
His Nightmare

Him Roarke Stone is the CEO of a multinational company - Stone Construction Company. Due to a painful experience in the past, he doesn't care about anybody except his daughter, siblings and parents. He wears a frown proudly more than he does a smile. His Nightmare Vanessa is an engineer who is more than a pretty face. She looks more like a model and dresses like one. No one would mistake her for someone who spends time on blueprints and construction sites. She balances her work and social life expertly. She believes one shouldn't be judged by one's choice of clothing. How would these two get along when Vanessa possesses almost everything Roarke detests in a woman? Would Vanessa be willing to tolerate Roarke's insufferable behaviour and concentrate on the reason she accepted a job in his company? Would Roarke be willing to let go of the past and embrace a new and adventurous beginning? P.S: This is the second book in The Stone Brothers series, however, it can be read as standalone. P.S: THIS BOOK WILL BE REPUBLISHED, KINDLY CHECK MY PROFILE FOR A FULL STORY. THANK YOU.

Reemah_Rede · Urbano
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60 Chs

Clubbers or Plotters

"Wow, this place is huge!" Tori said aloud for Nessa to hear, she had to move really close to her ears because of the loud music and shouts from other clubbers.

Both friends looked around with admiration and excitement, seeing the most talked about exclusive club, "we better get into the grove on time Nessa, this is dope!" she exclaimed.

"You're right, now I know why people wait in line to get here"

'Nessa, is that the famous quarterback player up there?" Tori shrieked, pointing at a tall huge guy who was leaning on one of the strong steel panels on the upper section of the club.

"Oh yeah, that Davidson who plays for the L.A team"

"If he's here, there's a possibility that some of his team members are here as well. Wanna do more than admiring him from afar?" Tori winked at her best friend.

Nessa curled up her lips, 'oh what a naughty girl you are but I'll pass"

"Why" she yelled, since she wanted Nessa to hear her while she was busy drinking in, the appearance of the handsome quarterback.

"I have an important mission to accomplish" she downed her glass and snagged another two from the bartender to replace their empty one.

She looked at her friend and realised she was busy starring at Davidson like a candy,  she scoffed, "if you stare any longer, you'll bore a hole in his body"

Tori smiled, "can't blame me for starring, the guy is hot!"

"Thank you for the compliments, I know I'm hot" Reese walked up them, flashing them his bright white teeth.

Tori rolled her eyes at him, "why the eye roll? Wasn't the discussion about me?"

Nessa shook her head and introduced the two, choosing to ignore Reese's questions, "Reese, meet my best friend, Tori" she tilted her head towards Tori and did the same to Reese, "Tori, Reese Stone, our host and tour guide"

Reese took Tori's outstretched hand and kissed her hand, "such a lovely name, fit for a pretty lady like you."

Nessa watched her friend turned crimson, stuttering before she finally was able to respond coherently, "Thank you, and I have to say, this place is beyond dope"

"Thanks! Ladies, why don't I show you a doper section of the club" Reese motioned to them to follow him.

"A while ago you were poking the quarterback with your stares, didn't even glance at him for a millisecond after Reese showed up"

Tori shrugged, "what can I say, the hottest guy showed up so the lesser one took the back seat"

"You're insufferable " she playfully said.

"Welcome to the part which befits you, the VVIP section"

"Oh my world!" Tori widen her eyes while Nessa took in the unique designs and decoration, admiring the colour schemes and how the reflection of light dances around the room, "this is exquisite"

"I wouldn't agree more, courtesy of Roarke and Ronald, they both redesigned the club actually, and took special interest in this particular section."

"I'm impressed. They have such a good eye."

A waiter entered with a bucket of champagne filled with ice cubes, the loud noise from the club downstairs streamed in until he closed the door.

He placed the bucket and glasses on the table, bowed and left the room.

"Time to partay!" Tori screamed, which brought out a laugh from Reese and Nessa.

"So, how's the the mission 'Tame Roarke' coming along?" Reese asked after they've all downed the first round of their champagne.

"Tori and I have come up with some ideas which I intend to execute as soon as possible"

Tori cut in, "don't forget the seduction part"

A naughty glint appeared on Reese face, "Nessa darling, I don't remember you filling me in about any seduction" he asked sweetly. Now this is getting more interesting.

"That was because it was a last minute thing and I would have told you eventually anyway"

"Are you sure this whole plot is not to jump my brother?" He teased.

"Hell no" she quickly denied, sending a glare to Tori whose face mirrored Reese's doubtful look.

She repeated, "no, it is not to jump your brother but to teach him a lesson"

"If you say so" both Reese and Tori said in unison and they both laughed.

She shook her head and sipped her drink.

Reese's phone chimed and he briefly looked at the screen before he announced, "I invited my brothers to join us and Ronald is here"

Tori beamed, "looking forward to seeing the rest of your handsome brothers" she winked.

"Unfortunately, I doubt if the rest will show up. Ryan is a new dad who is busy playing the father role, Roarke who is a veteran in playing the fatherly role detest noisy environments so he's off the list, Rick is abroad which leaves Ronald as the possible and only Stone aside me who you'll get to see tonight"

"Not bad, at least i'll see another dose of handsomeness, too much could give me a stroke" she joked.

"Believe me, too much of me might give you one and seeing us all at once might kill you. Meeting us in small doses is a good start"

Nessa rolled her eyes, "stop being cocky and stop flirting with my friend"

"She's not complaining, is she?" He looked at Tori who raised her hands up, "no I'm not, handsome" she smiled, flashing her brightest smile at Reese.

Nessa rolled her eyes once again and downed another drink, feeling a little bit lightheaded.

Reese who had already had a plan on how to nudge his brother and Nessa together spoke up, "now before Ronald gets here and rat us out to Roarke, let's quickly discuss our plans"

This suddenly uplift Nessa's already high excitements, the three plotters moved closer while Reese explained some of the things which gets on Roarke's nerve.

"Okay, now I'm ready to party" Nessa announced to no one in particular.

Tori studied her friend, she noticed how excited she was after learning how to get back at Roarke. Her friend who was a party animal and admirer of the male specie was oblivious to the stares of different men who had been making a pass at her while they were at the bar. Obviously what was on her mind was Roarke, not really surprised with the new observation, she decided to save the discussion for later.

She clinked her glass with the others and took a sip. She glanced at the door when another Stone came in, Ronald as expected.

"Hello ladies" Ronald shook Tori's hand, briefly gave a side hug to Nessa and slapped his brother's shoulder.

Nessa introduced Tori to Ronald, sighed when she saw Tori, turning crimson once again, Reese was right after all, she thought, seeing all the Stone brothers at once might kill her friend!

"Let's get the party started, shall we?"