
His Harem Is Also His Mom

This story is about a boy who regresses back and saves his mom, and how he takes revenge on others. He takes revenge on his enemies like a villain Attention:- This story also contains sex content and also contains incest,

Ms_kdeO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Chapter 2. Seven Stone Poison

Jue Tan sat and smiled, then suddenly the door of the broken hut opens from behind and there is some dragging sound from behind, Jue Tan looks back and tears come to his eyes.

It was his mom Su Yan who couldn't help but drag her body outside when she heard Jue Tan's moaning outside, when she saw Jue Tan lying bleeding in front of the house,her soul trembles and tears start to drip from Su Yan's eyes.

She starts dragging her body quickly and goes towards Jue Tan, Jue Tan gets tears in his eyes seeing this condition and he stands up and runs towards Su Yan and lifts her in his lap ,and brings her back to the room and puts her on the bed.

She couldn't say anything but the pain was reflected in her eyes and face automatically, she was scared to see her dear Jue Tan being beaten so mercilessly

Jue Tan smiled at her and said, "Mom, don't worry, I'm fine, my wounds have healed."

But she is glad that Jue Tan is fine, and takes a sigh of relief and faints again, because her body is too weak, so she used to sleep for a long time.

Looking at the sleeping Su Yan, Jue Tan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll definitely cure you up."

And again he looks into the air and mutters in his mind, "System panel "

[ System Panel ]

Name - Jue Tan

Title - None

STR - 2 , STM - 1 , AGL - 0.8

MANA - 0 , INT - 2

Skill - None "

Jue Tan is happy to see her then again another screen opens and another message comes which makes him happy

[ Congratulations, You have completed the task, the reward is being sent from your inventory.]

[ You have found an ancient scroll - Rejurved ]

Seeing what Rejurved is, Jue Tan was confused. When he read the description of that skill, he was stunned.

[ Rejurved - Holy Skill ,

• A skill in which all the herbs are known, it can make medicine for any kind of disease and can test the herbs.

• By touching any patient with this skill, you can identify his disease and treatment. ]

Jue Tan's eyes lit up at the sight of him. It was a holy level skill which was very rare, so rare that there is hardly anyone else who has any holy skill other than him.

In this world skills start from basic and there is only knowledge till divine level.

[ Basic < Advance < Rare < Unique < Legendry < Holy < Devine ]

The most powerful healing skill ever possessed is the unique level only master 'Rao Zhang' of Alchemy Tower, because of that one skill his fame is spread all over.

But now Jue Tan has a holy level healing skill that is very powerful, making him even more confident that he can cure his mom.

He first looks at his sleeping mom, smiles at her calm face and touches her cheek lightly ,

Then he holds Su Yan's hand in his, only then a window appears in front of his eyes, the color of that window was light blue, something was written on it.

[ Name - Su Yan

State - Fragile Body ,

Cause - Seven Stone Poison

Cure - Leaf of Seven Stone Water Tree ]

His face turns red with anger as soon as he reads this, he knows how deadly poison Seven Stone Poison is, and when it spreads in the body, it slowly kills a person and gives great pain.

It is one of the 100 most powerful poisons in the world, which gives a lot of pain and slowly kills the human being.

Jue Tan's heart shuddered at the thought of how much pain Su Yan must be feeling, which could possibly be endured by a human being.

He looks at the sleeping Su Yan and plants a light kiss on her forehead and then stands up to leave the house when he sees a person standing outside at the door.

It was Jue Sui who came secretly to meet Jue Tan, her heart was restless ever since she left here, she was afraid that something might happen to Jue Tan or else she too would die.

As soon as she saw Jue Tan leaving the house, she came running towards him and was about to hug him when Jue Tan grabbed her hands and pushed her away.

Jue Sui felt bad seeing that behavior but she knew that after what she did to Jue Tan, Jue Tan was right to be angry with her, so she stood in front of him again

"What the hell, move away from me or it won't be good." Jue Tan was furious, He didn't have time to waste with Jue Sui, he wanted to go quickly and find that Leaf,

He knew that he was not yet powerful enough to fight the Beast and bring the leaves of that Seven Stone Water Tree, so he wanted to go to the black market and see.

Jue Tan pushed Jue Sui aside and started to leave, Jue Sui grabbed Jue Tan's hand from behind and stopped

And she said in a crying voice, "If you don't deny me first, I wouldn't have done this to you, it's all your fault, don't get angry now and forgive me".and hugged Jue Tan's back from behind

Jue Tan released her from his body and started leaving without saying anything, but Jue Sui ran after her and again hugged her back and said " You tell me what should I do for you to make you forgive me, I will do anything you want, I just won't leave you" and hugs Jue Tan's back tightly

"You will do whatever I say." Jue Tan said hiding an evil smile on his face.

"Yeah, whatever you want, even my body at your disposal " Jue Sui said with a blushing face.

Jue Tan looked at her and said, " then ok , I want the leaves of the Seven Stone Water Tree, that too by tomorrow morning."

Hearing this, Jue Sui blushingly stared open her clothes and said yes, then she noticed what Jue Tan said.

she looked at Jue Tan in shock, "Seven Stone Water Tree Leaves, that's all and nothing, not even my body,"

"Yeah, that's it" Jue Tan said bluntly

"tch .." , Jue Sui said turning her face away , and muttered " is he impotent that even after seeing my body nothing happened to him "

As soon as Jue Tan heard this, his mouth twitched and said, "This girl does want to fuck herself from me too much , is she not afraid that she will not be able to stand out of bed for three days. "

As soon as Jue Sui heard this, her face turned red with shame and she grumbled to Jue Tan, " So who forbade you, you can break me so much that I can't stand for 3 or 5 days, but do it right." "

Hearing these words from Jue Sui's mouth, her whole body trembled "what a girl she is, will her lust ever end"