
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
161 Chs

Chapter 94

"That scene? The scene is very beautiful, but the visual effects require more!" Brandon rolled his eyes, first said disdainfully, and then excitedly shouted: "Haha, if it is really arranged like this, Then can't I show off?"

   "Brandon, FUCKYOU!" Andy, Rachel and the others all gave the narcissistic guy a lonely middle finger.

  "We can find a way to solve it with makeup skills, and the same is true for those flying stumps and broken arms. In order to reflect the shriveled and thinness of the mummy, I think we need to find some students, as thin as possible, to act."

   "Would it be a little risky to do this?" Rachel's eyes lit up, but soon dimmed again, always feeling a little worried.

"In my hometown, China, there is an old saying, that is, to die and live! I have prepared a million dollars to finish this show. Some people may laugh at me that the matter has not been settled yet, so spending such a price is It's not too unwise. I just want to say, I'm going to do it, and I'll do it right away, no matter what the price is, nothing can stop me from achieving my goal, nothing is impossible!" Zhang Dongcheng looked out the window with indescribable firmness in his eyes .

  Only Patricia nodded in agreement, she even clapped her hands and said with a happy smile: "Since you have already decided, let's go forward, nothing is impossible!"

   What else do you need to say? Then go!

   At the same time, in the office of Mr. Carl, the boss of Universal Pictures, the great director George Lucas and his assistant director, Ander, who is from the UK and is a deadly enemy of Zhang Dongcheng, are sitting here, discussing matters with Mr. Carl.

  George Lucas (George Lucas), a famous American film director, producer, and screenwriter, is most famous for his epic works "Star Wars" series (director) and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" series (screenwriter). His work "Star Wars" has a lofty status in the hearts of Americans and has broken many box office records in the United States and the world. In 2005, Lucas received the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Film Institute. George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola, and Martin Scorsese are collectively known as the four major directors of Hollywood in the 1980s.

As a super director who has attracted the attention of the whole world, Lucas can be regarded as the hottest figure in Hollywood. Every time he sneezes, he will be featured in the first interview of major newspapers and tabloid columns in the United States. His Star Wars The series of films can be described as legends in the entire film history.

The relationship between Lucas and Mr. Carl is not bad. Before he became famous in 1973, Universal Pictures invested and filmed his "American Graffiti", which generated more than 50 million U.S. dollars in profits for Universal Films and became a Hollywood filmmaker. One of the movies with the largest investment returns in history, and with this movie, Lucas has fulfilled his promise to his father to "become a 100% rich man before the age of 30", and has since stepped onto the front desk of the world film industry.

   Right now, the matter has almost been discussed. Lucas originally planned to leave, but the assistant director Ander, who had been by his side and said nothing, unexpectedly said: "Mr. Carl, I'm sorry, I want to ask a question."

  Carl, who had a white beard, obviously had a good time talking with Lucas, and he nodded with a smile on his face, signaling for Ender to speak directly if he had anything to say.

"I heard that my classmate, um, my classmate Smith from the British Film Academy came to you? Oh, he is Chinese, yellow-skinned Chinese. I heard he came to you and wanted you to invest in his film? "Ander had a smile on his face, but his eyes were full of insidiousness and resentment.

"Oh, yes. Smith is not a bad guy. He came to me and wanted to remake our Universal Pictures movie "The Mummy" in the 1930s. I read his script, and to be honest, he impressed me very much." Mr. Carr I thought An De was Zhang Dongcheng's classmate, and An De's problem was because of his concern for Zhang Dongcheng, so he didn't hide anything, and said it directly.

"I'm really sorry. Mr. Carl, I suggest you be more cautious. I have been with him for four years, and I know him very well. He was very dishonest in school and was very good at deceiving others. Especially when he pretended to be full of confidence. , actually he doesn't know how to make movies at all. He was in school, he always got C's, and the whole school knew about it."

  Ander blinked his eyes cunningly, what he said was false, and the truth was true, the look in his eyes concealed the filth in his heart.

Zhang Dongcheng is really confident, that's because he trusts in his directing and scripting skills, while Ander's words seem to be worried that Mr. Carl will be cheated, and he only speaks half of his words, which makes it really difficult to expose his tricks , unconsciously believed in Ender.

"What did you say? He is very good at deceiving people by pretending to be confident?" Mr. Carl is not too young, and naturally he will not be led into the ditch by other people's words, but Ender's words are half-covered, but let There was a sudden hit in his heart.

Originally, Mr. Carl thought about it for a long time, and just made up his mind to gamble on Zhang Dongcheng. Even if he didn't think of any way to make himself more confident, Mr. Carl still thought about talking to Zhang Dongcheng in two days, and put this After the matter was completely confirmed, unexpectedly, Ander suddenly appeared, saying that the Chinese director Zhang Dongcheng was not trustworthy!

"Yes, Mr. Carr. Yes, two of his films caused a sensation in Europe, but his shooting technique is reflected in the two big smoking guns. It is not British academic style at all, but more like a Director Ye Luzi who has ideas about movies. Mr. Carl, just imagine, can a director from a famous family and a British film academy background make such a British gangster movie?" bad words, but every word is more vicious, making people think about the worst.

  Recalling the two big smoking guns I saw a few days ago, although Mr. Carl also applauded Zhang Dongcheng's unconstrained ideas, the shooting method is really not like an academic style. The connotation and characteristics of the movie are also unique. After hearing what Ender said, Mr. Carl couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

"I shouldn't have said this. Smith and I are classmates. But I'm the assistant of director Lucas, and Mr. Lucas and Mr. Carl are good friends. I don't want you to be deceived. That guy Smith In school, he often used his seemingly believable face to deceive others' trust, and then let several classmates suffer. Also, when he was filming movies, it was often heard that he secretly deducted the filming expenses and put them in In his own pocket, he also used his status as a director to ask the actress to sleep with him. In short, Smith is a scoundrel." Andersen said in a blunt manner, and then threw out a few things that made Mr. Carl wary.

   "Really?" Mr. Carl believed it a little bit, and his brows were slightly frowned, but Ender saw it with ulterior motives.

"Mr. Carl, I have a few phone numbers here. If you really want to invest in Smith, you can call them to confirm what I said." Ender wrote down a few numbers. Of course, these are the numbers of his best friends. Those guys wouldn't say anything good about Zhang Dongcheng.

  Looking at the table, Ender handed over a note with a phone number on it. Mr. Carl was noncommittal, and Director Lucas stood up.

   "Okay, old man, we've settled our business. I still have something to do, so I'll go first." Lucas didn't know who Zhang Dongcheng was, and he didn't bother to care.

   "Okay, I'll see you off." Mr. Carl also stood up.

  Ender originally wanted to say something, but he had no choice but to stand up and say goodbye to Lucas and leave.

   Sitting back on the sofa, Mr. Carl looked at the note on the table, lost in thought.

As an investor, Mr. Carl has no idea or opinion on whether Zhang Dongcheng likes to let actresses accompany him to bed. This is what Mr. Carl cares most about.

  Although Universal Pictures has the right to insert a producer or other assistant directors in Jang Dong-seong's crew, this will not completely stop that behavior.

   Tapping his fingers lightly on the table, Carl couldn't help becoming cautious again in the face of the $80 million investment. This is really no joke.

   On Zhang Dongcheng's side, he didn't know that his mortal enemy, Ander, had stumbled him again. He was just commanding his newly formed legion, striving forward for the goal.