
Hive overlord

In the magical world of the arcane mages, power is determined by one's rank. In this society, where treachery and cunningness prevail, our protagonist ventures into a world of danger and ambition As Hive Overlord, Lucas must navigate a world teeming with intrigue, treacherous power struggles, and the constant pursuit of survival. Along his journey, he uncovers the secrets and hidden agendas of the ancient civilization of arcane mages, a society with billions of years of history. In this world where only the fittest survive, Lucas rises as a force to be reckoned with, aiming to carve his own path and claim his place among the strongest. Will he succumb to the temptations and pitfalls of power, or will he overcome the challenges that lie ahead, and ascend to the top or fall without reaching his goals? The tale of The Hive Overlord unveils the answer.

Lernean_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


May 21, 2023

It was a gloomy and somber day as rain poured from the darkened sky, casting a melancholic aura over the scene. Lucas lay on the ground, gazing at the gray sky. The raindrops mingled with the crimson streams of blood seeping from his body, bearing the haunting marks of a brutal stabbing. The unsettling juxtaposition of the rain and the blood formed an eerie tableau on the wet ground, intensifying the gravity of the situation.

As Lucas's eyes fixated on the tragic scene, his mind drifted, traversing the corridors of his memories, back to the genesis of his peculiar fascination with insects. From a tender age, he had been captivated by these tiny creatures, marveling at their remarkable adaptations and unwavering resilience. Insects, with their bewildering array of species, appeared to possess an innate ability to overcome any threat, gradually evolving and adapting to their environment with astonishing precision.

Lucas would spend hours immersed in books, delving into the intricate world of entomology. He devoured every scrap of knowledge he could find, eagerly absorbing the stories of these minuscule creatures and their incredible survival tactics. Their ability to thrive amidst the harshest conditions intrigued him, inspiring a sense of admiration and wonder.

The notion of evolution fascinated Lucas deeply. It ignited his imagination and propelled him to explore the possibilities of harnessing the seemingly boundless potential within insects. His thoughts wandered, envisioning a world where their traits could be harnessed and applied to benefit humanity. He believed that by studying and manipulating their genetic codes, he could unlock an uncharted realm of possibilities, perhaps even leading to advancements in medicine, agriculture, or environmental sustainability.

This passion for insects flourished as Lucas grew older, becoming integral to his identity. His dreams were filled with visions of intricate experiments, with laboratories teeming with diverse species of insects, each contributing its unique characteristics to the tapestry of his research. His ambitions soared as high as the lofty peaks of his scientific aspirations.

Yet, as Lucas stared at the grim scene before him, his mind suddenly became fraught with doubt. How had he ended up entangled in this gruesome moment? The raindrops mirrored his inner turmoil as they continued to fall relentlessly from the heavens, as if nature itself mourned the tragic fate that had befallen him.

Lost in his thoughts, Lucas contemplated the twists and turns of his life's journey, searching for answers amid the chaos. The weight of the past pressed upon him as memories surfaced, reminding him of the sacrifices he had made, the risks he had taken, and the choices that had led him to this ominous juncture. Deep down, he knew his fascination with insects had catalyzed extraordinary discoveries and unforeseen consequences.

Now, standing amidst the haunting aftermath of a violent act, Lucas felt a surge of conflicting emotions. The admiration he once held for the resilience of insects seemed tainted as the brutality of the scene unfolded before his eyes. He questioned whether his unwavering curiosity and thirst for knowledge had led him astray, blinding him to the dangers lurking in the shadows.

As the rain continued its relentless descent, Lucas vowed to reconcile the past with the present, to understand his path and the price he had paid. In the face of this tragedy, he sought solace in his childhood memories, where his fascination with insects had been innocent and pure. With a heavy heart, he resolved to honor the resilience of these tiny creatures by untangling the web of events that had brought him to this fateful moment.

He was on the verge of a breakthrough that could potentially change and revolutionize various industries, making him billions to fund his research into a more personal approach of evolving himself to become a greater entity surpassing his gene barriers. However, it seemed fate had a different plan, as the wealthy and powerful people who were above the law had seen him as a thorn in their path and killed him while he was hurrying to his lab after he saw the news of his lab's explosion, by ruthlessly stabbing him repeatedly.

The people all had masks and came out of a black van and first warned him to stop, but he didn't want to give up his life's work, thus leading to his pitiful death, lying on the ground in a seemingly empty street.

As he closed his eyes, he felt himself sinking deeper into a dark, cold pit, but just as he was about to go into eternal slumber, he saw a light at the corner of his eyes, eventually engulfing him.