
His lovest Sweetheart

"His Sweetheart" is a modern urban romance novel that tells the story of the young handsome man and the lovely girl. The male protagonist is a top student and very aloof, but he is trapped in loneliness in his love life until he meets Actress. Actress is a naive and cheerful girl who loves to laugh and play. Her arrival makes Male lead's life full of sweetness and hope. However, the relationship between the two is not always smooth sailing as they face pressures and tests from their families. They need to confront their inner selves, overcome difficulties, and eventually realize their dreams of love for each other.

DaoistjlkglM · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 22

Yan Heng looked at Tianxin and smiled, taking out a Rubik's Cube from the desk and starting to play with it. In just a few minutes, the class representative came into the classroom and walked towards Yan Heng, "Yan Heng, someone is looking for you outside." Yan Heng glanced coldly at the representative and recognized that it was Qi Yue. He threw the Rubik's Cube into the desk and left. Passing students in the hallway stopped to watch the scene, while some entered the classroom. Yan Heng looked at the shy girl in front of him and thought it was Qi Yue. He turned and walked away, but the girl quickly grabbed onto his shirt. Yan Heng shook her off, as he disliked strangers touching his body, feeling disgusted even with the fabric of his clothes. "I'm busy, just tell me what you want." The girl handed him a love letter, saying in a soft voice, "Yan Heng, I like you. This is for you." Yan Heng felt annoyed and asked, "Are you doing well in your studies?" The girl replied confidently, "I will work hard." Yan Heng replied carelessly, "At such a young age, just focus on studying. Plus, you're not my type." He showed no hesitation and left immediately. The girl's eyes welled up with tears as she felt embarrassed in front of the crowd, hearing them gossiping about her. She left in anger, tearing up the love letter into pieces. As Yan Heng entered the classroom, everyone looked at him. He said, "What are you looking at? Do you like me? I'm telling you, it's not going to happen." He then looked at Tianxin, who was doing her homework. He wondered if she would feel unhappy or jealous if he received a confession from someone else. "I don't know her, and I have nothing to do with her," Yan Heng said, feeling a bit disappointed that Tianxin did not show any reaction. The next day, rumors spread about the girl who was rejected in front of everyone. Yan Heng had many female admirers from not only his school, but also from other schools, yet he had never accepted any of them. Time passed slowly, and before they knew it, autumn had arrived. Tianxin was lying on her desk, looking outside at the slightly yellow leaves of the trees, lost in thought.

ZhuTing walked in humming a tune, walked over and touched Tianxin's head, "You're just a first-year student, don't look as stressed as the seniors. If you feel like going out to play, then go play."

"I'm not stressed, but there's a lot of homework and courses to take, and exams are coming up. I just don't feel like playing," Tianxin replied, a bit worried. This was her first high school exam, and if she failed, what would happen? The students in her previous middle school had varying academic levels, and her grades were still good, but at One High School, everyone was a top student, and the competition was naturally fierce.

As soon as the topic of grades came up, Zhu Ting became sad, "Let's not talk about my grades. My family has agreed that I should study art. The academic requirements are not high."

"Studying art is also good, but the costs are a bit high," Tianxin commented.

"Yes, the cost is indeed high, but my family is doing fine. I've learned dance and instruments since I was young, and learning this is much faster than studying," Zhu Ting replied. Her dance teacher also praised her for her skills. She was born to dance, not to study.

Tianxin looked up to Zhu Ting in admiration. "Wow, that's amazing. I want to see you dance. Girls who dance are very beautiful."

Zhu Ting felt a bit embarrassed by Tianxin's praise. "It's nothing. It's not difficult if you start learning from a young age."

Talking about dance, Tianxin remembered that the school seemed to have a program recently, and National Day was coming up. "The homeroom teacher will probably talk about the National Day program during self-study. Do you want to try it out?"

The seniors in high school were all busy studying and preparing for exams, so they didn't participate in the National Day program every year.

Zhu Ting thought for a moment. "You've got me interested. I'll try out for a program and see if I'm lucky enough to get in."

As they were talking, Zhong You and Yan Heng walked in. "You two are here. I thought you were on the playground," Zhong You said. They had just come back from the restroom and went to the convenience store with Yan Heng.

"Um, I bought some snacks that I can't finish. You two can have some," Zhong You offered. He and Yan Heng picked out snacks that Tianxin liked, and Zhu Ting liked, respectively, but Yan Heng was the one who paid, while Zhong You carried the bag.

As a true foodie, Zhu Ting lost her ability to think as a human being when she encountered food. Tianxin couldn't imagine that she could eat snacks without gaining weight. It was as if she had a built-in digestive system.

"That's great, classmate. You're finally generous for once. You're a good friend," Zhu Ting said, already eager to dig into the bag of snacks. Zhong You felt a bit guilty. He wasn't the one being generous. It was Yan Heng.

Tianxin looked at Yan Heng, but he didn't react. Yan Heng looked at Zhong You and winked at him. Zhong You understood and said, "Tianxin, you should have some too. I'm a big guy and not really into snacks."

Tianxin nodded and took her favorite snack. Zhong You and Zhu Ting split the rest. Yan Heng watched her eat snacks and found her adorable.

As expected, the homeroom teacher came during self-study today. "National Day is coming soon, and the school requires every class to have a performance. The class leader will be in charge, and everyone can sign up for any talent they have. Rehearsals cannot take up classroom time. You can do it after class or on weekends. The exams are approaching, so weigh your priorities carefully."

"Teacher, can we perform a sketch?" a classmate asked.

"Yes, that's fine. That's all for now. Class leader, come here for a moment. You can discuss your ideas with me after class," the teacher said.

The class immediately burst into discussion about the performance. After the class leader left, they became even more excited and several started to perform. As they were enjoying themselves, they didn't notice the class slowly becoming quiet.

"I'm going to ascend to heaven in a moment. You three, go outside and stand there," Yan Heng said.

The three of them hesitantly went outside and stood there. "Keep reading, class representatives. Don't make a racket," Yan Heng said.

Everyone continued to discuss in low voices. Tianxin took out a pink pen from her pencil case and asked Yan Heng, "Do you want to go?"

"I don't want to," Yan Heng continued playing with his Rubik's cube. He had already moved on to a four-layered one.

Tianxin watched his fingers quickly move the cube. She had a thing for hands and no one knew about it except for herself. Yan Heng had the most beautiful hands she had ever seen, even better than hand models. Tianxin got lost in thought while staring at his hands.

Yan Heng thought she was interested in the Rubik's cube and said, "The four-layered one is a bit difficult. You can try the three-layered one." He took out the Rubik's cube he had played with before, scrambled it, and gave it to Tianxin.

Tianxin took the Rubik's cube, but fortunately, she didn't notice that she was staring at his hands, or she would have been embarrassed. She randomly twisted the cube in her hands, pretending to be very serious.

Yan Heng watched her struggling with the cube and chuckled. "If you can't solve it, I won't laugh at you. Based on your intelligence, I can only teach you the formula for solving it. Just follow the formula."

Yan Heng was afraid that Tianxin wouldn't remember the formula, so he wrote it down on a piece of paper. "Just follow this," he said. Tianxin looked around, unsure of what to do with her hands. Yan Heng watched her helplessness and said, "Alright, just play with it however you want for now. When you feel like learning, I'll teach you."

"I've never played with it before, and I don't understand the formula," Tianxin remembered a time in middle school when her classmates were all crazy about solving Rubik's cubes. They would play with them during class and after class, and the cubes were selling well at the school gate. Everyone was trying to learn the formula, and those who did would teach others. But Tianxin didn't find it interesting and didn't learn. If she had learned, she wouldn't be so clueless now.

"It's okay if you don't understand. I can teach you. Let's do our homework first," Yan Heng continued to solve his own Rubik's cube. When the class monitor came in, Tianxin put down her pen.

Yang Zhifei held a piece of paper in his hand. "Each class can only sign up for three performances. There will be a rehearsal in a week, and it might be broadcasted. So everyone should prepare well, but it shouldn't affect your studies. Come to me after you have discussed and decided what to do."

After Yang Zhifei finished speaking, someone immediately said, "Monitor, I want to perform."

"I don't recommend doing it alone. It's better to have a few people. Discuss and decide what to perform before coming to me," Yang Zhifei said before sitting back down at his desk.

After class, Tianxin and a few others went to the cafeteria. Zhu Ting wanted to dance, but she couldn't do it alone. She looked at Tianxin, who had a good figure and height. "Tianxin, come dance with me."

Tianxin shook her head without hesitation. "No, I haven't really danced before. I'll definitely mess it up."

"It's actually quite simple. Come on, let's perform in front of the whole school. It'll be so satisfying, and we might even become famous at our school. Come on, come on," Zhu Ting tried to persuade her.

Tianxin wasn't confident in herself, and she was afraid of failing. "I'm not sure if I can do it. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it."

"If you've never tried, how can you say you can't do it? Bring out your studying spirit, and you'll definitely be okay," Zhu Ting encouraged her. Tianxin didn't want to refuse her again, so she agreed to rehearse and see how it goes. "You're so sweet, Tianxin," Zhu Ting hugged Tianxin's neck and kissed her.

Tianxin touched her cheek that had been kissed and thought to herself... "Haha, I'll go ask the girls in our dormitory. It would be great if all of us can participate. We'll be a group of beautiful girls, dazzling everyone," Zhu Ting fantasized with a chuckle. "Unrealistic fantasies are less practical than eating," Zhao Xuexi said as she and her friends arrived. Zhu Ting and Tianxin had just finished cooking and were about to eat. Zhu Yan sat next to Zhu Ting and asked, "Don't you get tired of eating meat every day?" Zhu Ting picked up a piece of pork rib and said, "How can you eat without meat? You don't understand the enjoyment. You're an ignorant human." Zhu Yan ate her potato shreds and replied, "Tsk, did you come from Mars? Your IQ is only 250." "Okay, let's stop arguing while we eat. Can you two compliment each other instead?" Tianxin found them cute. "Compliment each other? I'm afraid I'll get too high and fall," Zhu Yan said, looking at Zhu Ting who was angry. "Do you love each other and fight each other?" Zhao Xuexi asked as she ate her mixed noodles. "There's fighting but no love. Can't you tell?" Pan Xiaojiang sighed. "By the way, I have something important to discuss with you. I plan to organize a dance performance for the National Day celebration. Do you want to participate together? Tianxin has agreed," Zhao Xuexi said. "Don't count me in. My limbs are not coordinated. My dad said I was not born to dance," Zhu Yan immediately declined. Everyone laughed, "Your dad is really your dad. Does he always speak about his daughter like that? Okay, let's not count you in. Xiaoyue, I think you can do it. Let's do it together. You, Snow Creek, and Xiaojiang." Tang Xiaoyue was a bit tempted, "Can you dance, Tianxin?" "Um, I promised Zhu Ting. I'm just not sure if I can do it. It's been a long time since I last danced," Tianxin was curious why Tang Xiaoyue was asking her. "Then I'll go too, to accompany you guys. Have you told your desk mate about it?" Tang Xiaoyue suddenly asked. Tianxin didn't react for a moment, "Why should I tell Yan Heng? He only said he wouldn't participate. He doesn't even know that I'm going to dance," she hadn't had a chance to tell him yet.

"I just think you guys have a good relationship, and he definitely knows about your situation," Tianxin said, envying the fact that Yan Heng was the only person who talked to her a lot. Even though they were in the same class, she couldn't find anything to say to him.

"Yan Heng likes to be quiet and has a somewhat solitary personality. Maybe it's because we're desk mates that I can say a few words to him," Tianxin said with a faint smile, continuing to eat.

Zhu Ting didn't say anything, glancing at Tan Xiaoyue and not noticing anything unusual. "What do you think, Xuexi and Xiaojiang?" she asked.

Zhao Xuexi thought for a moment. "I think it's okay. We learned dance in junior high school, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Pan Xiaojiang directly refused. "I can't do it. I'm too short and it would look awkward standing together. Besides, I'm not interested in dancing."

Zhu Ting was relieved that the problem was solved so easily. There were still two more people in the class to ask, and it would be best to find someone who lived on campus so they could rehearse together on weekends. "Don't worry, I'll go back to the dorm and check my phone to see what we're dancing to."

After finishing their meal, Zhu Ting went back to the dorm and the first thing she did was check her phone. She had danced to it once in junior high school and remembered that there was still a video of it. It was the song "Happiness Then What," and it was perfect for the six of them to dance to.

"I'll play the song for you first so you can get familiar with the melody. You can also download it and listen to it yourselves when you come back tonight. The song is called 'Happiness Then What,'" Zhu Ting said.

A-Lin's voice was rich and warm, with a touch of sadness that could stir up people's emotions. Tianxin used to like this song quite a bit.

Tianxin downloaded the song and planned to listen to it later that night. She had already selected the song, while Zhu Ting just registered it with the class leader before evening self-study.

Tianxin and Zhao Xuexi went to study, while Zhu Ting went to the neighboring dormitory to discuss something. Zhao Xuexi dragged Tianxin to the playground, where she used to study under the teaching building, but she didn't know why Zhao Xuexi brought her to the playground these days.

"Tianxin, do you see that thin boy sitting on the stairs over there?" Zhao Xuexi whispered to Tianxin.

"There are quite a few thin ones over there. Which one are you talking about?" Tianxin took a glance, and a few boys were fooling around.

"The thinnest one, who looks delicate," Zhao Xuexi provided a more detailed description, and now Tianxin recognized him. "Got it. Do you know him?"

"I know him, but he doesn't know me. He is a boy from the senior experimental class."