
His Timeless Valentine

Amelia's world shatters on her second wedding anniversary when she discovers her husband, Harrison, entangled with her college friend. Devastated and broken-hearted, she rushes to confront him, only to meet a tragic end in a car accident on the way. In her final moments, she feels betrayed by both heaven and earth. However, death is not the end. Suddenly, she awakens in her younger body, before she ever met Harrison. Determined to shield herself from heartbreak, Amelia resolves to remain single and guard her heart. Yet, her resolve is tested when she encounters her dreaded senior from college, a persistent presence who complicates her vow of solitude at every turn. As Amelia navigates this unexpected second chance at life, she grapples with the complexities of love, betrayal, and forgiveness. Will she succumb to the pain of her past, or will she find the courage to embrace the possibility of love once more. Book Cover by discord : writerbubble1234 instagram : @writerbubble

Warm_Choco · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Echoes of Empathy

In the dim, oppressive darkness of her confinement, hours stretched into eternity for Amelia. With each passing moment, the weight of her captivity bore down on her, her stomach gnawing with hunger and her throat parched from thirst. Alone in the suffocating silence, she felt a sense of despair creeping into her soul.


When Harrison finally returned to the room, Amelia's heart leaped with a flicker of hope. But as he approached, his presence seemed to cast a shadow over the already dim surroundings. The air crackled with tension as they faced each other in the gloom, their silhouettes merging into the darkness.


Amelia's voice quivered as she broke the heavy silence between them. "I'm sorry, Harrison," she whispered, her words barely audible in the oppressive stillness. "I didn't mean to hurt you."


Harrison's expression softened at her apology, a flicker of sympathy crossing his features. He reached out a hand to gently lift her chin, his touch surprisingly tender against her skin. "I know," he murmured, his voice tinged with regret. "But you have to understand, what you did... it hurt."


Tears welled up in Amelia's eyes as she met his gaze, the weight of her own remorse bearing down upon her. "I didn't mean to," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I was just so angry, and I acted without thinking."


For a moment, a fragile sense of understanding seemed to pass between them, a fleeting truce in the midst of their turmoil. And then, with a sigh, Harrison turned away, his movements stiff and guarded.


Without a word, he produced a small packet of food from his pocket, offering it to Amelia with a silent gesture. Hunger gnawed at her insides, driving her to accept the meager offering with gratitude.


As she ate, the taste of the food was bittersweet against her tongue, a stark reminder of the rift that had formed between them. And though Harrison's gesture offered a momentary reprieve from her hunger, she couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered in the air.


In the quiet of their confinement, the tension between them remained palpable, a silent specter haunting the darkness. And as the hours stretched on into the night, Amelia couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for them both in this shadowy realm of uncertainty.

As Amelia ate the meager offering, the taste of the food felt heavy on her tongue, each swallow a struggle against the rising tide of unease within her. Despite her hunger, the morsels seemed to linger like lead in her stomach, dragging her down into a murky abyss of discomfort.


With each bite, a sense of foreboding settled over her, casting a pall of darkness over the already oppressive atmosphere. The air seemed to thicken around her, suffocating her with its weight as she forced herself to consume the sustenance that Harrison had provided.


But as the last morsel slipped down her throat, a wave of dizziness washed over her, leaving her head swimming and her vision blurred. Panic fluttered in her chest as she clutched at the edges of consciousness, struggling to keep the darkness at bay.


Her limbs felt heavy and leaden, as if weighed down by invisible chains, and she swayed unsteadily on her feet. The world seemed to tilt and spin around her, the walls of their confinement closing in like a vise, suffocating her with their suffocating embrace.


Desperate for clarity, Amelia reached out a trembling hand, grasping blindly for something to anchor her faltering senses. But her fingers found only empty air, leaving her adrift in a sea of confusion and fear.


Through the haze of her dizziness, she cast a pleading glance towards Harrison, her vision swimming as she struggled to focus on his form. But he remained a shadowy figure in the dim light, his features obscured by the shadows that danced around them.


Panic surged within her, threatening to overwhelm her fragile grasp on consciousness. Was this the end? Had Harrison poisoned her, condemning her to a fate worse than death?


As the darkness closed in around her, swallowing her whole, a single thought echoed in Amelia's mind—a silent plea for salvation in the face of impending doom.

In shadows deep, where whispers creep,

I lay, a soul adrift, in darkness steep.

My heart, a heavy burden, weighs me down,

As I drift through realms where sorrows drown.


A wisp of air, a fleeting breath,

In the silence of the night, I meet my death.

No tears to shed, no mournful cries,

Just a soul departing under starlit skies.


In the echo of the void, I find my rest,

Where dreams and nightmares intertwine, blessed.

No more the pain, the strife, the fear,

Just a quiet surrender to the ever-nearing sphere.


A whispered prayer, a final plea,

For peace to find its way to me.

In the embrace of night, I close my eyes,

And let the darkness claim its prize.


Farewell, dear world, farewell, dear light,

I slip away into the endless night.

In shadows deep, where whispers creep,

I find my solace, my eternal sleep.

In the dim light of the secluded room, Amelia's gaze locked with Harrison's, finding a fleeting sense of connection in the midst of their turmoil. Despite the tension, a faint smile graced his lips, softening the hard lines of his face. In that moment, it was as if a spark of understanding flickered between them, a silent acknowledgment of their shared pain and struggle.


His eyes, once filled with anger and hurt, softened with a glimmer of empathy as they met hers. It was a rare moment of vulnerability, a glimpse behind the facade of bitterness that had come to define their interactions.


But as quickly as it had appeared, the warmth in Harrison's expression was snuffed out by the encroaching darkness. Amelia's vision blurred, the world around her fading into a haze of uncertainty.


In the fleeting clarity before the darkness claimed her, she held onto the memory of Harrison's fleeting smile, a small glimmer of humanity in a world fraught with pain and betrayal.