
Hokage God-Level Development

Travel to the world of Hokage to become Namikaze Minato, the handsome and invincible Fourth Hokage. Originally super talent plus a god-level development system has created an invincible Fourth Hokage. The first stage of Fire Style is developed to reward fire elements, which can make people elemental. The first stage of physique development is completed and the Sage Body is rewarded. From then on, Minato no longer has to worry about not having enough Chakra, because it has become Chakra. The first stage of space development is completed, and I can instantly reach wherever I can see. I no longer need to engrave spells. The most important thing is that there is still a private space, which is simply the rhythm of the sky. Not only that, but when the second stage of development was completed, Minato gained a more powerful ability. From then on, the name of Fourth Hokage resounded throughout the ninja world, and he was also known as the strongest Hokage in history. Seeing how Fourth Hokage led Konoha to the peak, what Danzo, what elders all had to kneel in front of the domineering Minato. ..

DXRACER · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Chapter 33

In the forest, the two figures stopped from time to time to check for possible traces around them.They are Uchiha Mikoto and Minato."I didn't find anything here," Mikoto said to Minato after checking for four weeks."I didn't find it either, so let's keep looking." After Minato finished speaking, he and Uchiha Mikoto looked around again.An hour had passed since they left the cave.But searched around to no avail.This made Minato think, it seems that the other party is not a simple person, otherwise ordinary bandits would not clean up the traces so cleanly.So could it be that people from other countries came here and pretended to be bandits, and then carried out ulterior motives? Minato made a wild guess.This is not impossible, now is the time of war, some countries cannot keep up with supplies, it is very possible to come to the country of fire to fight the autumn wind, and in order not to attract Konoha's attention, they only rob those merchants.But I also blame them for being too frequent. After the number of times increased, someone finally issued a task to Konoha. If this continues, there is no need to make money. Some people even lost the second batch of goods.Thinking of this, Minato decided to wait 2 hours to discuss with Jiraiya.After searching for a while, there was still no Minato clue. Minato took Uchiha Mikoto back to the cave, and after a while Jiraiya and the others also came."We didn't get anything, what about you?" Seeing Jiraiya, Minato immediately reported the results of the investigation."We didn't either. It's strange. Could it be that the location on the task list was added, or that these bandits have already escaped." Jiraiya said doubtfully."Mr. Jiraiya, maybe the situation is not what we think. The information on the task list may be wrong. Those people are not ordinary bandits, but ninjas from other countries." Minato told Jiraiya his guess."Oh, after what you said, I found out that we have indeed entered a dead end. I only searched based on the information provided on the mission list. I didn't think that the person who issued the mission might not understand the situation at all."Jiraiya suddenly realized, it was a bit embarrassing, such a simple question was only told to him by his apprentice, and he found out the abnormality."Let's take a break first, eat something to replenish our physical and mental strength, and then we will go to those inaccessible places to search." Minato continued to propose.Jiraiya looked at Minato with admiration. Although it was the first mission, the arrangements were well organized. In the future, he must be a powerful ninja who can stand on his own.The three of Jiraiya and the others were just about to take out the military food pills and dry food to eat, but found that Minato was not prepared at all."Haha, tell you not to prepare, boy, there is nothing to eat now, do you want me to give you some." Jiraiya chuckled, and finally caught Minato's embarrassment to be ridiculed. God knows that he was ridiculed by this disciple recently How miserable."No need, I have something to eat." Minato curled his lips, he didn't care at all, if you have the ability, don't beg me later, old pervert."Minato, I have a lot of dry food here, let me give you some." The still gentle Uchiha Mikoto didn't say much, and directly slapped Jiraiya in the face with practical actions."Thank you, it's not like some lecherous toad, but also the master." Minato took the dry food handed over by Uchiha Mikoto, and started to eat."Tch, it's not just me who didn't give it to you, didn't Changfeng give it to you either?" Jiraiya pointed at Moonlight Changfeng unconvinced.Moonlight Changfeng silently ate dry food without speaking, he himself suffered from facial paralysis."Whoosh!"With a flash of golden light, a figure appeared beside Minato, which turned out to be his Shadow Clone.It's just that his Shadow Clone is holding a freshly roasted roast chicken."boom!"After taking the roast chicken, Minato disarms Shadow Clone."Here, thank you for the dry food just now." Minato tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Uchiha Mikoto."Thank you Minato." Who wants to eat dry food when they have roast chicken, and it doesn't matter where it came from.Then Minato tore off Vice Admiral's other chicken leg under Jiraiya's expectant gaze, and put it in his mouth.Jiraiya was dumbfounded when he saw it, the bastard's chicken legs were not for himself."What are you looking at, eat your dry food." Facing Jiraiya's gaze, Minato snapped fiercely, and then took a bite of the chicken leg.Jiraiya exploded immediately, this kid is too hateful, he must be taught a good lesson."Where did you get the roast chicken from? Do you know that you can't cook for this kind of mission, otherwise what will you do if the enemy finds out?" Jiraiya taught Minato righteously.Just looking at the grilled chicken in Minato's hand from time to time, revealing his true thoughts."Don't worry, my Shadow Clone baked it in a very far away place, and then sent it over with the Flying Thunder God Technique." Minato waved his hand and said nonchalantly.