

Somehow, the book knew about the fact that I killed the pastor. That probably meant I killed the woman laying in the bed as well. If somebody had found this, I would have been in trouble.

An unfamiliar voice sounded through the walls. "Slave! Come out! I know you are in there!" The loud voice came from outside the house.

I looked over to Diana. She was visibly scared. "The slavemaster!" She wispered.

I picked up the book and hid the knife I had put on the bedside table and walked outside.

"Yes Master." Calmly I entered his line of sight. He wore a woolen robe with a sword sheath on his waist. He walked up to me and grabbed my lower arm. "You're coming with me!" The man was very small compared to me. I could see the balding on top of his head.

"Yes Master." I was sure he could not know about what I did. As long as nobody found the book before me. Also, If the dead woman was found, I would probably be suspected.

"What is going on?" I kept acting.

"One of you has done something he shouldn't have. And you are all going to pay for that." He sounded like he was scolding me. I guessed he did not think I would try anything.

In one motion, I pulled the knife out from my tunic and rammed it into his nape. He dropped to the ground without making a sound. He was not dead, gasping for air, his eyes locked onto me as I stood there, looking at him from above.

"I'm here to collect the tax for your business." Smiling, I crouch in front of him. He deserved the to feel the pain he had inflicted on others with his work.

I walked back to the house. I could see Diana standing in the Doorway, looking at the dripping knife in my hands. I had only one reason to go back there.

"What are you going to do now?" I knew her answer already.

"I don't know. What about you?" I knew she had been used to be given tasks. Her newly gained freedom made her responsible for herself, something she was not used to.

"I want to fight for our freedom. You want to come with me?" She was the only person I currently knew and she also knew what I had done. If she decided to come along still, she would be somebody I could trust.

She nodded "But I want to take care of this village first."

Finally. For the first time, I felt like what I did mattered. I could finally change things. On earth, one could not change the world alone. Slavery seemed to only ever be abolished in countries after a major revelutionary war. The slaves here want to be free, but nobody seems to want to try to actually do something. In the future the people would realize that slavery was bad. If I could just make the people of this Kingdom realize that slaves are people too. That they want to live a normal life. Then, perhaps they will remember me.

First, we would have to find a way to stop the additional slave overseers from getting in our way. The slavemaster would never be able to manage the many slaves at once, so they were paid to watch over them. Slave trade worked almost like it did on earth. The slavemaster, if there was a request for a new slave or he saw a promising one, would buy them from the slavetrader and then sell them to the Villagers. Diana had remembered seeing a newly bought batch of slaves inside the cage of the 'slaveshop'. They were probably the biggest amount of slaves in one place, so that would make it the most efficient choice to start our freedom revolution in this small village.

On the way there I took another look inside the book. Some new things were written down on the first page.

My Name:

Han Allen


Improved Emotional Toughness

Stronger Hitting

Improved Knife Skill

Since I had the book on me the whole time, that proved that the book was somehow magical. Wether these skills actually do something, I did not know. I thought the slavemaster would be written down too, but the fourth page was still empty.