"yeah boy, you know dad won't be around today, right.
So it's just going to be both of us at home, you and I, alone.
You know how much I have been looking after you, right.
Dad would be travelling abroad for a trip, and it's going to be just you and I.
I have to keep reminding you, because I know sometimes you are a big whole of douche bag.
I don't want to be so hard on you, so pretend I didn't say all this to you and wait for Dad to go away okay?", She said.
"Yes ma" I replied her.
"No boy, don't call me ma, rather do call me mummy.
I know I am your stepmum, but that doesn't make any difference from your original mum.
She must have carried you for nine months and nursed you till you were off age.
It doesn't mean I can not nurse and breastfeed you, like your mum did.