

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it. As he was passing the entrance, he saw the 'culprits' still waiting for him. They straightened up, not daring to look him in the eye.

From what Henri had told them, it really was an accident. Elise was the one to let the horse our after she sneaked passed them despite their repeated warning she did as she wished which led to this mess.

No matter how much he wanted to punish them he couldn't let himself to go through with it.

" Alright, go back. I will deduct your bonuses for 2 months, that will be your punishment l." He said and sigh seeing their gloomy faces bringht up like Christmas tree.

They started thanking him, one of them even prostated thanking him with all his heart. Samuel was a little suprise to see them overreact. What did they think that he would dp to them to make them be so relieved? It's like he handed them a second life or something!