
His Demons: A BL Story

Rowan is smart, funny, and talented. His dream is to become a famous dancer. He was loved by his family and admired by his friends. However, he was in a toxic relationship. One day, an unfortunate accident changes his life. His dream comes crashing down, forcing him to rethink his life. Now living in a new town, Rowan is moody and considers himself disgusting. His fears have turned into inner demons. Ray, a physical therapist, enters Rowan's life. Before Ray can win Rowan's heart, he must break down the wall that Rowan has built. Can this task be achieved, or will a demon from Rowan's past threaten everything?

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 8

Raymond left the room and returned with a walker. "Let's see how you do with this," he said. Rowan glanced at the equipment, then back at Raymond. "I'm not sure about this," he said.

"It'll be alright," Raymond said. "I'll be right beside you to help," he said. Raymond walked beside Rowan while Rowan held onto the walker.

"If you're going to be my therapist, you might as well call me Rowan," he said.

"Cool, I like the name," Raymond said. "Let's see what's being served," he said when they reached the dining hall.

Rowan glanced down at the walker and then at Raymond. "Excuse me, how am I supposed to carry my tray?" he asked.

"See the section just below?" Raymond asked, pointing to a seat.

"Yeah," Rowan said, nodding his head.

"You can place the tray on it and walk slowly," Raymond explained. Rowan wobbled a little as he held the tray. "Kneel on your good leg and put the tray on the seat," he said. Locking the wheels, Raymond stepped away.

Rowan did what was suggested and knelt to the level of the seat. His hands shook a little, but he managed to put the tray on it. He grabbed onto a table and pulled himself up.

"I think that's enough physical therapy for today," Rowan said. "I'm beat," he said.

"The physical therapy has just begun," Raymond said.

"Great," Rowan grumbled.

"There's no need to be grumpy," Raymond said. "This will help you get stronger," he said.

"Will I be able to dance again?" Rowan asked. Ray suddenly understood why Rowan was wary of people. "Well?" Rowan repeated.

"I don't know," Ray said honestly. Rowan sighed in frustration.

"I thought so," he said, pushing the tray away.

Rowan's mood darkened. He slowly got up from the chair, grabbed the walker, and headed back to his room. Rowan plopped onto the bed and pulled the covers over his head. He sighed sadly as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" a disembodied female voice asked. Rowan pulled his covers down and sat up.

"Carmen, where in hell have you been?" Rowan asked.

"I've been here," she said. "I never left," she said.

"You picked the strangest time to speak up," Rowan said. "Everything in my life has turned upside down," he said.

Rowan sighed loudly and said, "My boyfriend hurts me, causes a accident, and now, I might not be able to dance again,"

"Your physical therapist is trying hard to be friendly," Carmen said.

"Are you saying I should trust him?" Rowan asked. "What if he's like everyone else?" he asked.

"What do your instincts tell you?" Carmen asked.

"To trust him," Rowan said. "But I'm scared," he admitted.

"Of what?" she asked.

"Being betrayed and alone," Rowan explained.

Ray stood on the other side of the door, listening in on the conversation.

"To whom is he speaking?" Ray was perplexed. "What gives him the impression that I'll betray him?" he wondered. When Ray knocked on the door, the conversation came to a halt.

"Come in," Ray heard Rowan say. Ray pushed open the door and stepped inside.

"I thought you'd be hungry," he said, placing the silver tray on the table. "I also wanted to apologize for upsetting you," Ray said.

"I'm not upset with you," Rowan said. "I'm just angry at the situation I'm in," he said.

"I'm here to help, not hurt you," Ray said.

Ray reheated the food and placed it in front of Rowan. "Please eat something," Ray said.

"Can I trust you not to betray me?" Rowan asked, taking a bite of his hard-boiled eggs.

"Is that what he did?" Ray asked. Rowan lowered his eyes to his food and nodded his head.

"Drago was my boyfriend," Rowan said. "He drank too much and would hurt me," he explained.

"Is he the one who caused the car crash?" Ray asked.

"Yes," Rowan said, fighting back tears that threatened to fall.

"I'd like to be your friend if you'd let me," Ray said.

Tears streamed down Rowan's already-soaked cheeks. "Come on, stop crying," Ray said. "You're making your food all soggy," he teased. Rowan glanced down and noticed his bread was all wet. For the first time, Rowan chuckled softly. "Now, that's what I like to hear," Ray said, smiling at Rowan. Rowan finished eating whatever didn't get soggy and then handed it to Ray.

"Lean up against a pillow and stretch out your legs," Ray said. Rowan did as he was instructed and propped himself up against a pillow.

Rowan's eyes widened in surprise and shock when Ray sat on the bed and faced him.

"What are you doing?" Rowan is sitting up straight.

"Relax," Ray said. "I can't bend and extend your legs unless I'm facing you," he explained.

"Oh," Rowan said, his cheeks turning bright pink.

"What did you think I was going to do?" Ray asked. Rowan's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink,"

"Um, nevermind," Rowan said.

Rowan took several deep breaths to relax while Ray bent his left leg, counted for 10 seconds, then extended it. "I'll do this another nine times," Ray said. When Ray finished, he switched to Rowan's right leg.

"Hey, that tickles," Rowan said, jerking it away.

"Oh, right, that's your uninjured leg," Ray said. "Sorry about that," he apologized. "Try to do the routine on your own while I take back the tray," he said. Rowan did the motions, starting with his left leg, while he waited for Ray.

Rowan had just switched over to his right leg when the door opened. "How are you doing with the exercise?" Ray asked.

"My right leg is stiff from not using it a whole lot," Rowan said. "I just wish I had feeling in my left leg so I could tell if it hurts or something," he said sadly.

"Let's focus on getting stronger," Ray said. "Don't worry about having feelings in it right now," he said. Rowan sighed softly and nodded his head.

"Okay," he said. "I'm sorry," Rowan said. "It's a habit," he said.

"It's alright," Ray said. "We all feel down sometimes," he said.

***knock knock***

Ray and Rowan turned their heads when they heard a knock on the door. "Come in," they both said. The door opened, and Amber poked her head inside.

"Oh, hi," she said. "Am I interrupting your session?" she asked.

"Hi there, sis," Rowan said.

"No, we just finished," Ray said, shaking his head. Ray turned around and faced Rowan. "If you need anything, including having another nightmare, just pull the cord," he said, pointing to the cord that was on the wall.

Amber gave Rowan a curious glance after Ray left the room. "Having bad dreams now?" she asked.

"Yes," Rowan said, nodding his head.

"Was it about him?" Amber asked. Rowan was silent for several seconds.

"Yes, it was," he said, taking a calming breath.

"Are you alright?" Amber asked, sitting down beside him. "You look pale," she said.

"I'm alright," Rowan said. "I needed to face my fears," he said. "I'm still scared, but not as much as before," Rowan admitted.

"I'm glad," Amber said, hugging him.

Amber broke from the hug and rose from the bed. "I have your stuff at our house," she said. "We can bring them over later, if you wish," she said.

"Thanks, I'm missing my music," Rowan said. "It helps me relax," he said.

"We'll bring them after dinner," Amber said. "Maybe, if you want, you can come visit us on Friday," she said.

"I'd like that," Rowan said, smiling at his sister.


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