


Carson's POV

Sunday evening after Kayla left my apartment to go back to the dorms, I met up with my friends and we decided to go to the gym to spend the remaining of the evening. This wasn't a random trip to the gym, ever since we came to New York, we would normally come here at least three times a month.

We were here for half an hour, when I was surprised by Oliver Ross entering the gym. Was this guy stalking me now? Because all the time I've been here, I've never seen him here before. I sat up from the chest press machine I was on, when Oliver walked in our direction. The guys, who noticed Oliver too, got off the machines they were on and faced him when he reached us.

/"Relax boys, no punches will be flung tonight./" He replied holding his hands up. However, he was sporting a sinister grin on his face.

/"What do you want, Oliver?/" I demanded.