

Mira levenson .. strong and practical ready to face any challenge. She has always loved everyone and everything and has such a sweet and beauty heart. she falls for Damien ...a ruthless billionaire and set to break his iron stone heart .. Damien Lockhart...set to the destroy the race which he hated most but get distracted a long the way ...lowering his resolve on his mission. When things don't go according to plan and complications set it...how will the overcome the situation and still maintain the peace once and for all... Can Mira be able to weaken his resolve and change him for good ... Find out..in ..HIS MAGNIFICENT...MY first book

Itz_Vick · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter 18: thank you

"woah is this your house!" Mira asked still quite amazed. The house was big and beautiful. It was painted white and a lot of places were made with glass and the house was quite bright from all the lights lit up around it.

And the land of which the plot of house was built on was enough to make an estate. Everything was so wide. Mira could see 3 other buildings behind the main house but that's something she'll explore later on.

"Shall we?" They walked towards the door while Thomas parked the car well.

As soon as they got inside, a lady came to greet them. Well actually, came to greet Ezekiel.

"Thank you Mabel, hope you have the room prepared?" He asked. Mira just stood still admiring the house.

"please take her there" he pointed to Mira.

"Okay sir. Let's go miss" she took her to the room upstairs.

" Here's your room and the keys" Mabel gave her the keys, smiled and left.

Mira opened the door unsure of what to expect but so far, she has been amazed.

Click..... finally the door was unlocked. She entered slowly and woah, ...it was so amazing. The wall was painted white. A large wardrobe was in the room,a dressing mirror, a side table with a lamp was near the bed and the bed was huge to. Able to fit 5 more people.

She closed the door behind her and went ahead to jump on the bed. Yep, it was bouncing.

"I think am going to enjoy living here" but one thing, she didn't like the color. Everything was plain white. But she can't do anything about it. It's not her house.😩

She laid down flat on the bed enjoying the softness.

"How did Mom get acquaintance with such a person" Mira asked herself.

Her mom even trust Mr Lockhart to the extend that she wanted him to bring Mira to his home.

Well, only her mom can ever answer that question.

She looked at the wall clock. 7:45pm.

She sighed...."time has gone."

Getting up from the bed, she grabbed the towel she found on the door of the bathroom. She took off her clothes, tied the towel around herself and entered the shower.

She looked at the shower nob. Thankfully, this was the kind of shower 🚿 found in Kira's house and Kira had thought her how to turn the water from cold to hot.


She stepped out of the bathroom and looked at the clothes on floor..

She didn't think this through. Which clothes will she change into?

She went to the huge wardrobe but no clothes were there.

"Ugh.." then someone knocked on the door.

She went ahead to open it still with the towel around her.

"Here miss. Sir said I should give you this" a young maid, probably her age handed her pajamas.

"Thank you"

She collected the pajamas.

"He also said you should join him for dinner as soon as your done" she informed Mira and left.



She was shown to the dinner room. It was so big and it was lit. She saw Mr Lockhart sitted in the first chair on the line.

There should be about 14 dinning chairs. 6 one each side and 1 at the head of the table.

'hmmm.... Why so many chairs for just a person? ' Mira asked herself.

She just couldn't get why they were so many dinning chairs when he clearly lived alone.

"Join me" Ezekiel said and Mira took a seat directly opposite him.

The cook brought her tea and biscuits.

"I hope you don't mind the light dinner. Didn't know I'll have a guest tonight" he quickly explained when he saw Mira only staring at the food.

"Its okay. Didn't think I'll have appetite for a real food" she replied and began eating.

She focused on the tea and biscuits but Ezekiel was just staring at her not touching his.

Realizing that he hasn't been eating and was just looking at her. Mira became uncomfortable.

"Err.... May I ask a question?" She summoned courage to ask.

" Ask" finally, he took a bite from a biscuit.

" Why are they too many chairs here. Don't you live alone?" .

She asked and took a sip from the tea.

" I don't live alone Mira. Others aren't just around".

" Ohh.. " was all Mira could say.

"Hmm.. Mira... That name sounds like an Asian name. But your mom ain't one" he asked and Mira nodded.

" Yes, she's not but my dad is Asian, India to be precise" she answered.

" I would have never guessed" he smiled and Mira froze. He had such a breathtaking smile 🥺.

But she didn't reply, rather she kept her face down to hide her red cheeks.

"Why am I even blushing?" She asked herself.

"Tomorrow, I'll have Thomas and Linda take to the mall. Am sure you need some clothing since they're none in the house"

" Thank you"


She stirred and stirred till finally her eyes opened.

She grabbed the jug on the side table and poured herself a glass of water. Standing up with the glass of water in her hand, she walked to the window.

Her room was adjacent to the swimming pool and garden. Every where looked lit under the moonlight and the water glittered in the moonlight.

It made the entire garden glittering too and it was so beautiful to behold.

She sighed "nature"..

She didn't know what woke her from sleep but she was feeling restless as always.

She had thought that being here, she would finally relax but nope, it was still the same.

"I wonder what's causing this feeling in me? " She said out loud.

" Mom" she whispered.

She was missing her mom... She hadn't seen her for a day but it was taking a toil on her.

"I hope she'll be alright"


The sun rays shone on her face. Geez.... She forgot to close the curtains last night... She was enjoying the view of the stars and moonlight and the way it was shining through the window to her room.

'my room'.. she laughed internally... She's already calling it her room when she may not be here for long.

She got up, bathed and freshened up and went downstairs.

"Good morning" she greeted the house keeper Mabel..

"Good morning Miss"...She replied back.

"Oh.. pls don't call me that. My name is Mira" she corrected. The woman was way older than her. She shouldn't address her like that.

Mabel looked up and smiled. But the smile didn't reach her eyes.

Dark circles could be seen around her eyes and she looked tired and exhausted like she didn't sleep at all.


"Miss your breakfast" the young girl who came to her room the other day came again.

She walked behind the maid to the dinning room.

She sat down on the same seat as last night.

They served her toast bread and tea. Mira was surprised with the kind of respect they were giving her but she didn't know that Mr Lockhart had already addressed them to respect and treat Mira as family.

'this people really like tea' she said in her mind.

"Mr Lockhart said, when your done, you should go to the mall with Thomas. I'll be accompanying you miss" the young girl said and Mira nodded.


She entered the hospital and went straight to the receptionist.

"Good morning ma'am. How may I help you?" ..

"Am looking for Mrs Lockhart room pls" she immediately went straight to the point.

" Pls who are you? " The receptionist felt suspicious.

"Am her cousin and I heard she isn't doing well and I came to visit her. Is there a problem"

'maybe am wrong about her'..

" No ma'am" ...

She checked her register and told her the room number.... "Room 3B, down the hall on your left"..

Thank you.


Finally, she got to Mira's room. Looking left and right, she entered the room. She locked the door and walked towards the peaceful Maria... Sleeping..

She smiled wickedly and brought out the injection from her bag.

" You called me insane, huh?!!... Now I'll make sure you become the insane one" ... She injected the cocaine into her body.

Mira's mom jerked In her sleep and opened her eyes. Her Vision was blurry so she couldn't see anyone.

"Done" was the only voice Mira's mom heard.

She unlocked the door and walked out



am still updating despite no votes to encourage me