
I love your taste

You bast..d what are you doing...

Qing yaun opens the door and look Xao Lu and grabs her face and kisses her forcefully...

Xao Lu tries to push him but her strength was not working this time maybe because she drank wine she couldn't push him. She let a light moan in his lips and she notice that he smirked while kissing her..

** Qing Yaun's point of view**

When I saw her saying bad things about me I couldn't stop myself from going over and make myself clear but when i reached she was not happy seeing me Was I the only one missing her?

What's happening to me?

why... Why I can't be myself from the morning?

Since I met her at the morning outside the cafe when I saw Her big and shinning eyes I couldn't help myself to look at her.

plus she's so thin when I grabbed her from one hand to support her, her waist was so thin and soft I wanna touch her again. I didn't imagined she would be the one I was going to meet today grandpa forced me to come on this meeting. after that when I first saw her this time her eyes were so shinning I could help myself so I rushed over and kissed her. Her lips was so soft when I was about to enter her mouth she pushed me and slaps me I ignored the slap but I just couldn't let her go this time so I followed her I saw her walking into the restaurant. After waiting for 2 hour I saw her With two man and one of them was carrying her friend but I saw the affection on the other man's eye I don't know why I got jealous I saw her smiling happily towards the man. but why she doesn't smile when I meet her why she always gets angry.

I thought she will just drop her friend to the car go by her car. But I saw she also went inside the car I got so angry and the other guy touched her and she

didn't even said anything they were laughing I wanted to go over and kill that man but I couldn't so I decided to follow her all these time I saw her. they were laughing I was getting more and more angry. suddenly she pop's her head out from the window and faces towards me I couldn't hold my angry I gave her a warning to leave the car but she ignored my angry and gets near the guy I got even angry she just saw me and she dares to go near other man how could she.

I got many calls till now but I saw her name flashing on the screen I picked up hurriedly and asked Xao Lu and when she replied saying my name in return I smiled. Hearing my name from her it felt good even though she was angry. I warned her again that leave the car and come to me I will drop you home but she refused so I said that I will kill that man. she.. She stood up for other man how could she

she hung up so I look forward and saw at the man in the driving seat looking at me I gave him a deadly Stare. He soon stops the car and went in the building with her friend I thought the doors will be closed so I asked Xao Lu to open but she ignored me again this girl she dares to ignore me so many times wait till I open the door I look at the door and noticed that the door is unlock that jerk didn't lock the door good thing so I opened the door and I felt good when I hear her cursing the man so he is just a friend.

I rush near her to pick her up. My eyes fell on her lips. I remembered the kiss we had 3 hours ago. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her why her lips are like cloud so soft and at the same time it tastes like honey. I place one hand on her back and pull her closer and kissed her.

I just can't get enough of her lips. She thinks she can surpass my strength how foolish or her but i kinda like her this side also after 5 minutes she gave up "haha finally she gave up " I smirked while thinking she noticed that and she actually bite me how dare she no one bite me till now. I really underestimated her.


After a while Qing Yaun let go Xao Lu

"Cough Yo.... you..Cough" Xao Lu tries to catch her breath.

Qing Yaun hits Xao Lu's head with a finger and said You idiot you don't know how to breath while kissing.

"How would I know how to kiss I never kissed anyone before you took my first kiss you forcefully kissed me and now.. " Xao Lu suddenly realised what she said and thought. Shit what have I said he must be thinking highly of himself now that bas...d.

So I was your first kiss that's good than I will teach you how to kiss"It's so great I don't know why I feel so happy when she said that" Qing yaun happily picks Xao Lu and walks towards his car and said Darling you are coming with me I am gonna teach you everything what happens after kissing.

No you bas..d Let go of me I don't want to go with you why don't you ask one of girlfriends to come and serves you Xao Lu said in angry while kicking him.

Darling Behave If you don't I have so many other ways to make you. Qing Yaun Gave a glaze at her to make her stop.

Xao Lu got scared so she stops.

That's like a good girl "muah" Qing Yaun said and kisses her forehead and place her in the car sit.

So where is your home give me your address. Qing yaun ask while fetching the seat belt.

DON'T YOU KNOW ALREADY WHERE I LIVE why bother asking plus i already know that you investigated me. Xao Lu said and looked outside the window.

Hahaha you are one smart girl. Okay let's go. Qing yaun starts the car.

RING.... RING.... RING...

Qing Yaun's phone rang multiple times but he ignored Xao got irritated by the phone so she decides to say something to break the silence though the phone was ringing non of them said anything.


Qing Yaun looks at the phone and finally decides to answer.

"HELLO BABY I MISS YOU" a girl's voice came through the Phone Xao Lu also heard it and she looked at Qing Yaun she was waiting to see what he's going to say.

Maria am busy now I will call you back Qing Yaun says in angrily

BABY please don't get angry on me I know I shouldn't disturb you but I miss your touch it's been so long you touched me please come tonight I will wait for you.

Xao Lu already decided that she will not think about him and let these love birds talk so she looked outside the window again to the scenery.

Sorry Maria I can't make it to... Qing Yaun looks over Xao Lu to notice that she doesn't care about his business with other girls. While looking at her he notices that she is not that bad she looks pretty." I have something to eat"someone" outside so I can't make it tonight" After finishing the sentence he hung up.

Xao Lu heard his words but still didn't looks at him. So he pull her chin from one hand and kiss her. it was a quick kiss but he wants more but he let go of her and focused on driving.

You Bas...d if you wanna kiss just go to her why are you kissing me. Xao Lu said while wiping her mouth.

But You taste better than anyone I slept with I wanna taste your whole body. Qing yaun shamelessly said and winks towards her.

Xao Lu felt disgusted so she just turns her head.

Soon they reached Xao Lu's home

When they reached Qing Yaun looks at her. She was sleeping. Sleeping like a baby she looks so cute while sleeping so he thought to carry her upstairs he opens the door and picks her up and walks towards the entrance. He already ordered the bodyguards to open the door and wait for him.

Mmmm. Xao Lu felt warm so she rubbed her head on Qing Yaun's chest.

Darling don't play with the fire behave or else don't blame me for what happens next am already so patients towards you.

"Master you called me here" An Old women's voice came so he looks up and found Aunt Su standing at the Xao's door.

Aunt Su sorry to disturb you late can you please clean her up. Qing yaun said in normal voice.

Yes Master guards please take miss Lu into the bathroom with me. Aunt Su ordered two guards to take Xao Lu away.

"Yes Aunt Su" two guards reply in response.

NO NEED I will take her there by myself you please follow me. Qing yaun said and made them to stop where they were.

they looks at eachother and Stop themselves from moving.

But Master you don't have to do this let the guards do that. Aunt Su said in hurry when she notices that Qing Yaun was walking inside.

Aunt Su just follow me. Qing Yaun said not looking at Aunt Su.

Yes Master. Aunt Su follow behind them.

What a small house. Qing Yaun place Xao Lu in bathtub and left the room.


Hello? okay I will be right there don't rush about this matter. Qing Yaun answer the phone and came back into the bedroom to notice that Xao Lu was sleeping soundly he smile at how she doesn't care about the world and sleeping soundly he walks near her and kiss her forehead and then kiss her lips. Sleep well Darling you got lucky today but what about tomorrow.

Qing yaun turns and look at Aunt Su and says thank you for coming so late I will let the guards drop you now.

Ammmm Master is she going to be one of your girlfriends? Aunt Su asks seriously and everyone looks at eachother and then at Aunt Su.

Aunt Su please leave for now you don't need to think about this matter and don't inform to mother about her. Qing Yaun said harshly.

Yes Master Sorry for over stepping my boundaries. I and the guards will go back first. Aunt Su bows and signal the guards to go.

Qing Yaun locks the door and leave Xao Lu's home.