

" Don't forget to contact us when you visit Korea!"

" Elise! My little girl, don't forget about big sister!"

" When did you graduate from auntie to big sister?"

" Shut up! Don't ruin our fun moment."

" I will remember sister Sun, don't worry."

" You are squeezing her too hard! You will smother her!"

Grace Generation members were meeting outside the Orphanage. It was already past their flight time, but since they were using Samuel's private plane, they could depart whenever they saw fit. It was something that Samuel regretted telling them as they were making a fuss so early in the morning.

" Sami, I will miss you. It was regrettable that we didn't get a chance to spend more time together." Soo-jin walked toward him, so Samuel shook his hand, but she lunged for a big hug.