


ForgottenIn_Time · Fantasia
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1 Chs


An average person with a rather good life. When she came into this world she was given the name Maria Font which was a rather unusual last name. She had a caring family and she had above average grades and was able to land a decent job at the age of 21. For the first 3 years of her grown up life she was in her parents house to save money although she had 2 part time jobs at different times of the day in order to pay some of the rent and some other things. She wasn't dating anyone because she didn't have her life together yet and she hasn't really found anyone she would want to spend the rest of her life with that she could trust.

Moving out at 22 and able to get a good apartment she had a rather good life as she was saving to get her own house. Her mom died when she turned 26 and her father 2 days after her 28th birthday. All of her other relatives she didn't have a good relationship with and the ones she did all died which was all because of her bad luck. It seems luck didn't want her to be too happy. Finally at the age of 31 she got kidnapped. She was worried that her capturers would perhaps take her v card.

Although that didn't happen. The one who caught her was actually a girl and they tortured her. The lady was doing this because she believed that all other people deserve this because they were the reason that her dog died. Fortunately help came although a bit too late as by the time they got her to the hospital it was too late for her to be saved and she succumbed to her wounds.

Although her mortal body became past tense her soul started to travel around the vast universe aimlessly. After floating around for an unknown amount of time Maria's soul was suddenly sucked into a weapon more specifically a dagger that didn't seem doubtful of the ordinary. This dagger was in the middle of a battlefield with many dead bodies clad in armor along with the bodies that seemed humanoid but with fur, fangs, long ears, etc. Along with these are the bodies of beasts that have never been seen before on earth and only in fantasy books, novels, and other things.

At this moment there were various people all over the battlefield looting the dead bodies of all their valuables. They all had black cloaks on which covered their heads down to their knees. They were people who usually looted dead corpses in order to get things they could sell in the black market since this was illegal, not that the higher ups cared very much. One of these people just so happened to be looting the body of an assassin adventurer who was hired to participate in the war in hopes of living and getting rich. Unfortunately his heart had been pierced by what seemed like ice magic.

The looter who's features could not be seen looked at the condition of his armor and decided to take it since that hole could be fixed up pretty easily. Also most of the armor here has been damaged in one way or another. This one was in better condition than most. She also found his weapon which was a dagger that seemed pretty cheap but she picked it up anyway and unexpectedly the dagger started to glow and the looter's body started to heat up. Knowing what was happening the looter quickly hid their hand in their cloak with the knife and used the other hand to loot another body.

The looter didn't want anything to seem out of the ordinary nor did they want anyone to see the glowing knife under their cloak. After a minute their body temperature had risen by 30 degrees before it finally stopped rising. At this point the looter was laying on the ground from the pain while trying their best not to scream and not to pass out. Luckily they were not like any other looter and were stronger than most although it took all their willpower not to go insane from the pain. The minute felt like hours.

Fortunately for them after all their sweat, pain, and agony their body temperature and the glow from the knife died down. No one was really suspicious of her laying in the ground as they just assumed that they were another person who passed out from hunger or perhaps even died. It was commonplace here since there were not enough people wanting this gear as for as much of the gear that was brought in.

The person got up after an unknown amount of time and took the gear that they had gotten in their cart. No one had stolen anything because some were known to fake being passed out and attacked when someone went to take their equipment so they usually waited a couple hours unless they were desperate.

Walking across the battlefield with their armor and weapon-filled cart along with a dagger hidden beneath their cloak they reach where the army of the kingdom lies. Looking at all the equipment this person has gathered they then proceed to pat them down but a female knight is doing it because this person is a girl.

The female knight opens her cloak and sees the seemingly normal looking knife and touches it to see if she could feel anything special from that knife. Not sensing or seeing anything out of the ordinary and paying the girl 30% of what the equipment is worth before more knights came taking all the equipment. Not exactly fair but the looters wouldn't even be able to collect these things.

After getting her money and putting it in her coin pouch which is hidden on the right side of her hip under her cloak. The girl still had the dagger which she didn't give the knights using the excuse of her wanting a backup weapon. They didn't make her pay for it because they didn't really care about such a small amount of money.

The cart that she had was one that the higher echelons made in order for the looters to carry equipment more efficiently. The girl out the cart where the rest were near the outskirts of the camp and walked to a large circle where there were people appearing and disappearing. This was a teleportation circle where you could teleport to where another teleportation circle is as long as they are not blocked.

Thinking about the destination she wanted to go she soon disappeared and reappeared at another location thousands of miles away. This place looked quite run down as it was a city where nothing was illegal but your actions can still have consequences if you mess with the wrong person or mess up.

Covered by her cloak not allowing any of her features or body shape be known. Being a girl here was not something you would usually want. This person however could use such things to her advantage although there were numerous disadvantages as well. An advantage is that most people would underestimate you which would make them drop their guard and not be as wary.

Making her way to the outskirts of this run down city she was attacked a couple times in a span of 12 minutes although she fended them off quite easily although she didn't kill them because they were quite gifted at running. Eventually she got close to the walls and entered a rather large building with its windows blocked by wood leaving tiny slits to look through. The building was made of stone which was beginning to weather and would need to be replaced rather soon unless the ones inside wanted to be crushed.

She walked up to this building and knocked and soon a variety of locks could be heard. After the noises stopped the door was opened and inside you could see quite a few people with hoods covering their faces and some with robes covering their whole bodies. These people knew that she was apart of their group because of a link that connects them together.

None of these people have actually seen her body or face so they don't know that she is a girl. She walks past most of them in this building that used to be a bar. Walking behind the counter she goes into the door that was behind the counter and closes it as soon as she walks in so the others couldn't see inside.

In this room was an office with a man sitting at a desk looking at her. He soon started talking.

' We both know that you have something that I want. I'm sure you realize that I could just have you killed to get what I want. I'm sure you don't want to do it and I am feeling quite generous today, so for both of our sakes just give it up Sarah. '

The girl known as Sarah knew from the moment she picked up the soul weapon that this guy ,who is her boss, would know of it because of his special magic. She couldn't break his magic and he would know her location at all times so there wasn't really a point in running away. She needed to kill him in order to be free in a sense. She was one of the best fighters here in this establishment although there were 2 who were better. The leader and one other who has shadow magic are most likely hiding in this room.

Unfortunately she didn't have magic but she had this soul weapon and she felt that with it she could use lightning magic although not a lot of it. Maria, who didn't want to waste her breath nor her time, got into a fighting stance with her new knife in her right hand.

At this moment Maria has gained consciousness. During the time she wasn't conscious she was gaining a lot of information. What happened to her, where she was, what she was, and what she could do currently as well as her potential. Maria did indeed have the ability to let her " owner " use lightning of course at the moment she could only allow them to cast 5 lightning spells although it varied considering the spells used.

Also something that has to be known is that soul weapons and sentient weapons are two completely different things. Having a weapon that is both is extremely rare and there were only 7 of those weapons in existence 8 now. The Dragon Empire had 3. The Empire of Death also had 3. The last one was held by the former hero Gerald who now spends his days with beauties and doing nothing else except increasing the world's population of children who grew up without a father that actually did anything for them nor cared for them.

Maria, seeing that her " owner is about to fight" decides to see how things are gonna go before doing anything. Also Maria can't speak to her " owner " before Maria gets to the third grade. Normal, Excellent, Spiritual are the first 3 ranks.

Sarah decides to initiate the fight by running towards the still sitting Boss. Sarah gets within striking distance which is one step away from his desk. She strikes at him with her knife aiming for his throat. Her attack is blocked by a man who sudenely appeared right behind the boss. This man was the strongest person in this place.