
hello again

Luna's heart is dancing along with her legs that are walking up to the hill. Even though a sense of sombre still lingers in her heart like a massive rock tied to her neck, she pushes herself to walk to the hill with the excuse she made for herself - that she just wanted to capture the view of the sea from the hill. But her heart knows what its owner was looking forward to.

A flashback of the conversation she had with Kai played in her mind like a presentation. There's still so much more in life to be seen! His voice echoed as she recalled the memory.


When Luna reached the top of the hill, Kai had settled to the ground, his board back covered with a light-blue shirt and his snow-like hair blew by the wind gently, stroking each strand, his feet crossed as he sat facing the ocean. Luna walked toward Kai and sat beside him. His eyes are closed, his brows relaxed.

"Kai!" Luna called him in a half-shock tone. Kai opened his eyelids and two pairs of ocean-blue eyes gazed into hers, a pleasant surprise appeared as a smile captured in her blinking eyes.

"Oh, hey Luna," he welcomed her warmly.

"Sorry, I was lost in thoughts for a while," he smiled.

"I bet," she let out a short giggle, "this hill is captivating after all. Like that time I almost fell from the cliff," she laughed.

Kai smiled and sighed, "Yeah, I was worried there, don't do that again," his gaze fell to the spot where they first met, reminiscing the moments together with her, "at least, not alone," he smirked.

Luna froze for a second, she felt her cheek burning and a sense of tumbling on her chest.

"Your cheeks are red by the way, are you cold?"

"No, I'm warm," she pouted at his cluelessness. Idiot.

Kai turned his gaze to Luna with her puffed-up face and covered his mouth with his arms, trying not to laugh but after a few moments, he burst into laughter.

"Cute," he smiled, a subtle smirk on his face.

"Want me to kick you off from the cliff?" Luna smirked, challenging him. Kai feigned a shocked face, raising his hands with his palms facing her.

"Good choice," Luna smiled. They sat in silence, accompanied by the gentle breeze that brushed against their skin and clothes. Occasionally, Kai and Luna let out a small hum as if trying to start the conversation but continued the subtle sound to a made-up hum. They continue like that for a while before Kai finally breaks the silence.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Ah… yeah, sure," Luna glanced at Kai and nodded in slow motion before facing the sea again. "So, question?"

Kai scratched the back of his head, "I mean, you don't have to answer them if you don't feel comfortable. I wouldn't feel comfortable myself to be asked personal questions by a stranger" He paused for a moment.

"What brings you here?"

"Well, my relatives were worried I'd die too." She let out a small laugh, a gaze she threw to the horizon.


"My parents died and I didn't take it well. Still don't." She forced a smile.

"Sorry to hear that."

"I was sorry to hear it too."

They stayed quiet for a while like that. Kai then opened up about his being in Seaview, about living in loneliness, about not even knowing what his parents do for a living.

"How come?" She asked. He just shrugged.

She wanted to ask him why didn't just move out but swallowed the question. Maybe another day.