
History's Strongest Master - Yang Weimin

When a young man is Isekaied into the world of Histories Strongest Disciple Kenichi, how will he become strong?

Mightiest_Disciple · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 2 - First Real Fight

It had been approximately two years since young Yang embarked on his path as a martial artist at the tender age of nine. Fast forward to now, at the age of eleven, he had shown remarkable growth and development in his skills. Despite his youth, he exuded a confidence that belied his years, capable of taking on and triumphing over adult opponents in combat - or so Master Yao claimed. However, the truth remained that Yang had yet to test his abilities in an actual confrontation. His training sessions and sparring matches with the esteemed Master Yao, who was acknowledged as his mentor and superior, provided no true measure of how far he had come along in these past two transformative years.

In these two years, Yang learned a great deal from Master Yao about the ranking systems martial artists use to assess combat effectiveness. There are three basic rankings: Disciple Class, Expert Class, and Master Class. However, Disciple Class and Master Class have their own sub-classes. Disciple Class includes Low Disciple Class, Mid Disciple Class, and High Disciple Class. Master Class consists of Low Master Class, Master Class, Grand Master Class, Advanced Grand Master Class, and Legendary Master Class. Expert Class falls in between, where one is stronger than a disciple but weaker than a master. Yang, roughly in the Mid Disciple Class, was advised by Yao not to worry too much about the rankings. Yao mentioned that if Yang had sparred with opponents of similar skill level during those two years, his combat effectiveness would have improved significantly.

However, Yang was becoming impatient to engage in a real fight, so he started fighting random people on the street who looked at him the wrong way. This is how he realized his superiority over ordinary thugs. He easily defeated each thug with just one hand and a single blow, which left Yang feeling frustrated. How could he improve under these circumstances? According to Yao, all of this was about to change.

"Yang, you have progressed well in your training! I think it's time we kick things up!" Yao said to his young disciple, who looked more confused than anything.

"Oh? And how exactly will we do that, Master?" Yang asked, only to receive a devilish smirk in response. Yao's eyes were filled with determination, almost like a white light peering from within them.

"We are heading to the Underground fighting arena, and you will begin more intensive training there!" Master Yao's powerful voice echoed through the backyard, causing Yang's sweat to glisten and his muscles to tense, a clear sign of the heightened level of difficulty that lay ahead. In that moment, Yang found himself deep in contemplation, questioning his own readiness for the daunting challenge that lay before him. Recalling the countless hours of rigorous training and unwavering support from Master Yao over the past two years, a sense of doubt crept into Yang's mind. However, amidst the uncertainty, he chose to place his trust in both his master's unwavering belief in his abilities and his own unwavering dedication. This steadfast belief ignited a flicker of hope within Yang's heart - a beacon guiding him towards the potential triumph that awaited on the horizon.

An hour later, Yao and Yang arrived at a mysterious door shrouded in intrigue. With a sense of anticipation hanging in the air, Yao's firm knocks echoed through the corridor, signaling their arrival. The door creaked open ever so slightly, revealing a glimpse of the enigmatic figure within before swiftly shutting close at the sight of Yao. A moment of tense silence lingered before the faint sound of intricate mechanisms clicking into place behind the door broke through. As if by some unseen command, the door swung wide open to welcome Yang into a realm unknown to him. The duo found themselves traversing through a grand corridor that seemed to stretch into infinity, each step echoing with mystery and curiosity. Descending down numerous flights of stairs, they delved deeper into this clandestine world until they were met by an imposing bouncer standing guard at their final destination. With an intense gaze that seemed to pierce through their very souls, the bouncer scrutinized every detail of Yao and Yang's presence as they stood before him, hinting at the secrets that lay beyond this threshold.

"What level?" He simply asked as Yao replied.

"Mid Level Disciple."

The bouncer's gaze briefly met with Yang's, acknowledging their presence before making a subtle gesture for them to proceed towards the grand middle door on the right wall. With a confident nod, the duo entered the spacious room that exuded an air of excitement and energy. The vast area was filled with several boxing-style rings where passionate individuals were deeply engrossed in intense combat, showcasing their skills and determination in each bout.

"Right. So Yang, how this will work is you will step into one of the empty rings and I am going to bet money on your victory! Use this as an opportunity to train, as well as for us to earn money." Yao transparently acknowledged that the intention behind this endeavor was indeed to generate revenue, but Yang genuinely valued his candidness. Following Yao's guidance, Yang confidently stepped into the vacant ring. With focused determination, he promptly engaged in a series of invigorating warm-up stretches and exercises to prepare himself for the upcoming challenge, only to be pleasantly surprised as a woman gracefully entered the ring before him.

The formidable woman exuded a powerful presence as she stood clad in a traditional Karate Dougi, her hands encased in striking red padded gloves. Her short black hair framed her intense gaze of dark brown eyes, adding to her aura of strength and determination. With an appearance that seemed to mirror Yang's youthful age. She seemed to be about thirteen, the tension between them was palpable as they squared off. As the tension mounted, a resonant bell marked the beginning of their confrontation. In a display of agility and precision, the woman launched herself towards Yang with lightning speed, unleashing a front snap kick that sliced through the air. However, Yang's quick reflexes allowed him to evade the attack with a graceful sidestep before retaliating with a swift straight jab that found its mark on her jaw. Caught off guard and momentarily off balance with one leg suspended mid-air, the woman stumbled and crashed onto the floor. Undeterred by this setback, she exhibited remarkable agility by swiftly rolling back onto her feet, ready to continue the fierce exchange with renewed determination.

In this intense moment, Yang seized the initiative and launched a relentless barrage of precise jabs and powerful straights, deftly switching between his right and left hands with expert precision. Despite the woman's impressive dodging skills that only allowed Yang's strikes to lightly brush against her hair, the tide shifted suddenly as Yang felt the grazing impact of a roundhouse heel kick on his nose. Seizing the opportunity created by her momentary vulnerability, Yang swiftly retaliated with a swift kick of his own, landing a solid blow as his heel connected with her abdomen, causing her to stagger backwards in response to the forceful impact.

Yang exhaled deeply, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he rose to his full height. The young woman before him displayed remarkable skill, her movements fluid and precise, showcasing a prowess that matched his own. While she held the edge in terms of raw physicality, her attacks were executed with such speed and finesse that Yang found himself struggling to predict her next move. However, when it came to sheer technique and mastery of the art, Yang knew without a doubt that he possessed the superior advantage. Determined to emerge victorious from this challenging duel, Yang recognized the need to seize control of the battle. With unwavering resolve, he adopted a formidable stance he had tirelessly honed over the past two years – the legendary Stance Of Overpowering Annihilation. This ancient Karate technique, imparted to him by his revered master, was designed to unleash a relentless onslaught of high-powered offensive maneuvers that could overwhelm even the most skilled adversaries. As Yang steadied himself in preparation for what lay ahead, every fiber of his being resonated with focused intent and unwavering determination. In this pivotal moment where skill met strategy, he drew upon his training and inner strength to embody the essence of a true warrior ready to conquer any obstacle in his path towards victory.

As soon as the woman elegantly rose to her feet, Yang's demeanor shifted, and with lightning speed, he unleashed a formidable kick towards her. Showing remarkable agility, she skillfully evaded the attack and swiftly retaliated with a powerful punch straight to Yang's face, causing him to crash heavily onto the ground. Despite the impact, Yang wasted no time trying to regain his footing but was met with a fierce kick to his abdomen that sent him reeling. Yet this unexpected turn of events served as a catalyst for him to somersault back onto his feet, where he instinctively assumed a new defensive posture. In a display of impeccable skill and precision, he adeptly parried and deflected multiple incoming strikes; however, one managed to graze his cheek. Undeterred by the minor setback, the young martial artist promptly launched a swift counterattack, landing a solid blow to her midsection that momentarily halted her aggressive advance. Seizing the momentary pause in combat, Yang attempted another decisive strike with his foot aimed at her direction; nevertheless, she swiftly recovered and gracefully retreated backward to evade his assault. With the intense exchange culminating in an impasse, both combatants locked eyes in silent contemplation as they strategized their next move in this gripping duel of martial prowess.

Yang found himself facing a formidable opponent, the intensity of the battle unfolding before his eyes. The young woman's unexpected skill and resilience presented a challenge that ignited a fire within him. Determined to emerge victorious without succumbing to frustration, Yang took a moment to center himself, channeling his focus and determination. This shift in his demeanor did not go unnoticed by his adversary, who braced herself for what was to come. Aware of the girl's unwavering endurance and agility, Yang strategized to outmaneuver her by conserving his own energy. With precision and agility, he calculated each move, striking a delicate balance between offense and defense within his reach. As he poised himself for the next exchange, signaling readiness for her next move, little did he know that his mentor observed him with utter amazement at the display of skill and composure before him.

----------------YAO PERSPECTIVE----------------

I had been observing this fight since it began and was genuinely impressed with my student, Yang. He had been performing well in the fight from what I had seen. My assessment was that the girl must have been practicing martial arts for a year or two longer than Yang. Combined with being two years older, she seemed physically superior. When Yang attempted the Stance Of Overpowering Annihilation incorrectly, I shook my head. However, understanding his inexperience, I realized why he had tried it. Yet, against someone physically stronger, that stance would not be very effective. As the fight progressed, I analyzed both the woman and Yang until Yang surprised me by executing a Seikūken.

The Seikūken stands as a revered ancient martial arts technique, steeped in the rich tradition of mastering control over the space within one's immediate reach. This advanced skill not only poses a formidable challenge for adversaries attempting to land a hit but also empowers the practitioner to deliver precise and effective blows with unparalleled accuracy. While venturing to learn this intricate art independently is not entirely insurmountable, it undeniably remains a remarkable and awe-inspiring feat for any aspiring martial artist. To achieve any measure of usage over the Seikuken technique at the esteemed Mid Disciple level amidst the heat of battle, with no prior knowledge or formal training, exemplifies nothing short of extraordinary prowess and sheer dedication on the part of the disciple. The seamless integration of this complex technique into ongoing combat situations highlights not only the disciple's exceptional talent but also their unwavering commitment to honing their craft under pressure. The intensity of the confrontation escalates as both combatants engage in a dance of skill and strategy, each move executed with precision and calculated intent.

The woman displayed her combat prowess as she charged forward with a swift and calculated roundhouse kick aimed at Yang. From Yao's keen observation, it was evident that her technique bore the hallmark of Muay Thai origins, showcasing a blend of power and precision. Undeterred, Yang gracefully dodged the incoming strike by tilting his head back with effortless fluidity. In a mesmerizing display of skill, as the woman transitioned seamlessly into a Ti Sok Klab - executing a formidable backwards elbow strike - Yang not only intercepted her movement but also seized the opportunity to counter with a decisive palm strike to her cheek. The impact sent her tumbling to the ground in a whirlwind of motion and defeat. Witnessing this exchange, it was impossible not to acknowledge the exceptional talent possessed by my disciple. With each move he made, it became increasingly apparent that he was not merely skilled but truly a prodigy in his own right. His potential seemed limitless, hinting at the possibility of surpassing even those considered invincible in combat. Amongst all contenders, he stood out as one of the select few destined for greatness beyond comparison.

The woman gracefully rose to her feet, exuding a fierce determination as she initiated a relentless series of attacks against her younger opponent. However, to her dismay, each strike was skillfully deflected, masterfully countered, or narrowly missed its intended target as Yang swiftly implemented his meticulous defensive tactics. A remarkable observation during this intense exchange was the gradual yet discernible enhancement in Yang's Seikūken technique. With every precise move, calculated block, strategic counterattack, and expert parry executed by Yang, his Seikuken displayed subtle but distinct improvements. Each strike honed its precision, every evasive maneuver refined its accuracy, and each successful block polished its efficiency. Simultaneously, the frustration visibly mounted on the face of the young woman with each thwarted attempt to breach Yang's formidable defense.

In a moment of intense frustration, she impulsively dove in with reckless abandon, unleashing a forceful punch aimed directly at Yang's face. However, Yang's impeccable defense swiftly came into play as he skillfully deflected her punch and expertly seized her wrist in one fluid motion. With remarkable agility, he seamlessly maneuvered to pull her closer and swiftly delivered a precise knee strike to her solar plexus, leaving her momentarily dazed from the sheer impact of his calculated move. The intensity of the situation escalated as she was abruptly jolted back to reality by a powerful uppercut landing squarely on her jaw with such immense force that it sent her hurtling through the air, finally coming to rest several feet away on her back.

I couldn't contain my excitement as a surge of joy almost compelled me to leap in celebration when my disciple flawlessly executed that impeccable combination during the intense fight. Thankfully, I composed myself just in time as the resonant sound of a bell marked the end of the thrilling match. Stepping into the ring to commend and congratulate my dedicated disciple, I noticed upon closer observation that Yang appeared visibly drained and fatigued from the rigorous battle.

----------------YANG PERSPECTIVE----------------

I released a soft sigh as the intense battle drew to a close, feeling utterly drained both physically and mentally. The sheer effort required to maintain my composure amidst the chaos was truly daunting, yet I took solace in the fact that I had not only persevered but had also honed my combat skills to a remarkable degree. Casting a glance over my shoulder, I observed my mentor making his way towards me, his pride evident in his eyes as he refrained from embracing me but instead bestowed upon me a hearty pat on the back. "Excellent work Yang! I knew you could do it. And to think you were able to develop a shallow Seikūken during this! Truly incredible!" he commended with fervor, leaving me momentarily perplexed about this mysterious Seikūken technique. Before I could seek clarification, however, I noticed movement from my fallen opponent. Hastening towards her side, I extended a helping hand in an act of sportsmanship and goodwill..

Her gaze lingered on my outstretched hand, pondering the decision to accept it. Eventually, she yielded, grasping my hand with a hint of reluctance before allowing me to assist her in rising to her feet. As I supported her, our hands intertwined, and I greeted her with a warm handshake coupled with a sincere smile that appeared to catch her off guard in the most delightful manner.

"That was a fun match! If you are willing, maybe we can spar again sometime! I am Yang Weimin. It is a pleasure to meet you." I calmly uttered the words to her, eagerly anticipating her response as I awaited the sweet sound of her name rolling off her tongue. With a gentle gaze, she shifted her attention to her delicate hand, gently retracting it from my grasp before gracefully starting to make her way away from me. Yet, just as she approached the ropes signaling a potential departure, a sudden change in direction occurred as she paused and pivoted back towards me with an air of intrigue and curiosity in her eyes.

"Umeda. My name is Kyao Umeda." As she gracefully exited the ring, her words lingered in the air, leaving me with a radiant smile adorning my face. In that moment, I felt a warm glow of excitement realizing that I may have just forged a meaningful connection - my first friend in this new journey. However, as fatigue began to set in, my master and I mutually agreed to conclude our day's adventures and make our way back home. Yet, before departing, my astute master ensured to collect his well-deserved winnings, having placed a substantial bet on me earlier, showcasing his unwavering confidence in my abilities.

This a little Authors note. I will be skipping a bit until we get to the main series. I plan to dedicate at maximum ten chapters to this prologue type deal. As well to inform you all Yang is roughly two years older than the main cast, so when Kenichi begins high school Yang will be in his final year. However, yang while interfering with the plot will also have his own fun plots in the arcs too that I will be coming up with. One Last thing is that yes due to his Child prodigy power Yang will be quite strong when the series proper begins. Compared to the disciples he will be very strong and if I had to estimate where he would be by that time. I would say Low Master Class - Master Class. Though this may change. If y’all want him to be weaker or stronger let me know in the comments! Anyways, ON TO THE CHAPTER

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