
Chapter Fifteen: Jealous?

Owen Leonard

We got to school save and sound and I was happy about that because Chloe almost had an accident why driving.

She's been dull since and I've asked her countless time why she is like that,but her reply still remains"I'm okay, don't worry"

If she could just open her mind,I might have a solution but maybe it is a matter which is too personal.

We got out if the car after she had parked it in the school's parking lot.

"Go ahead to your class,I need to attend to something before entering mine"She said and I nodded.

"Okay,"I said then walked into the school hallway.

The hallway was buzzing, people talking about a competition which I don't know about.

"The audition would be tomorrow...i would surely attend it.i would show the world my talent and I would get to meet Marcus Smith"I heard someone said.

Marcus smith us actually holding a competition?.

How come I didn't know about it?.

Because Alexa is a hard die fan of him..she would surely tell me about the competition.

Or she hasn't heard about it?.

That were the thoughts in my mind.

Woah..almost everyone is talking about the competition.

After all only one person gets to see Marcus smith.

I'm not a fan of music neither would I be a fan of Marcus Smith.

I'm totally sure that 80% of girls in this school would surely go for the audition, Including Alexa.

I held my bag close to me then walked faster..

I didn't wanna hear more cock and bull stories about Marcus Smith's competition.

And that's was the reasons why I walked faster.

I got to my locker then unlocked it.

"Hey"I heard someone said then I turned and found the girl who i met days ago.

"Hi,what are you doing here?"I asked her.

"My locker is actually next to yours,so I came to pick some books"She replied and i was totally short of word.

"Ohh..I really.. don't know it was your locker"I said nervously.

"Now that you know it's mine, you can easily get access to it...just in case"She said and handed a key to me.

The key was the key to her locker and I don't know why she was giving me.

"Why,are you giving me it?"I asked.

"Lemme say...to send me messages you don't want to tell me directly"She replied.

"Ohh"I muttered then collected the key from her.

I began to pick the books I needed and after I was done,I closed and locked it.

She was still standing in from of me and tapping her foot.

Her face were down and I guess she was waiting for me to be through.

"I'm done"I said then she raised up her head.

"Let's go then"She said and we began to walk together.

As we walked, neither I or her talk.

I could sense we were both nervous to talk to each other.

She was just someone I had met few days ago it was through bumping into each other.

We continued to walk until I reach the English class.

English,was actually the first subject I had today

"So I would tell you a goodbye from her then"I said.

"Ohh.you are having english as your first subject?""She asked.

"Yeah"I replied.

She sighed and her face suddenly changed .

I wondered why it changed.

Was it because I was going to the English class or I was going to leave her.

"O...ka...y"She stammered.

She continued"I would see you when it is recese time"

"Alright,see you till then"I said then entered the English class.

The teacher was yet to arrive so I quietly went to sit on an empty chair.

"Hey,Owen..do you heard about the buzzing news today?"Sam who was the only friend which I had In class asked.

"Here,Marcus Smith is holding a competition and the audition is tomorrow"I replied with an eye roll.

"Woah,j thought you wouldn't know"He said.

"Why won't I know,it is on everyone's mouth,I keep hearing people talking about it and it's pissing me off"I replied.

"Really Owen, you need to be a music fan..."Sam said then sat closer to me.

He was now seating on an empty chair which was beside me.

"Can't you see a bag next to the chair.. it's shows someone had sat on the chair"I said noticing the bag.

"Never mind..the guy or girl would have to take another seat while I sit next to my bestie."He said.

I still don't know why Sam acts like a girl,he talks like a girl,eats like a girl and dance like a girl.

I'm really suspicious about something in him.

He is always close to me, giving me irrelevant gist about celebrities which he knows I don't like.

And the worst part is that most the celebrities he talk about are always male.

I've never heard him talk about a female In my entire life..

Guess,he doesn't have a girl as his siblings and that's what is really affecting him.

"Owen, do you just heard what I said?"He asked.

"Obviously not"I muttered.

"Why weren't you listening to what I was saying?"He asked.

"Why would I listen to what you are saying when it's always the irrelevant stories you are talking about"I said getting pissed off.

"I do talk about irrelevant stories?.. I'm gonna cry"He said and began to cry.

Geez,what kind of friend do I have?

"Okay.. I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that"I apologized and he raised up his head.

"Really, thank you so much"

He cleaned his tears and then hugged me.

I didn't want to get embarrassed so I quickly disengaged from the hug.

"People are looking at us,Sam"I whispered to him.

"Oh.i shouldn't have done that"He said.

And just then the English teacher entered and the class commenced immediately.

Sam went back to his seat while I brought out my note and began to jolt whatever the teacher was saying.




Time fly and the three subjects before recess were over.

I was already tired and it was because of the geography class which was the last subject before recess.

"Eww, that's gross"I heard someone complained behind me.

I looked back and saw a girl and a guy kissing.

They don't have shame?

How would they be doing such thing in the hallway.

Maybe, because it was empty.

But still they are shameless.

I dropped my books in my locker and I was about to close the locker when I saw a white paper dropped.

It was a letter written by someone I don't know.

With curiosity I opened it and saw it was from Chloe.

"Hey,it's Chloe..I'm ain't in school anymore.once it's closing time,board a cab and join me at Alexa's hospital"The letter said.

I knew it.

I knew something was wrong with her and that's was the reason why she left.

It was because of Alexa..

"Hey,do you care if we go to the hall for lunch?"I heard Mia said.

Well that was her name Mia,the girl I met.

"How do you know that I was here?"I asked.

"I searched for you In every single class and I didn't find you,so I decided to check you at locker room.

"Ohh.. thanks"I said.

She grabbed my arms and began to run.

I didn't close my locker and the letter was on the floor.

"Hey,I need to close my locker"I yelled but she continued to drag me along with her.

"No.. you aren't doing that"She said.

"I need to do it,Mia.i can't let someone take something from my locker"I replied.

"Alright,go close it.i would be waiting for you right here"She said then stopped running.

I went back to the locker room,closed mine,took the letter then went back to where she was waiting for me.

"So what would like to order?"She asked immediately we got to the hall.

"I don't like to eat the school's food...so I won't eat anything.just take your orders and I would pay"I said politely.

"Really?,why don't you like it?"She questioned.

"I don't know why,but anytime I eat any of the school's food,I would have stomach ache"I replied truthfully..

"Oh..okay,let me just take the orders and pay"She said.

"Take,and i would pay""I replied.

"I don't want you to be broke,let me pay for it"She said and gave up.

"Alright, you can pay for it"I heaved.

She took orders and then came back with foods in her hands.

She dropped it on the table gently and sat down.

I watched her as she eat.

She was eating like someone who comes from a Billonaire family.

With the cutleries which made no sound or noise.

And as she drank her water and juice,no single drop came down.

Woah,I guess she has a neat table manner.

She was done with the food and just then the bell was rang signifying the end of the recess.

"It's time to go."She said standing up.

I stood up then we both walk out of the hall.

As we got out she bumped into someone.she looked up and saw it was a guy.

"I'm sorry she bumped into you"I apologized for her.

She was just standing like a statue with her mouths opened.

"We need to go"I said then held her arms.

"Are you kinda jealous?"She asked and I was totally confused.

"Jealous?""I asked.

"Yeah"She said.

She continues"you are jealous that I bumped into an handsome guy like that".

Was she referring to me?,I thought.

I decided not to reply to what she said instead I walked ahead of her.

I can't believe she said that.

I'm ain't jealous.. we aren't even in a relationship and she's asking if I'm jealous..