
Hokage God-Level Development

Travel to the world of Hokage to become Namikaze Minato, the handsome and invincible Fourth Hokage. Originally super talent plus a god-level development system has created an invincible Fourth Hokage. The first stage of Fire Style is developed to reward fire elements, which can make people elemental. The first stage of physique development is completed and the Sage Body is rewarded. From then on, Minato no longer has to worry about not having enough Chakra, because it has become Chakra. The first stage of space development is completed, and I can instantly reach wherever I can see. I no longer need to engrave spells. The most important thing is that there is still a private space, which is simply the rhythm of the sky. Not only that, but when the second stage of development was completed, Minato gained a more powerful ability. From then on, the name of Fourth Hokage resounded throughout the ninja world, and he was also known as the strongest Hokage in history. Seeing how Fourth Hokage led Konoha to the peak, what Danzo, what elders all had to kneel in front of the domineering Minato. ..

DXRACER · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs

Chapter 15

After Uchiha left, a figure came out from another room. He was Uchiha Hiroshi's son, Uchiha Fugaku."Father, is it really okay to let the Great Elder continue to make trouble like this?" Uchiha Fugaku looked at the back of the Great Elder worriedly."Fugaku, if you want to become the patriarch, the Great Elder is the biggest obstacle, because Uchiha Hui is comparable to your strength and is your strongest competitor. Now he abolishes you and is the only heir to the patriarch.But I'm afraid that they will not be willing to come out to obstruct it at that time, so let the power of the Great Elder's line be weakened a little, so that you can sit in the position of patriarch 100% from now on. "Hearing Uchiha Hiroshi's words, Uchiha Fugaku nodded and didn't bother anymore.…Here, after Uchiha Ye returned home, he asked the guards to bring Uchiha Ma Hui and Uchiha Qing Hui back to Gulai, and before they got rid of the commoner, they let out a bad breath first.He didn't forget that the cause of everything was brought by these two brothers.If it weren't for them, his grandson would still be one of the patriarch's candidate heirs, and now he would have nothing, and everything would be cheaper than that bastard Uchiha Hiroshi.Hiroshi Uchiha will not be allowed to succeed so easily.Soon the two pale and powerless Uchiha tribesmen were dragged over by the guards."Grandpa, please forgive me. We know we were wrong. We shouldn't have encouraged my cousin. Please let us go." As soon as the two saw Uchiha, they immediately ran over on their knees, crying and begging for mercy. "Bang bang bang" kowtow.They never imagined that it was just an ordinary shaker, how could it become like this after renting out? If they knew that things would turn out like this, they wouldn't dare to encourage Uchiha Hui to avenge them for them if they were killed."Don't worry, I won't kill you, but you should lie on the bed with your cousin for the rest of your life, so as to show the friendship between you brothers."Uchiha squinted his eyes, and let out a cold and ruthless breath. The words he said made Uchiha Qinghui feel like they were in an ice cave."No, grandpa, please let us go." The two of them immediately stepped forward, but were stopped by Uchiha's subordinates."Do it." Out of sight, Uchiha turned his head and urged."Yes, Great Elder.""Aww ow!"Two miserable voices came from the mouths of Uchiha Qinghui and his brothers. Their spines were completely interrupted like Uchiha Qinghui, and they could only spend their lives in bed......."Ding, congratulations to Host for defeating an Elite Chunin, the random reward space development rate is 10%."When Minato defeated Uchiha Ash, the system prompt arrived immediately.It's really cool to reward 10% of the space development. This space is the most difficult to upgrade. Now with this 10%, Minato's space development rate has reached 20%.However, I still need to improve my strength as soon as possible, and strive to develop my physique to 100%, so that when it comes, I will have Sage Body rewards, more Chakra, and better use of Flying Thunder God Technique.In this way, it is also easy to face the next attack of the Uchiha clan.But Minato knows that the situation must be calm now, and Uchiha Hui's relatives will not be so stupid as to come to take revenge now, they will definitely wait until everyone has forgotten the matter before dealing with Minato.This also gave Minato time to grow his strength."Good boy, what happened at the last moment, we thought you were going to be seriously injured, but who knew that you disappeared all of a sudden, and then appeared behind Uchiha Hui, and killed him in one blow, which made us worry long time."Lu Jiu came over and complained, Haiyi and Ding Zuo also nodded in agreement, they were really taken aback just now."Haha, I can't say this for the time being, anyway, you will know in the future." Minato said haha, the matter of Flying Thunder God Technique should be used as a trump card, no one can know at all now.Because it was only used once, everyone didn't know what was going on, except for Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya, others didn't know that it was a space-time ninjutsu."Don't talk if you don't say it, but don't do it next time, if our hearts are not big enough, we really can't stand your scare." Lu Jiu punched Minato in the chest angrily.Seeing this, the others also punched Minato, expressing their dissatisfaction for the first time."Haha, thank you for your concern, but it's getting late now, it's time to go home." Minato scratched his head and began to change the subject.Seeing this, the three didn't say much, telling Minato to be careful and not to mess around, and went home.And Minato is also very responsible to send his little Nana home."You did well today.""What performance?""You look like a madman.""Hate it, then you are a wife-protecting madman.""I was originally a wife-protecting madman.""In this way, everyone will be with each other.""Ha ha ha ha....."