.

Then, it dragged the ships down to the bottomless abyss of the sea.

5 Middle-Graded Ships & 2 High-Graded Ships: Annihilated

As I said, my brains hurt.

1,100+ words


R4INcreators' thoughts