


The way she looked so fragile and vulnerable made me feel worried. Her father told me about what happened so I knew what made her like this.

The drive to our estate was so quiet but not awkward. She needed her space and I respected that. Too lazy to drive into the garage, I park in front of the house and she stepped out.

"Thank you", she says before walking into the house. Fuck! "What am I going to do now?", I ask myself. Thunder roared loudly and I sigh. Putting my hands in my pockets I walk into the house.

Hearing sobs, I walk into the kitchen. There she was, sitting on the island with her face in her hands. "Clair?", I call. She raises her head and wipes her tears. I walk towards her and kneel in front of her. "Clair, please don't be hard on yourself", I tell her. She faces away from me.