
First Day At School

I woke by the sound of my alarm feeling so tired.i stood up then took off my clothes before entering the bathroom to take my bath.

I came out and wore my clothes getting ready for school.i stood in the mirror and applied some make up.

I went out of the house then ran down the stairs feeling happy.

I hummed by best song by Marcus Smith which I'm obsessed with.

Well I got to know that he just produced so all I need is to download it so that I could listen to it all day long.

I met by kid brother Owen.well he isn't still a kid but I prefer to call him like that because he behaves like a kid.

He was also preparing for school and battling with his shoe which he was trying to wear.

"You need to take it easy Owen.. you might spoil it"I told him.

"I don't need your advice young miss"he said.

Well that's how he does especially when he isn't in a good mood.

I walked away and left him still battling with his shoe.

Mom where in the dining eating breakfast so I greeted them politely and joined them.

We were actually having Bacon and sausage for breakfast..so I started to eat mine.

"Are you ready to resume school.."mom asked and I nodded.

"I'm surely ready.. it's been a while I went to school..you know we had our summer break and I can't just wait to meet my friends"I replied.

"I can totally see that.."Mom said and just then Owen came.

He was fully prepared for school bit it only remaining his backpack which I'm sure he forgot to take.

"Where's your backpack?"mom asked.

He checked himself and saw he wasn't with it.

"I guess I forgot it again"he replied them went to his room.

I was done with breakfast so I took the dish back to to the kitchen then came out few minutes later.

I slammed my backpack on my shoulder and waited for Owen to come.

He came down soon later so we both bid mom goodbye before walking out of the house.

I went to the garage then unlocked the car.

Yea,i have my personal car even though I'm ain't perfect in it but lemme say I'm 50% good in it.

Owen sat at the backseat while I went to the driver's seat.

I wore my seatbelts then turned on the ignition before driving.

Few minutes later

We got to school and Owen was the first to alight.

I sighted Chloe immediately I came from the car.she actually waiting for me like she use to do.

Well she's my bestie.

Owen went separate ways which was to his class while I went to meet Chloe.

"Hey Chloe"I cooed smiling.

"Alexa!!"she beamed then hugged me.

"I really miss you bestie.. it's being while I got to see you"she said.

"Yea,the summer holiday didn't allow us to see each other."I replied.

"So how was your night.. hope you got to dream about your prince charming."She teased.

"Stop that Chloe..just because I love his song doesn't mean I would keep dreaming endlessly about him"I told her.

Yea,she was talking about Marcus Smith.. My favorite artist.

"So what subject are you having?"she asked then I brought out my timetable from my bag and saw I was having art.

"Umm..I'm having art,what about you?"I asked.

"I'm having English..one of my favorites"she replied.

We began to walk through the hallway and since our locker were beside each other we both stopped at the same place.

I took some books from my backpack then dropped them in the locker while I carried some.

"I would see you later bestie.. maybe during break"she said then left.

I slammed the locker then went to the art class since that's exactly what I was having.

The teacher was yet to arrive so I searched for an empty seat and fortunately I saw one.

I sat down then waited patiently for the teacher.