
Hokage God-Level Development

Travel to the world of Hokage to become Namikaze Minato, the handsome and invincible Fourth Hokage. Originally super talent plus a god-level development system has created an invincible Fourth Hokage. The first stage of Fire Style is developed to reward fire elements, which can make people elemental. The first stage of physique development is completed and the Sage Body is rewarded. From then on, Minato no longer has to worry about not having enough Chakra, because it has become Chakra. The first stage of space development is completed, and I can instantly reach wherever I can see. I no longer need to engrave spells. The most important thing is that there is still a private space, which is simply the rhythm of the sky. Not only that, but when the second stage of development was completed, Minato gained a more powerful ability. From then on, the name of Fourth Hokage resounded throughout the ninja world, and he was also known as the strongest Hokage in history. Seeing how Fourth Hokage led Konoha to the peak, what Danzo, what elders all had to kneel in front of the domineering Minato. ..

DXRACER · Anime e quadrinhos
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100 Chs

Chapter 91

Minato rolled his eyes when he heard that, Jiraiya's level of narcissism is no one else."This is not the real way to advance Rasengan, I'll let you know what is the real way to advance Rasengan later."Minato smiled mysteriously, and did not immediately use the spiral shuriken.It made Jiraiya feel itchy, but helpless, and cursed: This is too unlovable, always teasing him as a master.So Jiraiya decided to teach him well, biting his fingers and making mudras quickly with both hands."boom.After a burst of smoke cleared, a huge toad appeared under Jiraiya's feet, it was Bunta Toad."Jiraiya, what are you summoning for, are there any Minato enemies?"After Gama Wentai came out, he looked around warily, but he didn't see an enemy, so he roared unhappily. "Four Five Zero""Haha, there are no enemies at all, but I am fighting against Minato and want to test his strength, so I summon you.Jiraiya scratched her head, explaining awkwardly."You are insane, what are you two masters and apprentices calling me to do? If you are mentally ill, go to the doctor.Gama Bunta complained about Jiraiya very disrespectfully, then canceled the Summoning spell with a "bang" and went back to Mount Myōboku.And Jiraiya, who lost Bunta's support, suddenly fell from mid-air.Fortunately, Jiraiya reacted quickly enough and didn't dump a shit."Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."A burst of crows flew over Jiraiya's head, making him feel like eating roasted crows."Pfft, hahahaha..."The three little hairy kids squatted on the ground hugging their bellies and laughing wildly.As expected of Mr. Jiraiya, he can make people laugh out loud wherever he goes.Minato also glanced at Jiraiya speechlessly, are you sure you're not a tease sent by Toad?"Ahem, the one just now doesn't count, we'll keep going."Jiraiya was cheeky, when what happened just now hadn't happened."boom."A Shadow Clone appears next to Minato.The Shadow Clone and the main body formed seals at the same time. Seeing this, Jiraiya was shocked, and immediately separated the Shadow Clone to start seals.The powerful combined power of Great Fire Quenching and Great Breakthrough turned into overwhelming flames and rushed towards Jiraiya.And Jiraiya's seal was also completed at the same time, the body spit out oil, and Shadow Clone's powerful Fire Style combined into an alternative toad oil flame bullet to meet Minato's combined ninjutsu.Two Fire Styles of unrivaled power and range meet in the sky."Crackling." The sound kept ringing, as if it was going to burn him for days and nights.However, Minato and Jiraiya ignored this Fire Style in their hearts.I didn't expect Fire Style to be evenly matched.What Jiraiya thinks is that Minato's strength has grown to this point, maybe he has reached Kage-level.On the other hand, Minato wants to be worthy of being a Kage-level, and his Fire Style, which is going all out, is even on par with Jiraiya."Zizizi - chirp chirp..."Under the flames, Minato turned on the Lightning Style Chakra Mode, not only that, Chidori's thousands of bird songs also sounded at the same time.The whole person is like the god of thunder coming down to earth, and the surrounding area is constantly flickering with lightning and lightning arcs.The ground under his feet was torn apart by that terrifying state."f**k, this kid is so good at playing, but with this kid's aura, if he is not Kage-level, I wouldn't believe it if he was killed. Unexpectedly, the disciple's strength has caught up to the master.But as a teacher, I am not so easy to throw in the towel, come on, look at Rasengan as a teacher.I saw that the small balls in Jiraiya's hands continued to expand for a moment, and finally turned into big balls, which is not counted. With the continuous addition of Chakra, they finally turned into giant balls. "This is Massive Rasengan.As expected of Jiraiya, I just took a look at the condensation process of Minato Big Ball Rasengan, knew the principle, and used it on the spot.In the future, after Jiraiya learns the art of immortality, she will become a Sage Art Massive Rasengan, which will be even more powerful."grumble...…"After all, it was not a duel of life and death. Seeing that Jiraiya was ready, Minato turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards him.Along the way, Chidori's birdsong resounded through the valley, and wherever Minato passed, the ground collapsed.Jiraiya also rushed towards Minato with her Massive Rasengan..."boom!"Two ninjutsu that were infinitely close to S rank collided at this moment, causing a huge commotion.A gust of wind like a tenth-level typhoon blew away from the middle of the two major ninjutsu, blowing Jiraiya and Minato away one after another.It depends on the three little fur kids not far from you are holding on to the trees to prevent themselves from being blown away, which shows how strong the wind is.And without the delivery of Minato and Jiraiya Chakra, Massive Rasengan and Chidori also exploded completely at this moment.The violent energy swept all around, everything was ruthlessly destroyed, and the earth began to crack and sink inch by inch.It took a long time before the violent energy calmed down, and the strong wind stopped.It's just that the messy scene represented how fierce the confrontation was just now."This, is this the strength of the senior brother, to be able to fight with the teacher to such an extent." Yahiko stared blankly at the ground that seemed to have been ravaged by natural disasters, his heart and ears shaking.Konan and Uzumaki Nagato, who were relatively silent, were not much better. Although they spoke, my stunned expression proved their inner shock."Hahahaha, boy, you are indeed my Jiraiya's disciple. When did you enter Kage-level?"Jiraiya had a positive expression on his face. He didn't hold back the Massive Rasengan just now, but he still only played a tie with Minato1.4. He still doesn't know Minato's true strength."I just entered not long ago." Minato said modestly."Haha, what I'm most happy about is accepting you as an apprentice. The 12-year-old Kage-level is simply unprecedented. As for whether it is unprecedented or not [that is not something I can guess." 1Jiraiya praised Minato without hesitation, his disciple he can proudly say: Minato is the real number one genius of this era, even First Hokage absolutely did not have this ability when he was 12 years old.But Minato's achievements are enough for him to brag about for a lifetime, and he can also show off in front of Orochimaru and Tsunade. His apprentice has already caught up, and he will surpass him as a master in a short time. .