
His Destined Mate

,A lone wolf must decide between biting his human love to save her from being reincarnated for another century and face the consequences of letting her go, while he goes extinct. If he bites her she would die and never return, while if he refuses to he goes extinct. “Hurt me again, I can come back.” “I can’t do that. He said, the pain evident in his glowing amber orbs. He doesn’t want to wait for another century to be with her again, he can’t do that, he can’t live without her even for a second, that would be a long wait, and he certainly can’t bear the guilt and pains of biting the only he loves. What if she doesn’t return? What if she does? Would she even remember him? Now, Is he going to bite her to save himself or not?

Roanna_Baleta · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


Finally deciding to get out of bed, Freya showers, dresses up in Leofric's flannel shirt and her shorts, she heads downstairs to make breakfast. After eating breakfast she lays down on the couch and takes a short nap. Waking up with hunger, she proceeds to order a box of pizza.

"Boring, boring, boring, super boring, aghhh" says Freya, eating a box of pizza and flipping through channels trying to find a channel to watch. Finding nothing, she decides to watch the news.

On the news, the anchor was reading a report about rampant killings. The suspect believed to be an animal because of the injuries found on the victims bodies which were all claw shaped. "Citizens are advised to stay inside during night-time to prevent anymore casualty thank you" the news anchor says.

"Wow, maybe that was just a random attack then" she says referring to her attack. "I will discuss it with Leofric when he gets back". 'Ding' you hear the sound of the elevator, "speak of the devil" you smile, stretching your arms towards him.

Leofric heads out of the elevator holding a box with holes inside. "Hi love" he says bending down to pick her lips. "hi what's that?" she questions "just a little gift for you" he replies. She lifts off the lid and sees the cutest looking puppy in the whole world.

"Awwww, aren't you the cutest looking thing ever" you coo to the puppy taking him into your arms and giving him an Eskimo kiss, the puppy then licks your face back making you giggle.

Leofric looks on fondly "what are you going to name him?" he asks you "Max" you blurt out without wasting time. You don't hear a response from Leofric and turn to see him looking at you with shock on his face.

"what is it?" you ask "nothing" he replies "okay, I'm naming him Max, is that okay?" she asks "sure, Max is perfect for him" he replies.

"Thank you so much for everything you've done for me" Freya tells Leofric gratefully, "Thank you for coming into my life" he says, kissing her.

They stay in a living room playing with Max for a while. "Tell me about you, I want to know more" Freya asks Leofric.

"Okay, growing up I was an only child and the son of a Duke so you could say I had it all. I was very lanky, too emotional and weak. My mum died when I was ten so I can't even recall how she looked. My dad on the other hand was a big piece of shit" he says. Freya let's out a gasp and slaps his hand, "don't say that" she chastised and he just laughs. "I'm serious though", he continues. "He only cared about the stupid castle and money, was heartless too, once when I was young I found a bird with a broken wing on the ground and picked it up with the intention of nursing it back to health but he found me, snatched it from my hand and snapped its neck right in front of me". "What?! No way, what a douchebag" says Freya regretting hitting him earlier. "told you so" Leofric says chuckling.

"So that day was a blessing in disguise because I got fed up and ran away from home, ran into the woods and that is where I met you. On getting to the woods, I regretted my actions immediately and walked towards the stream to clean the dirt from myself.

"While I was doing that, I heard approaching footsteps and panicking, I quickly hid behind the trees around there. I waited and there you were, the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes upon"

"stop it" Freya says covering your red cheeks. Leofric just grins and continues..."I tried to take a closer look at you overestimating the strength of the branch I was holding, putting my full weight in my hands and it broke injuring my hand and sending me sprawling into the clearing you stood.

"You must have been so embarrassed " says Freya while laughing. "of cause I was" Leofric says "and you laughed at me then the same way you're laughing at me now. I tried leaving but you stopped me and introduced yourself, you even helped me clean my wound too, you took me further into the woods and showed me the stray dog you made friends with, I asked if he had a name and you said no, we now spent the day deciding on a name and we settled with Max" Leofric says.

"So that is why you looked like you had seen a ghost when I decided to name this cutie Max?" Freya asks scratching Max behind his ear.

"Yes" Leofric responds. Freya then puts her head on his shoulder, he puts his arm around her and continues his story.

"We had so much fun back then, we would sneak of to watch the circus, that's actually where we took those pictures you found, that was like our first official date".

"for our first kiss, we had that after you had made me jealous by always mentioning some other boy's name, you kept droning on and on about how he annoyed you, you called him handsome too, pissing me off and pushing me to reveal my feelings to you, you told me you felt the same way and kissed my cheeks".

"Wow, that must have been annoying for you, hearing me complain about another guy Did I ever meet your father?" Freya asks, "no way, he was not supposed to know about us but he eventually found out about us and used that information to blackmail me to going with him to meet a girl he had arranged for me to marry" Leofric responds.

"Wow, how was the experience?" she asks "it was hell, she talked like everybody else was below her and was obsessed over her shoes. She was just plain annoying and I let her know before going back home".

"No you did not" Freya says laughing. "Yeah I did that" Leofric says chuckling. He continues telling you about all the misadventures you both got into when you were younger. "You were a spitfire then and arrested still a spitfire now" he says, looking at Freya smiling.

"What about you? Tell me about your past" Leofric tells Freya.

"Well I am also an only child, born in Texas. My mother is a dentist and my father is an engineer. Being an only child, I didn't have companions growing up so I turned to books and animals bringing about my fascination with animals. I would just go into the garden and play with insects. My parents were always busy so I spent most of my time alone before my parents signed me up for judo".

"I attended high-school in Texas before coming all the way to New York for my college. I met Peter in my first year here and I thought I had found my perfect match. It was nice at first but then he started bossing me around and like you said I am a spitfire so I could not settle for that, when he saw he could not control me, he turned to messing with my emotions, following other girls and brushing me off every time I try to talk to him about it. That is how I stayed till I met you. She says, smiling at him.

He leans down and captures her lips and they make out.

'Woof woof' Max barks from Freya's lap, mad at being left out and they both laugh at him.

"Oh lest I forget, I confronted Mark about the attack and he denied having anything go do with it but that does not mean he's innocent, he is fucked up" Leofric tells Freya.

"Yeah about that, I heard a report about other bodies turning up with bite and scratch marks on their body so maybe it was not a planned attack? Freya asks.

"Probably, we can't rule out the possibility yet though, we need to be very careful but this is alarming, there has never been this much cases out in the open before, it seems to me that someone is trying to start a clan to gain power" he responds.

They spend the evening watching movies and playing with Max trying to teach him new tricks. Max turns out to be a very smart dog, quickly understanding commands and performing them.

"Where are we going to keep him" Freya asks "well, we can keep him in the guest room", Leofric answers. They set up Max's sleeping spot in the guest room and place him goodnight Freya and Leofric say before heading to their room to sleep.