
Hokage God-Level Development

Travel to the world of Hokage to become Namikaze Minato, the handsome and invincible Fourth Hokage. Originally super talent plus a god-level development system has created an invincible Fourth Hokage. The first stage of Fire Style is developed to reward fire elements, which can make people elemental. The first stage of physique development is completed and the Sage Body is rewarded. From then on, Minato no longer has to worry about not having enough Chakra, because it has become Chakra. The first stage of space development is completed, and I can instantly reach wherever I can see. I no longer need to engrave spells. The most important thing is that there is still a private space, which is simply the rhythm of the sky. Not only that, but when the second stage of development was completed, Minato gained a more powerful ability. From then on, the name of Fourth Hokage resounded throughout the ninja world, and he was also known as the strongest Hokage in history. Seeing how Fourth Hokage led Konoha to the peak, what Danzo, what elders all had to kneel in front of the domineering Minato. ..

DXRACER · Anime e quadrinhos
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100 Chs

Chapter 94

"Minato, remember, before you become strong, only God knows about Wood Style, you know me, do you understand?At the end, Tsunade once again blessed."Um, what kind of strength is needed to cast Wood Style?"Minato scratched his head, a little puzzled, I'm already a strong Kage-level, so I shouldn't need to hide it."Whenever you become Kage-level and at the same height as me, you can use Wood Style."Tsunade said proudly that Tsunade is very happy to have become a Kage-level at a young age."This, that, if you're talking about Kage-level, I think I've reached it."Minato said with some embarrassment, after all, this is slapping Tsunade in the face.Sure enough, Tsunade's expression changed, and he looked at Minato in shock.Seeing this, Minato had no choice but to show his hand and created a Shadow Clone.Then a Wind Style-Spiral Shuriken gave Tsunade a glimpse of his strength."You go, I have nothing to say, you can decide whether you want to use Wood Style or not.After Tsunade was stunned for a long time, he chased Minato away with a very dark face.There was no way, the speed of the face slap made her completely unprepared.And Minato's age 800 is so low, but his strength has surpassed himself.Yes, go beyond yourself. She asked herself that she couldn't keep up with the Wind Style just now, and this guy Minato also has the Flying Thunder God Technique. If she fights against her, she will definitely lose.Even with his combat experience, Minato won't lose much to her, so it's a complete defeat against Minato Tsunade.It's no wonder that Tsunade is happy when her older sister is compared to her younger brother, especially at the beginning when she brazenly said: When will you reach my level.It's so embarrassing to throw it home, isn't it?Minato shrugged helplessly, then exited the Senju clan's house and went back to the village.With Wood Style, Minato has one more development level to continue.But this is nothing to him, just a few more Shadow Clone to practice Wood Style.In his spare time every day, Minato uses his own Shadow Clone to practice."Ding, congratulations, the first stage of Host Fire Style reached 100%.""Ding, congratulations to Host for starting the second phase of Fire Style development.""Ding, congratulations to Host for learning $-level Fire Style Ninjutsu-Fengwu Jiutian and all S-level and below Fire Style Ninjutsu." (bhej)As the sound of the promotion sounded, Minato felt happy, but it was not over yet."Ding, congratulations on reaching 100% in the first stage of Host Lightning Style."Ding, congratulations to Host for opening the second stage of Lightning Style's development of lightning elements.""Ding, congratulations to Host for learning S-level Fire Style ninjutsu-Kirin and all S-level and below Lightning Style ninjutsu."Then there is."Ding, congratulations Host Wind Style reached 100% in the first stage.""Ding, congratulations to Host for opening the second stage of wind element development of Wind Style.""Ding, congratulations to Host for learning S-level Wind Style ninjutsu-Dayu Spiral Shuriken and all S-level and below Wind Style ninjutsu.All three escapisms were developed to 100% all of a sudden, which made Minato very happy.And he can finally elementalize, and his elementalization is very easy to use, except for the attack of mutual restraint energy, other attacks are useless to his elementalization.That is to say, if he is in the fire element state, then only Water Style ninjutsu can cause damage to him, and it must be a very powerful Water Style ninjutsu.Otherwise, as soon as the Water Style reaches the edge, it will be evaporated into water vapor by the powerful fire element.At that time, don't say anything about putting out the fire, it's not bad if you don't burn yourself.Moreover, after elementalization, Minato no longer needs to use ninjutsu to use seals, and he can use ninjutsu as he wants, and the mobile fortress is officially formed.After that, Minato will take his students out to do missions frequently, and of course, he will often dispatch missions with Mikoto.As for the Jiraiya class, after all three of them became Jōnin, they had already disbanded.Changfeng, he joined Anbu, because his students all died in a battle, it has to be said that the dragon is the dragon.In that battle, even though Changfeng tried his best to stop the enemy, his three ineffective students still died in the mission.From then on, Changfeng no longer wanted to be a team leader, and finally applied to Hokage to join Anbu.In this way, three years have passed, and the time has come to the 39th year of Konoha, and the second Ninja World War has completely ended before.Kushina, Nawaki, and Zhiwei have all become ninjas who can stand on their own.Of course, there is also the Ino–Shika–Chō trio, and their cooperation has become more and more tacit.Of course, as the students grew up, the Minato class and the Mikoto class also existed in name only, and both started their own tasks and practice.But they will always contact each other from time to time.And after these three years of continuous missions and killing enemies, it has been developed, as well as my own Shadow Clone practice day and night.Minato's strength goes one step further."The system looks at my properties panel.Host: Namikaze MinatoAge: 15Strength level: Elementary Kage-levelNinjutsu: Various Fire Styles, Various Wind Styles, Various Lightning Styles, Various Sealing Techniques, Various Wood Styles, Various Flying Thunder God Techniques, Space Teleportation, Eye of Insight, Perception.Taijutsu: Leaf Great Whirlwind, Leaf Strong Whirlwind, Konoha Bad RockIllusion: Narakumi Technique, Dark Walk Technique,Fire element development rate 22.6%Lightning Style Phase 1 development rate 23.2%The development rate of the first phase of Wind Style is 22.9%.Sage Body Development 41.6%Spiritual development 98.9%The development degree of the second stage of the space is 13.6The development rate of the second stage of the seal is 16.9%Comprehensive Strength: Advanced Kage-levelThe strength in the past three years can be said to have been greatly improved. Due to the growth of the body, I have improved in all aspects, and finally became a Kage-level, and my overall strength has reached the advanced Kage-level. It can be said that it has increased dramatically.And with the development of the first stage of the space reaching 100%, Minato already has a portable space, and within a short distance, there is no need for coordinates at all, and wherever the gaze goes, it can teleport in space.As for the sealing technique, when the development rate reaches 100%, it also gets a very powerful ability, that is, the defensive enchantment.He can set up a powerful defensive barrier in his home or anywhere. If the strength is not more than three times his, then this defensive barrier will not be broken.This is an absolutely practical skill to save others when it is critical to protect your own lair.Think about it, when you are fighting with others, you can directly send the person you need to protect with an enchantment, and then you can fight the enemy with peace of mind.What a use it is. .