

Shah_Newaz_7311 · Fantasia
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12 Chs

the last.....hitler 8

In many cases, those who wrote about the last days of Hitler's life in Bunker made mistakes in time and date. The reason is very simple. Day after day they worked on electric lights fifty feet below the ground. Sunrise, sunset saw nothing. What makes the date right? Sometimes they would go to Vermi. The fresh air from outside was pushed into the bunker with the help of a faucet. But as a result of the bombardment, so much dust would occasionally accumulate in the outer sky that the faucets would also send them inside the bunker. The call had to be turned off for a while. As a result, everyone suffers from lack of oxygen. The unnatural visual atmosphere inside the bunker is best described, both physically and mentally, by Har Ballut, in a single book. Trevor relied heavily on him. The priceless chat book must have been translated but it did not catch my eye. I have asked the reader to read it as I have benefited. I heard that the book is available in Aishman's library in South America, and the angry Aishman wrote in the margin - if only I could beat the boy once! (3)

Steiner was appointed commander-in-chief of the aforementioned attack order given by Hitler on April 21, the day after his birthday.

The next morning (Hitler would go to bed at dawn and wake up at noon. He would go to bed later because of poor health and poor health, but he would get up early and not sleep for more than three hours). Advanced. No one can give any definite news. What is coming is also contradictory; Hitler himself once said that he was, of course, attacking from afar; At that moment, the news from another source did not start. No one can say exactly where Steiner himself is. The general who was threatened with a hot bullet inside the collar's head wrote a description of the thunder in his diary - and it was published.