
Hold me in your dreams

Hunted by terrible memories from their past ,Elate and Lira tries running away from them . Those terrible memories follows them everywhere they go and refuses to let them go . They lost few People on the way ,their loved once and some enemies . Elate tries forgetting about the death of her mother that was caused by her Father's mistress ,as she struggle with forgiving her Father for cheating . Lira on the other hand wants to forget the man who once turned her life into a nightmare,but why is he suddenly obsessed if he hated her ? . Follow the journey of finding their purpose in life ,forgiving and loving . . " were you really going to leave without informing me ? " her eyes watched him at that moment,the rain was pouring. The man had an umbrella on while she was standing there without it . .' I was .....why must I tell you ? what are you to me ? your just someone I rescued because I was bored " The man rolled his eyes . If you were to listen closely you could hear the crack in his voice. " I ..I ..I don't find you entertaining anymore. " he told her with his cold eyes . That once upon time hold emotions for her . " I...I'm cold " . Please add to your library.

letgo232 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

911 ?

Elate didn't find the need to talk to Jason anymore . Their relationship was merely that of roommates.

She didn't bother eating as she went to school without greeting them . Jason felt a pinch again .

" do .. do you think I over did it ? " he looked at Shelly with confused eyes

" no hunny you were Only trying to help yo.. "

" she hates me now . Elate used to love me more than her mom . " he stood up and went out .

They didn't notice that lonely figure of a 10 years old looking at them . His eyes looked so lonely that you'll be surprised if you saw him at that moment you'll feel so sorry for him . He wanted to be loved once upon time but due to unforseen circumstances he didn't receive any love . Once upon time his mother abused him telling him how useless he was, she told him how he could not attract his father,at that moment he could not get it at all .now he does,he really do . He looked at the lonely figure of his sister before going to school . The school was near their house so he didn't need anyone to take him .

Alex wasn't bad looking , infact he was handsome . The only problem was he was always quite which made it hard for peeps to approach him.

( author note ; I wanted you guys to take a note of all characters' suffering ) .


Elate got to school but Brittany was nowhere to be found. She saw Lira from a distant,she ran to her .

" Lee where's Bre ? " she watched the distracted Lira .

" Lee " she shook her .

" I just got to school and don't shake me I heard you " Lira laughed as she shook Elate back.

" let me try calling her " she took out her phone ,the phone rang twice and someone picked it up .

" hello who's this ? "

" I'm looking for Brittany" Elate was shocked by the voice that came ,it was Brittany's phone wasn't it ?

" Brittany's not available now " The voice said quickly and then hang up the phone fast.

They were writing their last paper today right?

" I have a bad feeling about this " Lira said quietly .

" same ,this days life is so draining".

" you can say that again,I'm glad we are writing English today, I didn't hold a book las night " lira said hugging Elate .

" we together in that ,I'm starting to worry , I pray we get in Arcadia University or else "

" we kill the own of the university " Lira threaten making Elate bust in laughter.


A man sitting on a chair , darkness surrounded him ,with smoke from the cigarette making him appear even more mysterious.

" sir , the chopper is ready " a man suddenly came in ,even him as a man ,he could deny his master's beauty. The guy looked like a God .

He open his mouth his deep voice was heard " wait for me princess " .


.Even after the exam Brittany did not show up . Lira and Elate were called to come to the office.

" why is miss Miller not in school? " the dean asked as he looked at them.

They were also confused.

" we don't know sir " Lira said quietly.

" you two ,I hope you really don't know because if you do you'll be in big trouble. "

They were dismissed. Both of them rushed to Brittany's house.

They knocked on the door hard . no one answered the door .

They opened the door and got in .

" Bre ,Bre ! Brittany " the called her .

They found the house dirty ,with blood stains there and there . Furniture turned it looked horrible.

They went to room to room it was 4 rooms house. They went to Brittany's room , checked her wardrobe,her clothes were still there .

Everything was in place ,but her blanket was not there ,a huge patch of blood was there.

" Lira call the police ,this seems serious " Elate was panicking.

" hello 911 ...we at ****** we need help fast ... it's ....I think our friend was murdered here." Lira was crying while talking.

Elate started crying along with her .

They rushed out . Pacing everywhere.

30 minutes later , sirens filled the road . About 10 cars following each other, and the black car came .Dusk was worried sick when he felt her crying . The link was becoming weak since they weren't seeing each other often .

" El " Dusk rushed out of his car disheveled ,he saw her baby girl with tears in her eyes ,and those police cars made him even more scared .

" Dusk..you ..you are here ? " Elate was surprised with Dusk's appearance there .

" yes , what's going on? " he asked as he pulled her into his warm embrace .

" I think Brittany was murdered. "

" shh don't cry princess. "

The police arrived there and the place suddenly became a crime scene.

" I'm detective marten , I need you two to come to the police station for some questioning with me " he said as he showed them his batch .

" I'll take them there don't worry officer . " Dusk told the man .

" let's go princess. " The three of them walked towards the car and got in .

4 cars left while some ,had some investigation to do .


" when last did you talk to your friend? " the officer asked.

" few days ago, about 3 days ago we went to a hotel to sleep there "

" the tree of you? "

i don't know about you guys ,but this chapters were draining for me ...

letgo232creators' thoughts