
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
161 Chs

Chapter 65

"The box office of "Two Smoking Barrels" is full of praise, Mr. Smith, do you have anything to say to the fans?"

"I am very grateful to the enthusiasm of the fans. It is your wise eyes that make this film unnamed. I also thank the film critics for their objective evaluation. Whether it is support or opposition, I need to reflect on my film. A place where more progress can be made."

"Speaking of objective evaluation, I know that before the film was released, the reporter of the Daily Mail said that you were an egomaniac, imagining that you could stand shoulder to shoulder with "The Godfather", and even aroused condemnation from all over the UK. What do you think of this? ?"

"What I can't hide is my contempt for that reporter with ulterior motives. He misinterpreted and distorted my meaning, making my film face difficulties from the very beginning, and even some movie theaters refused to arrange for my film , "Two Smoking Barrels" almost couldn't even get on the screen. Of course, now, I don't care about those slanders and ridicules. "Two Smoking Barrels" has been accepted and loved by people all over the UK. I think that's enough."

   "If you were to say one more word to that reporter right now, what would you say?"

"What I want to say is that the classics will not be covered up, and the dreams of young people will not be blocked. Between dreams and confusion, I choose to persevere. Look at the choices of young people, look at it, never The pursuit of the end. Movies create classics, movies create miracles, and movies also affect generations of people. In the 1990s, British youths were independent and despised the rich and powerful. We will shrink back. Laughing will only make us strong. Sarcasm is just the fallen leaves that fall on us after autumn. Disdain is just a small commentary on a brilliant future."

   "Bloom, be proud, we have youth, we have the age to declare war on obsolete, and we have the ability to fight back against everything that is not optimistic!"

   Declare war, strike back!

Unknowingly, some young movie fans who were addicted to movies were crazily excited by Zhang Dongcheng's words. They discussed on the Internet, and then planned and executed this British movie under the organization of Ai Wen, who became a die-hard fan of Director Smith and Zhang Da. History has left a strong stroke.

Finally, when "Two Smoking Barrels" won more than 12 million pounds and began to sweep Europe, North America, and Asia, and when it won the top three box office in the history of the UK, let us use the jury members of the British Film Awards Mr. Corbett's movie review, as the final explanation of Zhang Dongcheng's brilliance.

   Pioneering work! Remember "Two Smoking Barrels".

  ? The term "black humor" was first used by French surrealists in a treatise entitled "Black Humor" co-written by Breton and Eluard in 1937. Until 1965, the American writer Bruce Jay Friedman collected fragments of the works of 12 writers and published it under the title "Black Humor".

   Since then, more and more critics have used this concept. Thus, "black humor" became popular as an aesthetic term referring to a specific genre. ???

Its basic meaning is the combination of "funny" and "horror". The author sees the nature of funny from scary things, despairs at the absurd world, and makes a creepy and crazy laugh, so as to relieve the inexplicable anxiety of survival and make people feel sad. A feeling of suffocation. Although black humor contains tragic content and elements of terror and despair, it still belongs to the category of comedy.

   This is a perverted form of comedy, which not only expresses the content of tragedy in the form of artistic treatment of comedy.

  Black humor looks at the conflict between modern people and the social environment with a kind of helpless irony, and magnifies, distorts, and deforms this conflict to make it appear absurd and ridiculous. It shows the absurdity of the social system, the distortion and alienation of human nature by the society, the shattering of hopes and dreams, the sense of disillusionment in life after futile struggle and resistance, the disharmony between people and the social environment and the resulting Conflicts, all kinds of signs, for all these people laugh mockingly and cynically from the bottom of their hearts, and use a humorous and helpless attitude towards life to distance themselves from reality in order to maintain their torn self-esteem. This is the essence of "black humor". The general meaning, some people call it "humor in the face of disaster", and films with this artistic style are also black humor films. ???

  From the early Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" and "A Clockwork Orange" and other high-level narrative methods, unique shooting techniques and black humorous irony.

  Development to the present, even if it is a black humor movie, it has to part ways with Kubrick and other old-timers. In Smith's British underground world, all social responsibility and irony have disappeared, and young people in the middle and lower classes of society have not become carriers of accusations. They are just Smith's pawns, participants in this video game.

  Thus, getting shot doesn't make them feel painful. In the director's long shots, slow motions, and reverse shots, which are similar to showing off skills, death and injury are only similar to gameovers in video games. A post-modern carnival of images was born, a century is coming to an end, and hedonism dominates the world. ??

"Two Smoking Barrels" is Mr. Smith's debut in the true sense, but in any case, as a typical postmodern black humor movie, the title of "Two Smoking Barrels" is as interesting, complex, and interesting as its content. The porch is heavy and unscrupulous.

  Smith's narrative method in Two Smoking Barrels subverts the previous linear narrative tradition, but adopts a circular clue. Weaving the storyline based on their own understanding and feeling of the film, dividing the narrative plot of the film into fragments in the form of non-linear loops, and arranging and combining these fragments according to the structure of the story, combining these disordered and scattered The storyline is filled in the circular story frame, making the narrative structure of the film seem fragmented, disordered, and scattered, but with the development and development of the film's narrative clues and plots, the audience will take these fragmented, scattered The plot collocations are combined into a whole, and the mystery is gradually solved to find out the reason of the story.

This kind of structural setting of the film keeps the audience in an active and passive position all the time, so it will cause strong suspense or suspense to make the audience ask questions. With the development and continuation of the plot, the reason and development process of the film will be explained later. In such a situation where cause and effect are reversed or juxtaposed, the audience will closely follow the development of the film to actively peel off the truth of the story layer by layer, fully mobilizing the audience's enthusiasm for watching the movie and generating strong interest and interest. pleasure.

Coincidences and accidents abound in movies. In the process of setting up these coincidences and accidents, Smith did not present them directly, but made some foreshadowing outside of the coincidences and accidents, so that these coincidences and accidents are in the Reasonable and unexpected, it greatly stimulates the excitement of the audience, and makes people feel incredible and has a strong comedic effect. This kind of comedic effect often has the nature of black humor. ?

   Open ending. At the end of "Two Smoking Guns", a man is throwing a shotgun under the bridge, but three other people rush to call him and tell him not to throw away the shotgun, and finally the picture freezes and ends. The film does not show whether the shotgun returned to Tom and his brother's hands, nor did it show whether the gun was thrown into the river. The director left a suspense at the end of the film, giving the audience room to imagine the ending of the story.

  We have already seen such a technique in "Tuner".

   As for the soundtrack, the music of this film gives people the feeling of "cool". From the beginning to the end, the music that matches the picture is very exciting. Psychedelic rock, heavy metal, punk, and jazz are all included in it. It is absolutely true that "let the eyes and ears ride the roller coaster together". Smith also uses character narration or psychological monologues to express plot passages in a timely manner in the film.

  Summary?????Smith's spiritual and unique film understanding and creative ability make his films lead the box office of British films and create miracles. The films he created not only achieved brilliant achievements in the UK, but also will play an important role in changing the concept of film creation in the world.

  Let us welcome, a new generation of sensational director, Smith-Zhang!


  On a new morning, the weather in London is rare and sunny. The sun shines on Zhang Dongcheng's bed, and he will be awakened by Zhang Dongcheng, who is almost insanely stimulated by the box office boss Auston and drinks several glasses of red wine.

  The room was filled with the warmth and smell of the sun, and the open window let in the breeze, making Zhang Dongcheng, who was not yet sober, take a deep breath of the satisfied air, and stretched his waist greatly.

  The phone rang, but it was a phone number that he had never seen before.

   "Hello, hello, I'm Smith." Zhang Dongcheng answered the phone, with the phone tucked under his shoulder, took the pants aside and put it on, and asked a little lazily.

   "Hello, hello, Director Smith! I'm Brad Pitt!" But a name came from the microphone that shocked Zhang Dongcheng.

   What, Brad Pitt?