
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Chapter 28: Green Rank Equipment, Grizzly Axe

In an instant, Gabriel's voice boomed, "Now!" Tigram, upon hearing Gabriel's command, sprang into action. Meanwhile, the Earth Bear, still under the effect of [Silent], found itself unable to cast its skills, leaving it confused and unsure of what to do next. But then, a realization dawned on it - it still possessed formidable strength in its arms and paws, and so it lunged at Tigram with the intent of crushing him.

Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion that reverberated through the air, causing the ground to shake. The totem Gabriel had summoned had dealt a significant blow to the Earth Bear, resulting in a loss of 660HP. As Tigram witnessed this, he quickly activated his talent and unleashed a flurry of attacks, starting with [War Cry!] and then [Wrathful Attack!].

The first attack landed a minor blow, costing the Earth Bear only 20HP. But Tigram was not done yet - he continued to unleash a series of quick and precise attacks, dealing 2HP, followed by 1HP, and then 5HP of damage to the Earth Bear. Despite his efforts, Tigram could not help but feel embarrassed when he compared his attack's damage to that of the totem's.

Just as Tigram was reflecting on his performance, he saw a series of numbers flash across the screen - the curse totem had dealt another significant blow to the Earth Bear. But before Tigram could even process this information, he was flung back by the Earth Bear's attack, causing a loud and resounding bang.


-714 HP

[Prompt! Shield withstood the attacked, 3900/4614]

At the same time, he was flung back, attacked, landed on the Bear.

-2500HP (Cursed Totem) -2870HP (Light Hurricane)

On the second second after the Totem was summoned, Tigram found himself once again under the attack of the Earth Bear. Despite its ferocity, Tigram managed to withstand the onslaught this time, standing firm and avoiding being flung back like before.



[Prompt! Shield withstood the attacked, 3200/4614]

The Bear heard an eerie sound.


-2300 HP

Tigram, realizing that he cannot cause any significant damage to the enemy, decides to take on the role of a tank and shields himself from the Bear's blows, allowing Gabriel to focus on dealing damage.

When the duration of the totem is at the third second, Tigram skillfully avoids the Bear's menacing paws, creating an opening for Gabriel to take advantage of. Suddenly, an eerie sound reverberates through the battlefield, causing the Bear to weaken and lose its vitality.


-2300 HP (Cursed Totem) -2800HP (Light Hurricane)

At the same time, Gabriel prepares to cast another powerful spell, the [Light Hurricane], which combines with the totem's attack to create a devastating onslaught against the enemy.


As the clock ticked to the fourth second, a sudden change in the atmosphere could be felt. The Earth Bear, already exhibiting signs of Berserk, seemed to be on the brink of losing control. To prevent the Bear from entering the Berserk state, Tigram made a bold move and chopped down the Earth Bear. Though he knew that his attack was negligible, he still took the risk. The sound of the chop echoed in the surroundings as the Bear flinched and took a hit. The attack dealt -1 HP damage to the Bear.

The curse totem sucks its life force again.


In the final second of the Curse totem, the Earth Bear went into a berserk state, causing its attack speed to double. The massive creature began to recklessly smash everything in its path, without any regard for its surroundings. Despite being affected by the [Silent] spell, the Earth Bear's rampage continued unabated. In less than a second, Tigram was struck twice by the bear's powerful attack.

The first hit was a loud BANG!!!, dealing a critical strike and causing Tigram to lose 2500 HP. However, Tigram's [shield] was able to withstand some of the damage, leaving it with 700 out of 4614 HP.

The second attack was even more devastating, with a deafening BANG!! and another critical strike. This time, Tigram lost 2150 HP, and the [shield] was completely shattered, leaving him with no protection. Tigram's total HP had dropped to a mere 120 out of 1650 in an instant.


Then, an eerie sound permeates around the Earth Bear again, damaging it.



With a sense of urgency, Gabriel yelled out "Switch!" to Tigram, while simultaneously casting a spell called [Healing Wind] on him. This spell was a mutation of his original skill, [Light Hurricane], and was designed to heal Tigram back to full health. The magic worked wonders, restoring Tigram's energy and vitality in an instant.

[ Healing Wind Level 3(☯️): Generates a swirl of gentle wind healing the target 3 times. There's a 20% to activate [MeFirst].

Healing = {1.2(Skill Level) x [MAtk + MagicPEN] } per hit

Mana Cost: 30

Cooldown: 1 second ]




As Tigram moved towards the back, Gabriel took the responsibility of tanking the Earth Bear.

As the Bear remained [Silent] for seven seconds, Gabriel seized the opportunity to use his skill [Curse Totem (☯️)] again, unleashing a massive summoned damage of 560HP towards the bear.

The Curse Totem reappeared and enveloped the Earth Bear with an eerie sound. At the same time, Gabriel used his skill [Light Hurricane] to strike the bear with full force.

The battle was intense, but Gabriel's strategic moves helped him gain an upper hand over the Earth Bear.


- 850HP





The Earth Bear let out a fierce roar and charged forward with all its might, channelling every last bit of energy it had. Its massive body collided with tremendous force against Gabriel that is standing in front of it, sending shockwaves through the air and causing the ground to tremble.

With an explosive impact, the Earth Bear struck a critical blow, dealing a massive 5000HP damage to its opponent. The force of the attack was so strong that Gabriel was thrown back, tumbling through the air before finally coming to a stop.

However, Gabriel was not completely defenceless. His buff [Shield] protected him from the full brunt of the attack, but it was not enough to withstand the Earth Bear's immense strength. The [Shield] shattered on impact, causing a loud crackling sound as it broke into a million pieces.

[Prompt! Shield withstood most of the attack, 0/4614, Tigram, -386HP]

Gabriel, the person who had been struck by the Earth Bear's attack, was left dazed and disoriented. He had not expected his [Shield] to be destroyed so easily.

As the mighty Earth Bear rampaged through the forest, its massive form shook the ground with every step. Suddenly, the bear heard an eerie sound that made it pause in confusion. It was a strange, haunting cry that echoed through the trees, sending chills down the bear's spine.

Before the Earth Bear could react, the cry grew louder and more intense, until it became a deafening roar that seemed to pierce the very air. The bear felt a searing pain in its chest as the sound hit it with incredible force, draining away its strength and vitality.


With a final groan, the Earth Bear collapsed to the ground, its massive body shaking as it struggled to breathe. Despite its best efforts, the bear could feel its life slipping away, drained away by the mysterious cry that had brought it to its knees. With one last gasp, the Earth Bear breathed its last, its great spirit passing into the eternal forest beyond.


Gabriel and Tigram received a notification prompt.

[Prompt! You have killed Earth Bear! Gain exp 1200!]

[Prompt! You obtain Survival Boots!]

[Prompt! You obtain Skill Book [Earth Armor]!]

[Prompt! You obtain Earth Bear core!]

As Gabriel was the one who defeated the Earth Bear, he received the majority of the items it dropped, while the rest were given to Tigram. Gabriel was relieved to see his experience bar increase by 1200. However, he realized that if he had fought the Earth Bear alone, he would have received double the experience points he received now, since he was in a party, the experience was split between the two of them equally.

A thought crossed Gabriel's mind, but he quickly dismissed it. He looked at Tigram, whose body was enveloped in golden light, indicating that he had just leveled up. Gabriel shook his head and turned his attention back to the loot he had received.


[Prompt! You have killed Earth Bear! Gain exp 1200!]

[Prompt! You obtain Grizzly Earth Axe!]

[Congratulations! You level up, +1 level]

[Prompt! You obtain 5 status points!]

[Prompt! You obtain 1 skill point!]

As Tigram gazed upon the fallen Earth, he felt a sudden wave of exhaustion that caused his body to go limp. He quickly sat down and took a deep breath to regain his composure.

After a few minutes, Tigram's attention was drawn to a series of prompts that he had missed earlier. He carefully reviewed each one, taking note of the important details.

With a sense of urgency, Tigram started to distribute his stats strategically, allocating more points to VIT due to the importance of it towards his talent in battle. Once he finished, he turned his attention to his equipment and was shocked by what he saw, causing his eyes to bulge with surprise.

[Name: Grizzly Earth Axe]

[Type: Battle - Axe]

[Defense:290 - 350]

[Rarity: Green]

[Description: The axe with the power of earth. Using the latest craftsmanship, the bones of the Earth Bear is combined with the Rune array to make the axe. Every time this axe attack it will damage enemies that is 5m away from the center of impact.

Additional Attribute:



+10% Ignore Defense

Especial Effect: Splash Damage]

[Durability: 200/200]

"Damn! If I have this equipment earlier, I could have contributed more damage to the damn bear" Tigram said to himself while cursing silently, just thinking about it makes him curse even more.

He removed his Iron Battle Axe and equipped Grizzly Earth Axe.

He opened his status panel.

[Name: Tigram Gray]

[Class: Barbarian]

[Level: 4, Iron Middle Stage]

[Health Point: 1,150/1,150]

[Mana: 330/550]

[Experience: 924/2000]

[Defense: 83]

[Physical Attack: 100(+290) – 120(+350)]

[Attributes: STR: 25(+13), AGI: 7, DEX: 6, INT: 3, VIT: 16(+7)]


Wrathful Attack Level 4

War Cry Attack Level 1]

[Talent: Berserk (O)]

[Equipment: Grizzly Earth Axe, Battle Plate

Equipment Effect:

+100 HP

+10% Ignore Defense

Splashed Damage]

He could now deal a normal attack damage without buff at least 420 points and if he uses his skill, he can damage any opponent by at least 800 points, this will rose up to even more once he activates his talent.


Mysterious Realm, Dusk Valley

"Good lads!" Someone said smilingly.

Someone is hovering it the sky, he saw all the events that took place, from when Gabriel and Tigram met and started bickering to when the two killed the beast all by themselves.

He then suddenly disappeared and exited the Mysterious Realm


A few minutes ago

As the Principal of the academy and a Peak Gold Stage Orion, he had removed the restriction of the Mysterious Realm. He was worried about the safety of those who entered it, especially those who were weak and inexperienced. When he heard the alarm, he immediately dashed towards the location of the observation.

When he arrived, he saw two youths running for their lives. One of them was running straight ahead, with a big Earth Bear chasing him from behind. The second youth was running in a parallel direction towards the center of the Valley. He was watching them closely, weighing his options and deciding what to do.

He could have intervened and stopped the beast from attacking, but his instincts told him not to interfere. He knew the danger that the Earth Bear posed and was aware of the gap between the Iron Stage and Bronze Stage. He didn't want to see anyone get hurt or lose their life due to their ignorance or carelessness.

As he watched the two youths, he saw the second youth stop for a moment and observe the situation. Then, he dashed towards the direction of the first youth. Upon arriving, they started bickering, and he wondered what they were discussing. After a few minutes of arguing, the two youths agreed on something, and the second youth cast his spell, putting buffs on the two of them.

Then the two youths decided to run away from the bear. However, after 20 seconds, they turned around and started attacking the Earth Bear. The Principal was astonished to see their courage and determination. He had never seen such bravery in anyone before. Every move and every spell used, all of it was captured by him, and not a single detail was left unnoticed.

In the end, he was unable to make a move. The battle only lasted for less than 10 seconds when it ended. He was amazed by the power and skill of the two youths. He knew that they were special and had potential. He decided to keep an eye on them and see how they develop in the future.

I noticed again that i forgot to put additional 150 HP and 100 Mana every time they level up, this will be disadvantageous in the future since no all of characters focuses their stats on INT and VIT to increase it.

so i will add those details starting from this chapter onwards.

LittleCattleFish4ucreators' thoughts