


Zach dropped me off the next day. I really didn't want him to see me drunk, that is not the image I want him to have in his mind but a girl can't always get what she wants.

I had just finished my shower when I got a text from my parents. Turns out my cousin is getting married. I have to be one of the bridesmaids even though I haven't spoken to her in years.

I grimaced when I saw my mum ringing me. Brilliant, I knew I shouldn't have sent that emoji of me rolling my eyes.

/"mum, I barely know her why the hell does she want me as a bridesmaid/" I groan into the phone.

/"Imogen don't be stupid she's family you should feel privileged she asked you/" privileged isn't the word I would describe at this moment. I'm only close to two of my cousins mainly because they're cool and actually did something for themselves in life.

The only thing that's pulling me through actually going to this wedding is the fact I can spend time with them.