
Hogwarts:The white phoenix

Gin_IceHeart · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Abilities and Diagonally


>>White phoenix heart<<

Rating: ???????

Status: semi integrated (25%)


The white phoenix is the very first warmth that was born in this universe. Its was first ever entity to born and witnessed the birth of universe. It rules over flames as well as life. There is no flame that wasn't part of it except death. All the living being respect it and even death is afraid of it. It gave up its heart for next inheritor by using deaths aid.

Grants abilities:

• Fire god

• First ruler

• The source

• ?????

• ?????


Grants authority:

• The master of life (semi sealed)

• The one (sealed)

One time benefits:

• perfect body

• Eyes of Truth

• personal Assistant

• System response



>>Fire God<<

Rating: Mythical

Status: Perfect


As the first warmth that was the reason for different flames it is natural for you to be able to control all and any kind of flames without even trying.



>>First Ruler<<

Rating: Legendary

Status: Perfect


As the first being to be born you have natural authority over others they respect you and are naturally kind to you. As a ruler there mustn't be a language that you cannot speak.

Grants title:

• Noblest blood

• Language master



>>The Source<<

Rating: God

Status: Perfect


As the source of life you have unlimited stamina and energy. Your natural healing ability makes you near immortal. The mana is born within you and being near you naturally recovers yours and your ally magic power.




Rating: ?????

Status: ?????


Conditions not met.


>>Perfect Body<<

Rating: Mythical

Status: Growth type


After bearing pain for several years your body has became almost perfect. After going through pain your body adapts and grows. You are immune to any kind of poison and abnormal condition.


>>Eyes Of Truth<<


Status: Perfect


As the being who witnessed creation of universe you are able to see the truth about everything. You can see the essence of objects and peek into near future. Nothing can hide from your eyes and illusion and mind control don't work on you.


>>Noblest blood<<

Rating: EX

Status: Passive Title


Your blood is most pure. It contains the mana from your heart and has healing and purifying properties. All other are inferior to you so you don't feel fear. All your actions have elegance.


>>Language Master<<

Rating: SSS

Status: Passive title


You can speak any language that you have heard once and can quickly learn how to write it. As a noble being your voice is soothing and most beautiful.


After reading all the screens he closed them. suddenly he heard a female voice in his head

( Hello host this is your assistance that may answer your question except anything related to your transfer because even I don't know.)

' so you are useless for now' afterwards he said aloud:" STATUS "



Name: Gin EmberWing White

Specie: Origin Pheonix (25%)/????

STATS : touch to expand

INVENTORY : touch to expand

INBOX : touch to expand

ABILITIES: touch to expand




Strength : 3

Agility: 2

Endurance: 5

Mana: 15/???


After checking all the data he slept peacefully for the first time in along time.

Next morning when he woke up he could see lupin sitting on the couch.

"Oh you woke up.Good morning lets get to Diagonally when you are ready."

Gin got up and changed his cloths. During so he checked his inventory to see three red gems there. 'Where did these come from?'

(these are your daily funds host. It is a gift for you to live a peaceful life. ) Afterwards he wore a plain mask that covered all his face except for eyes and wore a black hood. Lupin who saw this said "Why the mask?"

"My face brings trouble". Gin replied "It's a waste to hide that face." Gin stayed quiet and didn't respond to him. They got out of the bus and used a normal bis to reach a broken looking old bar. When they entered they could see several tables and various wizards going here and there. After passing through the back door we approached a wall that looked old with trash cans piled up with trash. Lupin knocked a brick with his three times causing it to shake and open. Across the wall one can see various wizards going through market. Gin and lupin also passed through them to reach a huge building.

"Here's the bank now you can do what ever you want afterwards we can leave as I'm not welcome here."

Leaving Lupin behind Gin approached nearby goblin when a screen flashed.

[{..... Ability: First Ruler active ....}]

"Hello" said Gin to near by goblin. The goblin raised his head and showed a surprised expression and again bowed to ask respectfully. "What can I help you with O bearer of noblest blood."

Gin felt amused by his reaction but said I want to exchange it saying so he took out a reb ruby out of his pocket (inventory). The goblin assessing the ruby suddenly stood up and rang a bell. After a while another goblin arrived and bowed saying "I greet the bearer of noblest blood." After saying he paused and went on" Although the market price of the ruby is 50,000 galleons but for you we will make it 55,000 galleons."

As the goblin said he got a reply from Gin " I see exchange these for me and I will like to take them with me".

He exchanged the 165,000 galleons and kept it in his pocket and left the bank. Out side he met with Lupin. After meeting lupin he handed him a bag and said" These are some exchange you can have them as a thanks for taking care of for past few days."

Saying that he handed him the bag and left towards the bar. There he met with the bar owner Tom and asked for a room. Fortunately a room was available at second floor.

When he sat in the room he heard from his AI

(host there is a quest for you to complete)

[ >Growth<

quest : Daily


Although you have unlimited stamina and energy it is useless if you don't have vessel from which it can travel. Make you body strong.

push ups: 10

sit ups: 10

sprint: 100 meters

rewards: stats points 5, mana stats +10

punishment: none. ]

Seeing the quest he smiled and and got up again.