


Zach dropped me off at my house like he said he would. I knew that it might be difficult for him to make time for me since he has a lot of things lined up for work, but I decided that I would use this time to visit my parents.

I also knew that I would need to be an active bridesmaid for my cousin. I didn't hate her or anything, but she was an only child and quite shy, so she never really spoke to me when we had those big family gatherings. That's something I don't miss about living with my parents.

/"Hey, quit it these are for my parents/" I slapped Beth's hand away from my newly baked cookies. I'm not much of a baker but ever since I was little mom would always want me to bake these cookies she says they are better than the ones in the shop.

/"just one, they're still warm/" Beth moaned. She was on her way out but decided to try and steal one of my cookies.

/"fine/" I gave in, one cookie wouldn't hurt.