
Chapter 1

As a farmer life is not easy but it is far from complicated but I do not complain. I live a simple life with my loving family and praise our lord and savior Jesus on a daily basis so we feel confident in our life and have never committed any sins the lord would never forget. So an afterlife in heaven seems reasonable for us. After a heavy day of work we feel complete. The sun is starting to go down so it is time to stop work, so we can rise up with the sun the next day. I look at my house and see happiness. It is a good life we live and we do so in truth to our Lord. I look at my wife with a smile as we go to bed after an ordinary dinner with our 3 children like usual. The next day we wake up with the sun as usual but after eating breakfast with my family and go outside we see something that differs from the ordinary. There are marching soldiers moving towards our little village, I look up and see it coming, arrows with ferocious speed coming for my life and I stand there accepting death as the pain shoots through every fiber of my being. One in the leg, one in my chest and one in my arm. I fall down on the ground with my back downwards as the blood makes a pool around me. This visus pain showers my head and leaves me with no thoughts as the warmth of my own blood surrounds me as I see death coming, there is no surviving this. I look straight faced to the sky and think only one thing, was this truly a good end to my life?

I open my eyes as I feel this brimstone smell all over, my entire body aches and nothing feels right as I lie down here. The ground feels rough and rocky but I push through this pain to stand up because I feel strength in my body.

-Welcome, creation you have arrived to my experimental zone, cackles a feminine deep and terrifying voice. The voice sounds like it comes from a creature born through a rough abyss and it echoes through my head, the echoing is so bad that I think the voice is coming from a cave.

-Little creation, o how like a sheep you look like with that terrified confused expression but non the less from your religions perspective I would be seen as God, the voice taunts me. I have cleared up my mind a little because of these terrifying events. I can not focus on the messages the voice is telling me but I look up to try to scan the environment. I am on a rocky barren hill, below this hill I see a forest with trees that look like they are withering away with a grey colour in this forest I see colour less bushes and black flowers. Beside the giant forest I see an open place filled with red tall grass and pools with a mixture of colors like dark green, blood red and gray. In front of me on this hill stands a creature with a shape of a woman, she has a grey short summer dress on her and on her head she has a flower crown of black and dying flowers of variation. The creature has long blood red hair going down to her breast. Her skin colour is a sky like abysmal black, watching her skin is like seeing into a darkness that will swallow everything it comes near. She has six eyes with 3 where humans have one and they look like sharp triangles with a eye colour of a red more dark than death.

-Who are you?

-I am what you people would say is God but of course your funny little religion does not describe me in the right way, and your bible makes me look weak in comparison to my actual power, the creature camly proclaims.

-If you are wondering where we are we are in an experiment afterlife I created, your little religion mentions a purgatory that does not exist so i decided to try to make one and you are the first person here. Unlike purgatory hell and heaven actually exist but the reason for why you would go to either place is very different from what your religion makes you believe, but I have talked too much, have fun, and with that scary monologue ending she disappeared without a trace like she was never there.

What was that, I am left completely speechless, that was true fear everything else i have encountered does not even come close to bringing me that amount of fear I feel like I talked to the Abyss herself. As I stared into her she stared back, I am left shuddering.

After that encounter I noticed that my hunger had grown so I went to the forest looking for food. What I found in this strange climat was shooking, as I walked among the trees I saw an entirely new ekosystem with creatures earth has never seen before. I have to live, that is my first priority, I can think about religion and God. Later the shock of this new place I will think of later first comes survival.

I have hunted in this forest for a while now. I am no longer hungry, I no longer fear for my survival, I no longer fear for that creature, that GOD. This climate makes me feel cold. I should make a house, the shelter I have now is subpar, it does give me the warmth I need but I need more only the necessities will never be good enough I have to evolve. So I started to make tools out of the branches, stones, corpses of creatures I have eaten, I will make this life good even if I am in Purgatory I will live a good life. So after cutting down trees with improvised tools I can only smile, I have gotten this far and I won't stop now. It may have taken weeks but I am happy with the small house that I have built and it is only made of wood but this is progres it may be small steps but they are being taken. I have started a small farm for this world's equivalent to vegetables and I am happy this is looking good, I may be alone but I will never give up life shall be good. I am wandering the forest looking for resources, I have not been in this part of the forest but even with this ashen land it almost is starting to look beautiful with the wind whistling through the leaves I can only smile. but in the distance I see a fallen tree. Has the wind knocked it down? I walk up to it, no this almost looks like a human has cut down this tree that is odd I do not remember being here maybe it is another person here? I walk forward and see multiple of these cut down trees, huh that is a bit weird, I continue to walk forward and see something in the distance, is that an animal, it does not look like something I have hunted down before. I stealthy walk towards the creature the closer I get the creature starts to look less and less like prey. Maybe that is a person like me, I hesitate can it be? That does not sound so unreasonable if I came here, others should have come here too, right. I have lived alone for almost weeks. Maybe they are new here or is it just another monster like the prey I have been eating? There is only one way of knowing I guess, this is a risk but one that is going to have to be taken. For I need to find out what this is. I start to stand up with no regard for stealth and walk with confidence towards the ones felling the trees. The trees block my view of one felling the trees but I see the shadow of this person? The closer I get the more the shadow is starting to resemble a person, I am right behind this person, I breathe heavily this is terrifying, I have never taken this big of a risk before if this is a monster it very well might kill. I steady my resolve and walk forwards, this bet has to pay off, I know it. Behind the tree is a man, ohhhh I have never been so relieved in my life, he looks like he is in his thirties, he has a rugged beard, medium length brown hair and is kinda short and is wearing very supar clothing, it almost looks like rags. I work up the confidence to say hi, at hearing that the man jumps up and starts to look at me but he reacts very differently than I expected. The man screams in terror and with a trembling voice says demon, demon, demon, over and over again like a broken repeater than as he shivers in fear he runs away screaming like his life is on the line. I just stood there confused, wondering what happened. What is with that reaction I am a human like him why did he say demon. Could it mean that he believes that this is hell and any other person is a devil? Or is it that I look like a devil. No, that can not be, how could my appearance have changed during my weeks here, sure I may look a bit wildlike because we live without civilization but it can not be that severe as to call me a demon. I look down at my hands, have I changed so much really. As in doubt I start to take the long path home thinking about this experience. What just happened, I can not process this. He said I was a devil. That was a person, an actual human and he saw me as a devil, how, has his vision been tampered with? I look down at a lake filled with red water and stare at my reflection. What I see is a creature with huge horns, massive claws and a non-human face. WHAT I jump and start freaking out, no, no, no, no, no, I can't be like this, it can't be like this. Can I have changed this much, no that does not make sense I am a human, why do I look like this, I looked Human last time I saw my reflection that was a while ago but still how can this have happened, is this a curse of this land. Is this the curse I get from walking this land. Of course he would react that way if I looked like this, that reaction is totally justified, I would do the same. I sigh this world is cursed, am I forced to live a life of pain. No, I will not stand it. I may have a different look but that just means that I can not interact with humans, I have lived fine without help. I can do it once more. I push myself up against a tree, what a bad day though. What is that noise I hear in the distance? Huhuhuhu huhuhuhu, what is that dragging sound like someone is dragging heavy roots across the ground, HUHUHUHUHU, it is getting closer. I push myself up against the tree hard now, I feel goosebumps, what is this, is this terror? HUHUHUHU, I look from the safety of the tree to find the source of this horrific laughter. What the hell is that wretched thing! The creature is walking across me with no indication that it has seen me. The creature is a giant it is almost 12 meters by the look of it and has these gross veiny roots as its main body, they are pulsating with weird fluids coming out of them but they are all attached to this giant carved pumpkin head that is laughing like a maniac with no indication of stopping. This horrific creature walks past me with no change in expression and after three minutes of me sweating behind this tree I stop hearing that cursed laughter, thud, I fall to the ground with panic breaths as I try to regain composure. What the hell was that thing!? It was huge, almost as tall as the trees, wow that was so scary I need to build a shelter that is more reliable, if that thing comes around and it notices me, I stop my trail of thought. Those thoughts are scary. Let's stop here with that I need to protect myself better if I am going to be alone.

It took some time but I built up this nice house. I feel like I'm stronger in this world because bearing stuff like logs and physical work is easier here, so building a house took way less time than I expected. Maybe I have a knack for this type of thing. Ohh but this stuffed rabbit looking creature tastes great mmm. It is so nice here, it might even be better than my life before even though I miss my family. Building this house took effort so I need to protect it but I do not know if I have the willpower to protect it from that terrifying creature I saw in the woods. Well I guess walls are the only thing that might protect me from that, if he does not notice me nothing bad will happen, surely. Well tomorrow I will start on some type of fencing or defence, ha there will always be time for work. So after a day of cutting down trees I think I have enough wood to build some sort of wall, it will not be some fancy castle walls but it will be enough, I hope at least. Let's just make some food then go to sleep tomorrow will be rough.