
Hogwarts : I Have the Holy Father System

"DROPPED DROPPED IF YOU WANT TO READ PLEASE READ AT https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system There translation is not good but it is readable i guess ? Due to some issues I have to drop it , °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Sorry but , as you know this is. Chinese fanfic and I was just translating it and Due to some circumstances I will have to drop it , If you want to read you can try other sites that have translated this fanfic Although translation is very bad you can read it at - https://www.fannovel.com/novel/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system.html OR https://novelsemperor.com/series/hogwarts-i-got-the-holy-father-system#google_vignette Or if you want raw - https://wap.faloo.com/1159066.html http://m.14sw.net/book/79223/ . Thanks for reading so far and hope you all stay happy.

One_For_None · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Chapter 14 Mundungus

Hermione's perception of the wizarding world had taken a nosedive during their journey.

They faced sneers and even had a wand pulled on them at the Cauldron Bar. Thankfully, other wizards intervened, and they managed to subdue the aggressor.

This experience, however, left Hermione with a bitter impression of the wizarding world, fueling a growing inferiority complex about her Muggle origin.

The worry lingered in her mind: Would she be accepted at Hogwarts, a school full of wizards?

Would they treat her poorly simply because she was a Muggle-born?

The incident with her father, Mr. Granger, added to her concerns.

He had endured malice in the wizarding world for her sake, but a recent taunt from a self-proclaimed aristocrat had pushed him to object.

As Mr. Granger vented his frustrations, a brave figure, a child not much older than Hermione, stepped forward. The child confronted Mr. Granger and stated, "Even ordinary people are not the existence of your casual bullying!"

Mr. Granger, astonished by the child's courage, inquired if this was the typical behavior of Hermione's future classmates.

Hermione, however, shook her head. She knew better than to assume everyone at Hogwarts shared the same attitude.

Meanwhile, Darren, oblivious to Hermione and Mr. Granger's thoughts, had just received the title of a wand that would not be lost.

Although he found the reward less appealing, he cherished it nonetheless. Unaware of the commotion he was about to cause, Darren had a chance encounter with a Muggle on the street.

A casual laugh led to unexpected taunts from the Muggle, prompting the intervention of a small figure.

The child, standing before Darren, boldly declared, "...Something is coming at me... Even ordinary people are not the existence of your casual bullying!" Darren, though taken aback, remained indifferent.

Little did he know that the child, Mundungus, was plotting a confrontation.

Mundungus, attempting to assert dominance, asked Darren if he knew who he was.

Darren, genuinely unaware, shook his head. Mundungus then concocted a fantastical story about his family's tradition of beheading disobedient children. Both Hermione and Mr. Granger were terrified by this revelation.

Mr. Granger, unfamiliar with the darker aspects of the wizarding world, began questioning the decision to send Hermione to Hogwarts. He contemplated leaving, fearing for their safety.

Hermione, equally frightened, wondered if apologizing to the menacing wizard would spare them from harm.

As tension escalated, the Holy Father system sensed an opportunity for Darren to step forward.

[Ding, sensing that there is room for the Holy Father system to play,  now announces the temporary task, 

pretend to be pales and steps forward,

and says in a trembling and frightened tone:

"Sir, if you kill me, don't kill them, okay? I am willing to die for them. ]

[Ding, after the mission is completed, get the reward for the stealing ability of Montingus, will the host receive the task?] ] 

As temporary task was presented: Darren had to approach Mundungus and plead for their safety.

The system offered a reward for the stealing ability of Mundungus upon completion of the mission.

Darren was left to decide whether to accept the task, unaware of the potential consequences.

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