
His Kinky Condition

"Very well then, I think this is not the proposal you are expecting but I am a businessman Ms. Jones. And I only want something that can be beneficial. I don't do charity. And this is the best offer I can give you. If you don't want it sign the contract and leave." the authority in his voice is telling her that she offended the man and that thought make her calmed down a bit. Then she bit her lip again and decided to look at him.

Jomaica_C · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Chapter 2

A couple of minutes passed, and Merry arrived at the address the manager gave her. She wasn't sure but something is off about this arrangement. The transaction for her property was initially on the bank, not with the man she followed in this huge building she was staring at. Why does she need to speak with this man when she left home to meet the bank manager? With that in her mind, she went into the parking but the security personnel stop her and ask her identification card. She wonders why but still gave it. The man frowns when he saw her id.

"Ms. you're not an employee here?" she nodded. "Then may I know what's the purpose of your visit?" it's her now that frowning.

"Well, I am meeting a man named Mr. Black." that was her purpose a while ago but now all she needs is a phone to call the bank and ask the reason why all of a sudden she is now the direct person transacting with the man named. Mr. Black.

"Are you sure it's Mr. Black?" She immediately nodded.

"Yes. Is there-" she was stopped by a car's loud horn. And to her surprise, the man was rushed to the said car as if it was owned by someone important. A minute or two passed then the man came back allowing her to go inside. She was hesitant at first but since there was another car behind her she just proceeds. Not minding anything but finding a phone, she went out of the car and was startled to see the man waiting for her just a few steps away from her. Those eyes... she thought. She keeps on staring into those eyes when the man speaks, hearing his deep voice that is so calming, she just wants to go home and bring this man to be the replacement of her old cassette. She gasps and thought 'What was that? Did I just think of bringing this man home?' Interrupted by her thoughts, she clears her throat and turns her head down, her eyes meeting her feet instead of bluish eyes, and asks...

"Maybe you can let me borrow your phone?" she softly asked.

"Why?" the sound of the man's voice is really deep that it made her cringe a bit.

"Ahm... because I don't have a phone." the man barely heard the girl. He frowns hearing that she has no phone, by curiosity he asks...

"You left it at home or the bank?" the girl turn her head to meet his eyes but that was for just a second or two then she shake her head...

"No, I don't have a phone." he was shocked. Even a five-year-old child has a phone nowadays. But he didn't voice that out. He looks at her car and it was kind of decent. He wonders why the girl has no phone because he thinks money is not the reason.

"Will you lend me your phone Mr. Black." her voice is just a little louder than that whisper but that brought something warm in his chest, and he wonders what it is.

"Yes sure." he pulls out his phone from his pocket and gave it to her.

"Hmmm...Do you, ahm , maybe..." she was hesitant to finish her questions.

"What is it?" he asks looking at the girl's hair since she remains looking down. Then she turns her head and looks at him.

"Maybe you have the manager's contact number?" the scowl on his face made Merry so tense.

"I just want to clear things with him..." trying to explain her reason for calling. Mr. Black didn't say anything, he just tap something on the phone and later on gave it back to her.

"Hello, Mr. Black?" the other line answers

"Hello Ms. Simpson, this is Merry. I borrowed Mr. Black's phone to call you," she said while walking away from the man looking at her intently.

"Oh, what is it, Ms. Jones?"

She glances at Mr. Black and found that he's still staring at her. Feeling uncomfortable she started questioning the bank's manager. "Mr. Simpson I just wonder why I need to have this transaction myself. Isn't this your job? I mean the bank's responsibility? I think just like Mr. Black I am a client as well, why did you send me here instead of you, arranging the contract and all?" it odds that she was asked to go into this building when her meeting was at the bank.

Then the man on the other line clears his throat "Ms. Jones, you see. Mr. Black is a VIP, if you didn't know he's the most powerful businessman in this country and throughout Asia. Please understand that I just can't say no to his demand, he's a big client of our bank." she felt disappointed...

"And I was just a no one whose property was foreclosed without me even knowing that it was on a mortgage all these years?" she said a little bit hurt... "I get it, I am nothing but a debtor, thank you Mr. Simpson." with that she walked toward the man and gave back his phone.

"Thank you for lending me your phone. Can we get through this once and for all Mr. Black? I just need to go home and pack everything since I have no choice at all." the man felt very strange, here's the girl asking him like she doesn't stand to be with him, a girl who simply makes him do things for her without him even realizing. But instead of getting mad, he felt very excited. And he doesn't know why.

They went inside an elevator and suddenly Merry felt suffocated. She can't breathe. That or maybe something else. The number said the destination is on the 44th floor. The lift was uncomfortable, with the man beside her still staring at her and the way it is hard for her to breathe.

"Are you okay?" Mr. Black said... and she realized she still doesn't know his first name.

"Yeah.." she replied but her voice was just a whisper that he decided to bend down just the level of the girl's face.

"You don't look okay." he said but more on whispering as well. He can't define the look on the girl's face when he suddenly moves closer. There's fear and uncertainty. He backed away as he realize that she was not used to being surrounded. He felt the girl sigh a little when he moves away. Then suddenly the girl felt embarrassed about her reactions. To push away the awkwardness she asks...

"What's your name Mr. Black?" the voice of this girl is angelic and he just wants to listen to her all day and all night. But when he realized her question he can't stop from grinning. The girl just asks his name. To make her feel comfortable he said..

"Black." still grinning while looking at her and then she turns to look at him and he was dumbfounded when he saw her lips giving him a little smile. Maybe someone punched his heart and he finds it hard to breathe.

"That's your last name, right?" and he laughs, hard and loud. The girl smiles at him wondering what's funny. Then they look into each other's eyes. Suddenly she realized she was not uncomfortable anymore. And she wonders why.

"I think Mr. Simpson told you my full name when he made introductions a while ago." he jokingly said and she tilts her head up looking straight at the elevator's ceiling, her lips are kind of pouty and he felt the urge to kiss her.

"Really? I don't remember though." she said trying to remember the name Mr. Simpson possibly told her. But she looks at him again with an apologetic smile on her lips and once again the man feels strange, something warm makes its way to his heart.

"It's Colton. Colton Black," he tells her as if it was really important for her to know his name.

"Colton." she whispers "It's a beautiful name, Mr. Black. Colton Black." He swallowed hard as he felt so turned on. Just by saying his name, he's already hard. What about this girl? He feels embarrassed about his buddy down there getting excited. 'For fuck sake, it was only my name, calm down you idiot.' he scolded himself secretly hiding his front because he doesn't want to scare the girl away. As the lift continue to go on, he decided to just keep quiet and bring back his seriousness. For quite some time there he is, feeling casual, comfortable even. And he likes it. He likes the feeling of being with the person.

"Ding!" the girl once again sighs as she thought ' Finally...' then as fast as she can she moves out to inhale more air leaving the man confused. Wondering what happened to her. He went outside as well and led the way to his office. The whole floor was his space in the building. There are conference room, pantry, his office with a secret bedroom, his reception area, and his assistant's office. All his staff stood up and greet him right away when they saw him coming. He only nods his head. But before he comes inside his office he looks at his assistant ...

"Jerry, cancel all my appointment this morning." the authority in his voice makes Merry feel uneasy. Just before they come onto this floor the man seems to be friendly but now all his business facade is on. Even if the assistant is against the boss' instruction, he still nods his head and said "Okay Sir." and then left. Mr. Black opens the door and lets her in first making her more confused. She waited for him to settle down on his table but he didn't sit in his swivel chair instead he pull out some files and made his way to his guest's area.

"Please have a seat Ms. Jones." he said pointing to the seat in front of him. The tone of his voice made her think that the business starts now so she needs to act professionally. She took her seat and looks up at the man who is now staring at her. Feeling embarrassed again, she looks at her lap not knowing what to say first. But lucky her the man started to talk.

"Well, as you already know Ms. Jones, your property was foreclosed and auctioned. That was the reason I came to the bank and made an offer. The amount you owe was $337,500 and I offered $450,000 leaving you at least more than $100,000. The assessor was convinced that it was a good investment, complementing its location itself. And that's the reason I'm offering an amount more than how much it should be." as she was listening she never dare to look up because she was afraid to be seen. Her eyes now are misty that at any moment tears will flow down her face. But she needs to say something. So she clears her throat hoping that her voice will be stronger than her emotions. "May I know what you will do with it?" she's curious. She is. It was the place where she grew up. The only place she wants to grow old too. But that won't happen anymore.

"I don't think that is your business Ms. Jones." she knows that he is right but that still hurts her. She nods her head feeling weak, again and again. "Okay. Where do I need to sign?" she asked so they can start finalizing the contract. She wants to go home already.

"Here. But you still need to read the terms and all. I just explained to you the amount I am offering. But just to inform you my lawyer is the best in his industry so you don't have to worry about a thing." with that, she took the pen and the paper he was giving to her.

"No need to read then, I think." as she was about to sign, a flashback came to her mind. The day when her father went home holding the biggest teddy bear she had ever seen. The day when her mom decorated their garden for her 7th birthday. The day when the three of them celebrated Christmas and New Year... then suddenly her tears fall without her even realizing. How can she let go of the only thing her parents left her? How can she let go of the memories it keeps? So she looks up with tears on her face.

"Can I repurchase my property?" the man suddenly felt miserable. The girl in front of him is now showing the loneliest eyes he has ever encountered. How he wished he can wipe her tears. Or maybe hug her to ease the pain she's feeling. But that was just a thought when he immediately realized that was not him. And he is all about business and he doesn't know how to empathize or if he even feels sympathy at all. He looks at the girl again and he realized that she is now biting her lip, lower lip for that matter maybe to stop herself from crying. Then he felt the urge to just make her smile again.

"How?" he asked. Then the girl lowered her head, not knowing what to say because, in all honesty, she doesn't know how. How can she have money to repurchase her property? So she shakes her head,

"I don't know." and answered almost whispering again.

"I really don't know Mr. Black, but I can't give up my property just yet," she said with more conviction.

"Then let me know what you can offer, maybe I can give you a chance to have it back." she gasps and a warm feeling envelops her heart. Maybe he's kind enough to hear her out.

"Ahm... maybe you can buy this now. But I won't get the excess amount anymore. Instead, I will pay you back every month until I paid it whole." she explained with hope written all over her face. Hoping that he agrees with her proposal. She slump in her seat when she saw the man shaking his head.

"No?" she asked immediately. Then his gaze became different it was not so professional now. And she felt giddy and excited, her reason? She doesn't know really. Because it's not the time to feel excited at all.

"Ms. Jones, I have a lot of money. I don't need your money, to be honest. But if you want your property back...." she's anticipating his next words, 'what is it? Why did he stop?' his eyes searched hers as he remained silent for a while. The man felt the need to tell her his condition but it will be so mortifying. Another but is....it's the only condition he wants from the girl. And his inner darkness which is now awake is knocking at his head to say his indecent condition.

"Be my mistress." the girl who is patiently waiting for his condition dropped the pen she was holding and stare at him with confusion, shock, and fear all over her face. She tried to say something but no words seem to come out of her lips and the only thing she was thinking is that 'Why?'

She's sure there are a lot of conditions or provisions he can propose but why did he choose that nasty condition? Her heart is beating hard. She doesn't know what to say. She was so shocked to talk at all. Slowly she looks at her lap pinching her fingers and wishing that these are all dreams. And she now wants to wake up.

"What do you say Ms. Jones?" she shakes her head wanting to say something but couldn't. The man noticed her reaction and he started to walk back to his working table. "Very well then, I think this is not the proposal you are expecting but I am a businessman Ms. Jones. And I only want something that can be beneficial. I don't do charity. And this is the best offer I can give you. If you don't want it sign the contract and leave." the authority in his voice is telling her that she offended the man and that thought makes her calm down a bit. Then she bit her lip again and decided to look at him.

"Can you at least give me time to think about it?" the look in his eyes became different, there was darkness and desire. A desire for her? Maybe she was in a state of shock that she couldn't differentiate anymore the right emotions from the man staring back at her.

"How long?" he asked with seriousness but his eyes show otherwise.

"At least before the weekends?" she said hoping that he agrees to her term. She felt relieved when she see him nodding his head.

"Okay, come to my house on Sunday evening. Give me your phone number and I will text you the address." she's shaking her head now

"I don't have a phone Mr. Black only a landline if that will do?"

The man frowns as he remembers that she borrowed his phone from the basement earlier. That felt so long, and he wonders why.

"Okay," he nods and pressed something on his table. "Jerry, I need you to give my home address to Ms. Jones right before she leaves the area." she heard him say and she felt comfortable now that in another minute or two she'll be leaving the premises. "You can go, Ms. Jones, let me know your decision before the weekend. Have a good day." she looks at him and nods a little.

"Thank you, Mr. Black. I'll be off now." then she started to walk but before she opens the door. She heard him again,

"I hope you make the right decision Ms. Jones." she didn't respond anymore.

She walks out the door to see a man named Jerry waiting for her already. "Miss. Jones, this is Mr. Black's address. I'll lead you out now.." walking before her she follows, he pressed the elevator down, and once she is inside the assistant smiled at her so that she can't help but wave her hand goodbye. At the elevator, she didn't know what to think. Is it about her property being saved but in return she has to accept the indecent condition of the man? Or the questions that mostly bothered her, "Why me?" she said out loud speaking what she thinks. As the lift stopped she realized that there was no moment of her inside the elevator being suffocated and that was unbelievable for her.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Jomaica_Ccreators' thoughts