
His love beyond words

Humiliated, belittled, mistreated, and rejected because of her silence, Emma has no hope for the future. Until she meets Michaël Keller, the son of the most powerful man in town and also the richest. Michaël has it all: stunning beauty, extraordinary influence, and, above all else, power. Everyone expects him to date a girl from his background, but he falls irremediably in love with Emma. How can these two teens in a society that values appearances above everything else find the courage to love each other without restriction? Is it possible for love to survive despite the hardships of pain, sadness, and tragedies?

Patricia_Ntsama · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Remedial teaching

I'm getting my things ready for the next day. I've never felt so excited about going to school and I still can't believe this is happening to me.

I'm actually living a daydream. Summarily, I arrived in a school where even if they know that I am mute they do not try to punish me for a fate for which I am not even responsible. I exchanged with comrades, I was applauded for my acquaintances and more anyone other than my sister worried about me. I think I have passed a great milestone in my life.

I hear my door click and my sister comes in with a mug of hot milk in her hand.

"It's almost 10pm. You should go to bed because tomorrow you're going to have to get up very early… you know with everything that's happened I haven't been able to go to work lately I feel like my boss is going to sting me one of those crises so tomorrow I'm going out early… but don't worry your lunch will be ready the same evening I couldn't pick you up…do you think you'll be ok? »

I nod, and she smiles at me.

"Okay I'm going to go so drink your milk and rest good night Emma"

** Good night Jeanne **

She leaves my room and I continue to tidy up. Once finished I'm going to drink my milk but something catches my attention on the table. Michaël's handkerchief – oh no I almost forgot and I haven't even washed it yet. He shouldn't think I'm a big jerk.

I hurry into the bathroom and start scrubbing the small piece of fabric, I use the detergent that Jeanne uses for laundry, it makes the clothes fresh and gives them an exquisite floral smell. I don't know why I'm doing all this, but I like it so I continue.

I hope it will dry overnight. What a question of course it will dry, it's just a vulgar piece of fabric.

I go back to my room and I lay down all smiles on my bed. I wonder what wonderful adventure awaits me tomorrow.

The shrill sound of the alarm clock twists my ears as I try not to break it, I get out of bed with difficulty thinking that the night has not been long enough and I want to go back to my bed

But when I still remember the day before a sudden surge of energy washes over me and I run to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I look at the hanging piece of fabric and grab it, it's all dry so I take advantage of being in the bathroom to retrieve it.

When I'm ready Jeanne is no longer there, right, she must have gone to a very early poor thing. I finish eating and leave the house, making sure I have closed the door before going out into the street. I may have changed schools but not neighborhoods and the scene of violence between a teenager and a young adult is enough to remind me of that.

I lower my head trying not to be noticed as much as possible, lifting my shoulders slightly as I grab my backpack. The blows in my ears are still a difficult experience to live because having experienced it myself but I am not too comfortable with the situation.

The young adult is bare-chested, his tattoos all over his body as he cuts himself a cigarette that doesn't really look like it. He had a fierce look on the teenager and before I knew it he had pulled out a gun.

Out of fear I stop, not wanting to make the slightest noise anymore, not wanting to find myself in a situation that will still worry my sister.

I've been standing there for a while and then the young adult turns to me before nodding for me to get out of there which doesn't bother me in the least as I'm running away from there. I run in the streets not wanting to deal with bad encounters anymore.

There is still time, so even if I walk I could arrive at school before the start of classes. Anyway, I can't hail a taxi so I'll manage, especially since the central area is not so far.

I don't know how long I walked, but I can already see the high school gates and I hurry to get in. I arrive in my classroom where as usual the students are discussing in a pleasant cacophony at least in my opinion because despite my entry no one has sought to become aware of my existence and I am satisfied.

I go to my place and I discover Michaël who is already there, so it was only the day before that he must have been late because of his modeling work, it must be tiring to hold such a program. I sit down next to him and take his handkerchief directly before handing it to him.

He smiles and takes it before putting it in front of his nostrils.

"Hmm floral scent my favorite"

Anyway I gave him his handkerchief. We don't have much to say to each other so I'm now going to ignore him from today. I don't want to get involved with him no matter how desperate I am to have friends.

I decide to continue reading my book from the day before while waiting for the teacher but Michaël is not ready to leave me alone and shifts to look at me.

"You seem to be pretty good at school and I'm sure you are, but you haven't gotten all the teachers' classes and I'd like to help you get up to speed…this what I propose to you is to be your study partner. »

Pardon ? My partner of what? What did I come to hear from you and why is he doing this?

Despite my scowling and almost angry face he continues to smile at me.

"Well, see you at the library tonight after class. »