
Are you really a healer?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you, mirroring your every feature? Now, imagine being thrust into a completely unfamiliar world, where everything around you is strange and daunting. The sudden change in your surroundings is overwhelming, but it's in these moments of uncertainty that we discover our true strength—the ability to adapt, to strategize, and to overcome. Faced with such a challenge, what would be your plan of action? Consider this: What if all your wildest dreams suddenly became reality? The fantasies you once entertained are now within your grasp. What choices would you make? What path would you follow? In this story, the stakes are high. Are you ready to fight? Ready to emerge victorious? Do you have what it takes to survive the trials ahead and come out on top? This fantasy novel chronicles the journey of Gabriel, a young man who unexpectedly finds himself in a mystical world, where he must harness newfound powers and confront formidable challenges. The heart of the story lies in Gabriel's "Awakening"—a transformative process that grants him special abilities and assigns him to a "Support Class," specifically as a healer. While the role of a healer might seem passive, Gabriel's journey is anything but. His path is marked by intense battles, profound personal growth, and the gradual unveiling of deeper mysteries within the world he now inhabits. As Gabriel ventures further into this unknown realm, he encounters dangerous foes, including a formidable figure whose power rivals his own. Each battle tests Gabriel's resolve, pushing him to explore the full extent of his abilities. The narrative delves into the broader lore of this world, where mystical realms, dungeons, and the enigmatic force known as mana play critical roles in shaping destinies. Gabriel's evolution is intertwined with the complexities of his unique talents, which allow him to reverse the effects of his abilities—transforming healing into damage, for instance. This power becomes a double-edged sword, offering both advantages and challenges as Gabriel learns to wield it. The story masterfully weaves together elements of magic, combat, and personal discovery. Gabriel's trials reflect not only the external dangers of the mystical realms but also his internal struggle to realize his potential as an Orion—a protector and warrior in this perilous world. Through his journey, Gabriel comes to understand that true strength lies not just in physical prowess, but in the ability to adapt, to grow, and to harness the power within.

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
76 Chs

Chapter 12: The Awakening: Desperation and Pursuit



-187 HP

"Ahhhh...!" Gabriel screamed in pain.

The explosion flung Gabriel a hundred meters from the blast site. Despite the searing pain that coursed through his body, he forced himself to his feet, ignoring his injuries. He knew he couldn't afford to linger. With gritted teeth, Gabriel dashed toward a more remote area, hoping to evade his pursuers.

After sprinting through the dense forest, Gabriel finally found a spot that seemed safe. He leaned against a tree, catching his breath as he scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger. The only sounds he could hear were the distant chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves in the wind. Relieved that no one seemed to be following him, he took a moment to check his status panel.


[HP: 13/200] 

[Mana: 5/500] 

[Level: 1] 

[Exp: 223/500]


Gabriel's face drained of color as he frantically searched for his magic bag. His hand instinctively reached for his waist, only to find the bag missing. Panic surged through him as he realized the bag must have been lost during the explosion. He recalled the moment when the aura from the enemy's sword struck, severing the string that had held the bag to his waist. Now, without his magic bag, he felt vulnerable and uncertain.


As Gabriel rested, trying to calm his racing thoughts, he suddenly heard a voice shouting, "Look for him in that direction!" His heart skipped a beat. His enemies were still on his trail. Fear gripped him as he froze, listening for the approaching footsteps. They were closing in fast.

With no time to waste, Gabriel bolted. He sprinted through the forest, desperate to throw his pursuers off his trail. His heart pounded in his chest, and his legs screamed in protest, but he pushed on, fueled by adrenaline and sheer willpower.

Despite his exhaustion, Gabriel refused to stop. The sounds of his enemies grew louder behind him, and he knew he had to keep running. His life depended on it.


Meanwhile, the man in the skull mask watched intently as a black silhouette was projected onto the crystal ball in front of him. His voice was low and urgent as he asked if the young man they were chasing had seen anything that could jeopardize their organization's plans. Any delays could prove catastrophic, and he was anxious to determine the next steps.


The man in the skull mask had just witnessed the chaos unfold. Left with no other option, he activated a crystal ball to contact a person of interest. Injecting mana into the crystal, he watched as it glowed, projecting the image of a human silhouette.

"Why did you call?" the silhouette asked, clearly irritated by the interruption.

"We have a situation," the man in the skull mask replied. He quickly detailed the events that had transpired, recounting every significant action.

After listening for several minutes, the silhouette spoke up, his voice filled with cold anger. "You know I don't tolerate uncertainties. Clean up this mess! It's better to kill a thousand people than let one escape."

"I'll take care of it. That boy won't leave this mystical realm alive," the man in the skull mask responded with grim determination.

The projection faded, leaving the man to stow the crystal ball back in his magic bag. He knew time was running out. Failure wasn't an option. With that in mind, he hurried after his henchmen, ready to finish the job.


Gabriel had been running for what felt like an eternity. Exhaustion weighed heavily on him, but he couldn't afford to stop. The forest was filled with dangers, and he knew he had to stay vigilant. Avoiding the monsters lurking around him became his primary focus. He no longer had the strength to fight.

But as he continued running, another problem emerged: Gabriel realized he was lost. His initial plan had been to return to the safety platform, rest, and retreat from the assessment. Now, he had no idea which direction to go. Panic began to set in as he desperately tried to retrace his steps, but the landscape around him had changed. Nothing looked familiar anymore.

Despite his fear and confusion, Gabriel pushed forward, determined to find his way back. His body screamed for rest, and at one point, he even coughed up blood from sheer exhaustion. Yet he refused to give up. Stumbling through the forest, he forced himself to keep moving, even as he teetered on the brink of collapse.

Finally, as Gabriel lifted his head, he saw something unusual ahead of him: a cluster of massive trees. Their leaves were a deep shade of green, and each leaf was as long as half of his arm. The branches were thick, and the tree trunks were so wide that two people could easily fit inside them.

Though uncertain, Gabriel decided to take a chance. His odds of survival were slim, but he had no other options. Limping toward the towering trees, he hoped they might offer him some sort of refuge—or at least buy him some time.


Thirty minutes later...








A group of men, led by the skull-masked figure, came to a sudden stop. The masked man surveyed the area with sharp, calculating eyes, his gaze falling on the towering trees ahead. He appeared deep in thought, his mind racing as he considered their next move. His minions stood by, waiting for instructions. The tension was palpable, broken only by the soft rustling of leaves in the breeze.

"Find him! He can't escape!" the skull-masked man ordered, his voice filled with barely-contained rage. He was determined to catch Gabriel, no matter the cost.

"Boss, just an update," one of his henchmen began, his voice cautious. "We're nearing the boundary of the designated area for the assessment. If we go any further, there's a high chance we'll be disqualified. Our disguises might not hold up under close inspection."

"Damn it!" the masked man snarled, his frustration evident. "I can't believe this! We have to find him!" His tone was laced with urgency. It was clear that failure was not an option. Gabriel had become a critical target, and nothing would stop him from being hunted down.

Despite their reluctance, the group couldn't disobey their leader. The skull-masked man's presence was menacing, and his orders carried the weight of authority. He was their boss, and they feared him.

With a sharp turn, they bolted toward the forbidden forest. Their footsteps were quick and urgent, their hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline. The forest was shrouded in mystery and danger, but it was their only chance to catch Gabriel before it was too late. As they ran, they could feel the eyes of their leader burning into their backs. Failure was not an option.