



He was shouting the name "Maria".

Scar knew now he was her son.

She stood up to talk to him but he walked past her and towards the doctor who was coming their way and grabbed him by the collars of his shirt and shouted in his face.

" You, you are the bloody doctor. Why the fuck didn't you start her operation, you asshole. Go and do it now and make sure she's alright or I'll make sure you'll be definitely not alright. Got it?''

The doctor was scared and Just kept looking at his face.

" I said, YOU GOT IT OR NOT?"

He roared again.

" Yes.....yes.. sir.. I got it." The poor doctor stuttered.

Scarlett was scared too. She never saw someone like him in her life till now.

She shuddered at the thought of marrying such a person.

She decided it was better not to say anything to him and ask the doctor only.

So she sat and waited there in the corridor for the doctor to come out .

She messaged Kat she'll be a bit late today . She responded with a okay and "why". Scar texted she'll tell everything at home.

After about three hours, the doctor came out. Xander stood up too along with Scar. All this time, he was wondering about Maria and why was she sitting there. He wanted to talk to her but couldn't muster up enough courage to do so.

Doctor was looking towards Scar only. He didn't want to talk to Xander again.

Also, as Scar brought her to hospital and was there all the time, he thought to talk to her only.

"Doctor, how's she? Is she alright? She's awake now ? " Scarlett questioned.

Xander couldn't understand who she was talking about. If it was about Maria, then how she knew her in the first place.

"Yes, Doctor, how's she ? And she better be alright or else." He threatened.

"She is alright. The operation was successful. But the impact on her arm by being thrown with a lot of force caused a fracture there. It might be healed in 3-4 months. Other than that, everything's fine. Also, she's asleep right now. Will be up in an hour or so . Then you can talk to her. I'll get going now." The doctor said and scurried away.

"Well, thanks doc." Scar mumbled.

She turned around to take a walk and do something to keep herself busy for an hour. Just as she turned around, Xander caught her wrist. A little spark went through both of their bodies. He immediately left her wrist.

"How do you know Maria?"Xander asked.

He didn't mean to sound rude but that's just the way he was.

" I met her , like a few weeks ago." Scarlett answered and turned around again, not wanting to talk to him much.

Xander wanted to say and ask so many things to her but didn't say anything.

Scar went downstairs in the canteen and sat at a table on the left side. She was thinking about Maria's accident and her proposal. She was blaming herself for her accident. Maybe she was being stupid but she didn't know what she was doing. She doesn't want to say yes to her proposal but what if she says no and then Maria doesn't help those children. Afterall, Maria doesn't have any obligation towards her.

It was about an hour when Scar reached the floor where Maria was. Xander was talking to the doctor.

Scarlett waited there. She didn't want to interrupt. When Xander was finished, she walked to the doctor, " how's she? Awake yet ?"

"Yes, she's awake now. You guys can go talk to her." The doctor answered.

Xander was looking at her when she turned her head.

" You can go first. I'll just wait outside." She said to him.

Xander couldn't understand why would she stay there anyway. Never saw a person care so much about a person they barely know. He couldn't help but admire her. But still, he had his doubts. He never met much kind people in his life.

" It's alright, we both can go in." He answered back.

Scarlett didn't say anything, just nodded towards him and walked inside the room. Xander followed inside.

Maria was laying on the bed covered in a white sheet. She was awake. She smiled seeing Scarlett there. Next, she noticed Xander there too.

" You need to be more careful badima. How can you let this happen? What would I have done without you? You cannot leave me. Okay ? What were you thinking while crossing that road? You shouldn't rush so much. " Xander complained. He had unshed tears in his eyes. One could tell he really loved her.

Xander was scared when he got the news of her accident. The only person he called family could have gone for forever.

" I'm alright, Xander. It was a minor accident. Don't worry, my hand will also be alright in a few months." Maria assured him or more like tried to.

"Scarlett, thank you for staying here. And I know you did. Oh, also, meet my son. He's Xander. The owner of Knights Corporation." Maria introduced Xander to Scar.

" Yeah, I already met him in the corridor. And you don't have to thank me for staying. I wanted to so I did. But you should really be more careful Maria. Your son is right." Scarlett said.

"Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you are okay. I'll get going now. Bye Maria."

"No, wait. I wanted to ask if you would be able to help me in the bakery for a week , it will be really great as I visibly can't do much because of my hand. Would you ?"

Maria asked.

"Of course. I would help you. You don't even have to ask." Scar answered.

She wanted to go back home and try to find a way to help those children.

"Thank you so much Scarlett. You are great! " Maria answered happily.

" It's alright. I should be going now."

Scar left the room but not before waving bye at Xander too.

Finally, Xander got to know her name.

Scarlett, her name was as beautiful as her. He got happy knowing she'll be helping in the bakery for reason unknown to him.

Unconsciously, his lips curved into a small smile which didn't go unnotice by Maria. She knew that smile well.

"So, Xander , if you don't mind. Would you pick Scar tomorrow? She doesn't have her own car, yet ." Maria asked him.

Xander frowned at this. If she doesn't have her own car, he should have offered her ride home. How stupid he is.

" Yeah, sure. I can . I'll pick her up tomorrow." He replied. He didn't know why but he wanted to see more of Scar.

On the walk home, Scarlett was thinking if Maria would help her or not. Her son seemed kinda caring and nice and rude and conservative. But still, he's practically a stranger to her. She cannot marry a stranger.

She decided not to think about such things and enjoy the weather. It was a nice weather with a little wind blowing. It felt good. Clouds looked beautiful too.

Thinking back about the time at the hospital, Scar did notice that Xander was extremely good looking with his deep blue eyes, jet black hair and sharp jaw.

His cheek bones making him look more sharp and handsome.

But there was this intimidating aura around him as if he was in control, commanding everything. He seemed to have things his way or no way.

She reached home sooner than she expected. She took some chips and juice and watched tv for sometime.

After a while she dozed off on the couch only. Kat wasn't home yet. She went to her friend's house to hang out.

The next day Scar got ready for college wearing a black leather jacket with a white plain top and black skinny jeans with black boots. She particularly liked her look today.

Kat was sleeping in as her classes start late today and Mia already texted Scar saying she's near college with Talia.

Scar was walking down the stairs when she saw a sleek black, expensive looking car in front of her building.

It looked like it was waiting for someone.

People living in her building weren't that rich to afford a car like that. Maybe there's a new tenant or something.

She didn't bother much and started walking towards her destination.

She has just took a few steps that car stopped in front of her and the window rolled down showing a familiar looking man.... wait,.. that's.... that's Xander.

What is he doing here? She wondered.

She was about to walk forward ignoring him but stopped hearing a deep, velvety voice behind her.

" Come, I'll drop you off." He said, more like ordered.

Xander couldn't understand why was he doing this or felt like this. He just couldn't not drop her off knowing she doesn't have a car and she'll be walking alone.

"No, it's alright. Thank you very much."

Scar replied, confused as to why was he here exactly. She couldn't understand his reason. This wasn't particularly a place where billionaires like him are seen.

"I said I'll drop you off." He stated with a tone of finality in his voice.

Scarlett realized she was getting late and if he's offering, so she'll take , there's no harm in that.

Just a risk he might be a serial killer but

at least she won't have to marry him then. She scolded herself mentally for thinking like this.

Finally, she got into the car. The interior looked much expensive and sophisticated. It almost seemed royal and luxurious. Scar was afraid of touching anything there.

The car ride was silent.

Scar realized he might not know her college address but then again he offered to drop her, he should've known where was she headed to.

And even if he didn't, Scarlett wasn't going to tell him until he asks.

But then she was getting late too and thought of telling him herself only.

As she opened her mouth to speak, he beat her to it saying, "I know."

How could he know? Is he psychic? She didn't even say a word, She again wondered but didn't think much about it.

She already has a lot of things to think about.

To distract her mind, she decided to listen to some music.

She pressed the button and " you belong to me" of Taylor swift started playing.

It was one of her favourite songs. She hummed to it quietly.

But as soon as it was turned on, the song got turned off by same speed but this time by Xander.

Scar looked at him wondering what is going on with him. He's beyond confusing. What the heck is up with him?

This stupid , rude silencer!

She huffed and turned her face away towards the window. She focused her mind on the view outside.