
History's number 1 Support

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to come face-to-face with your doppelganger? What would you do if you encountered someone who looked exactly like you? Imagine this - you find yourself in a completely unfamiliar place. What do you do now? The sudden change in surroundings can be quite intimidating, but it's in moments like these that we truly discover our abilities to adapt and overcome challenges. So, what's your plan of action? Imagine for a moment that all your wildest dreams became a reality... What would you do? Are you ready to fight and emerge victorious? Will you have what it takes to survive and come out on top? Let's find out how our main character will choose between the two. ............................................................................................... P.S. I don't own a novel with a similar name. I can't think of any title so I just casually borrow the name and change the last word P.S. The Title might change in the future if I can think of an appropriate title P.S. I don't own the book cover Thanks!!

LittleCattleFish4u · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
51 Chs

Chapter 10: Surrounded

As Gabriel traversed through the dense forest for an hour, he noticed some movement behind a tree that was positioned twenty meters away from him. After walking aimlessly for a while, he finally stumbled upon a pack of wolves!

Upon seeing Gabriel enter their territory, the six wolves that were initially lounging on the grass immediately stood up, bared their sharp fangs, and started to approach him, growling menacingly.

Amidst the tense situation, Gabriel couldn't help but notice that these wolves behaved more like wild dogs than actual wolves. He cautiously inspected their status and wondered why this wolve was behaving like they guarding the entrance of the village. Despite the fear creeping up his spine, he managed to laugh it off.

[Name: Ferocious Wolf]

[HP: 250/250]

[Mana: 200/ 200]

[Physical Attack: 60 - 90]

[Rank: Iron ★★]

[Skills: Eviscerate, Bite, Scratch, ...]

[Description: Within the deep, dense forest lies a pack of magical beasts - fierce and powerful creatures that are known to roam the area. These creatures are not easily spotted, as they often like to laze around and blend in with their surroundings, but when provoked or threatened, they can erupt with a force that is truly devastating. Their razor-sharp claws and teeth can eviscerate anything that stands in their way, making them a force to be reckoned with. Despite their fearsome reputation, these beasts are a critical part of the forest's ecosystem and play a vital role in maintaining its balance.]


After Gabriel had finished checking the status of the Ferocious Wolves, he felt a sudden rush of adrenaline surge through his body. Without hesitation, he let out a loud shout and charged towards the pack of wolves. The wolves, sensing danger, quickly began to surround Gabriel from all sides.

But Gabriel was not one to be easily taken down. He summoned all his magical powers and cast two spells in rapid succession. The first spell he used was the [Spirit Curse (Yin)], which caused all the wolves to receive a debuff, leaving them silenced and with decreased attack power. The second spell he cast was the [Light Burst (Yin)], which inflicted significant damage on one of the six wolves, ultimately killing it.

[AttkDown] Experienced effect! Reduced physical damage.

[Silence] Experienced effect! Can't use skill.


-300 HP

[Prompt: You killed the Ferocious Wolf! Gained 26 exp!]

The remaining wolves, confused and disoriented by the sudden debuff, were caught off guard when Gabriel suddenly jumped back and used [Light Burst (Yin)] once again. Gabriel was determined to eradicate the threat of the Ferocious Wolves and protect himself from their vicious attacks.


-350 HP

[Prompt: You killed the Ferocious Wolf! Gained 30 exp!]

Due to [Silence], the wolves surrounding him lost their ability to use any of their skills or attack him. They were left vulnerable and unable to defend themselves. Over a few seconds, they all perished without being able to fight back or retaliate. The de-buff effect of [Silence] rendered them powerless, ultimately leading to their demise.


[Prompt: You killed the Ferocious Wolf! Gained 30 exp!]


[Prompt: You killed the Ferocious Wolf! Gained 29 exp!]


[Prompt: You killed the Ferocious Wolf! Gained 36 exp!]


[Prompt: You killed the Ferocious Wolf! Gained 25 exp!]


As the adrenaline from the fight began to subside, Gabriel took a deep breath and instinctively opened his status panel to check his current stats. He observed the following:

[HP: 166/200] - His health points were at 166 out of a total of 200, indicating he had taken some damage during the battle.

[Mana: 34/500] - His mana, on the other hand, was running low. He knew that without mana, he wouldn't be able to cast any spells or use his magical abilities.

[Level: 1] - Gabriel was still at level 1, but he knew that with each battle he fought, he was getting closer to levelling up.

[Exp: 223/500] - His experience points were at 223 out of 500, which meant he was making good progress towards his next level.

Feeling the need to rest and restore his mana, Gabriel found a nearby tree and sat down to catch his breath. He then reached into his magic bag, which contained various potions and magical items, and searched for a potion to restore his mana.

After a few moments of rummaging, he found a small bottle containing a bright blue liquid - a mana potion. He opened the bottle and drank it in one swift motion, feeling the restorative effects of the potion almost immediately.

+50 Mana

"Gabriel expressed his disappointment by exclaiming, "Not enough!" He felt a sense of urgency to replenish his mana reserves and quickly grabbed two additional bottles of potent mana potion. Without any hesitation, he uncorked the bottles and swiftly gulped down the contents.

+50 Mana

+50 Mana

As he felt the mana within him almost reaching its full capacity, he decided to take a moment to meditate and allow his energy to regenerate on its own. Despite having a few potions remaining, he chose not to use them all at once, considering the lengthy duration of the assessment.

With his eyes closed, he focused on his breathing and cleared his mind, allowing his mana to replenish at a steady pace. As he felt the energy flowing within him, he reminded himself that it was always wise to keep some reserves in case of an emergency.


In a serene location surrounded by grass and bushes, Gabriel was deep in meditation. Little did he know, four individuals draped in black robes with a skull symbol etched on top of their hoods were watching him intently. One of the four had a red scarf tied around his arm, while the others looked on with caution.

As they observed Gabriel, a figure slowly approached them. It was their boss, and he seemed quite annoyed by their presence. He asked them what they were doing there, to which one of the four replied that there was someone near their base.

Without hesitation, the silhouette calmly picked up a spy tool and aimed it towards the location that his henchman had pointed to. He then inquired about the wolf's whereabouts and how the young man had managed to enter their territory. His voice was laced with a threatening tone, and it was clear that he meant business.

"Boss, we didn't notice anything unusual until we heard a loud explosion, and we quickly came to investigate," said the man in a black robe with a red scarf wrapped around his arm. He surveyed the area around where the young man was sitting and saw the remnants of a fierce battle that had taken place. The lifeless bodies of several wolves lay scattered about the vicinity.

Without wasting any time, he ordered his men to surround the young man with a commanding tone. They immediately sprang into action, rushing towards Gabriel, who sat calmly amidst the chaos, seemingly unfazed by the commotion around him.






After a few minutes of meditation, he was suddenly jolted out of his trance when he saw the figures approaching him. There were four of them, and they were moving swiftly towards his location. He was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the figures, and his first instinct was to run. However, he was unable to move, completely stunned by their sudden appearance.

As he tried to regain his composure, he realized that it was too late to run as the four figures had already surrounded him. They were slowly closing in on him, and he felt trapped. One of the figures spoke, "Where do you think you're going boy?" The tone was menacing, and he knew that he was in trouble.