
New World


With a groan, Rei woke up from his sleep, the loud noise outside made his ears feel like they were falling. Rei realized that he was in a small hut with a bed made out of straw on the floor and a table with a pot.

"Where the heck am I? What time is it?"

Rei had completely lost his bearings and couldn't even remember the last thing he did. Whenever he tried all he got were flashes of the bloody nightmare he just had. Just thinking about it gave him shivers.

"I've never had a dream like that before, it felt so real."

Rei shook his head and slapped his cheeks to focus. He quickly got up from the haystack and left the hut. Outside was quite the sight. Many huts were placed adjacent to his, forming a neat line of huts. Rei looked back and saw that multiple rows of huts were behind him.

Ahead of his hut was a booth, and multiple men were being herded to it like cattles by the brawny and buff men barking orders. One of the men approached Rei and bowed down.

"Chief, We finished hoarding the captured slaves"

"Why are you just standing there?! Get to work!" A man that came out of the house yelled at Rei but when the man noticed who Rei was, he swallowed his words and took a step back, almost tripping in the process. The unfinished sentence made others follow his line of sight. Once the children and the men saw Rei, gasps and screams started spreading among the crowd like wildfire.

Rei noticed that most of the eyes looking at him were showing signs of fear, some showed awe and some had mixed emotions. Whispers quickly followed the screams, and many pointed at Rei the same way one would point to a dangerous beast...with caution.

"You! You're supposed to be dead!" The panic voice came from the man who yelled at Rei to work.

"What is this supposed to be dead about? William" The cool and calm voice belonged to an old man wearing robes. No one could tell where he came from, as if he had came from nowhere, but there was a boundless pressure emanating from him that made everyone quiet. It was so quiet one could even hear the sound of a pin drop.

Rei was even more flabbergasted because he didn't know what is happening. Good thing, a good hitman remains calm at all times.

"Honourable Elder!" The man called William immediately went on one knee and started clapping his hands, each hand forming a concave shape resulting in a muffled clap like sound. This was the ultimate form of respect one could show to a human in the Gutu tribe except kneeling and pressing your head on the ground. It was only used on Elders or those far higher than you in status.

The moment William saluted the Elder, Rei and the crowd mimicked him. "Honourable Elder!" They also saluted him the same way William did. What was an Elder in Rei's previous world? A highly respected experienced individual with a higher rank than the chief or If we're taking about it in company form then it would be like a stockholder capable of changing the CEO. It was one of the most respected positions in a tribe.

"Oh, It seems like rumors are just baseless rumors after all" The elder looked at Rei with a discerning eye.

This time Rei realized his mistake.