
His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Volume One: His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy (COMPLETE) Volume Two: His Adorable Target is a Little Powerful (COMPLETE) Volume Three: His Spoiled Prince is a Little Difficult (COMPLETE) Volume Four: His Beautiful Teacher is a Little Naïve (COMPLETE) Book 1: His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy She has one desire: to live a normal life. Hu Lei decides to fulfill her lifelong dream by returning to Supreme City after more than a decade around the globe. Her brand new life starts on a bland note, but everything changes when she clinches a position as an interpreter for the handsome but reserved Zhong Feng. Zhong Feng thinks that his new interpreter is cute. Though her arrogance is a little too much, she has enough skill to back it up. He also realizes that she can be quite foolish and naughty. Still, he finds himself drawn to her, unable to extricate himself. Unfortunately, this harmlessly sweet girl has some secrets that could threaten the happy future he has envisioned. For example: She used to be a ninja. She might have killed a few people. Her father is a mad scientist. And she is a little crazy. ************* “Oh, is the evil emperor unhappy?” she giggled drunkenly. She leaned closer across the table. “If you keep sighing, you won’t find a girlfriend.” The immortal-like man did not respond to her childish provocation. “Are you angry? Don’t worry. If you can’t find anyone, I will be your girlfriend.” She declared proudly. “Why should I accept you as my girlfriend?” His deep voice to caress the girl, and it made her sink deeper into her intoxication. “Humph! You would be lucky to have me as your better half. I am incredibly cute with a huge rack. I have an incredibly high IQ.” Her voice lowered into a conspiratorial whisper. “And I have never had a boyfriend, so I would be completely yours.” “You have convinced me. You can be my girlfriend.” His eyes glinted with evil intent. “You think that will work? You are a hundred years too early to outsmart me. If you want me to be your girlfriend, you must show some sincerity. As an evil emperor, you must understand that my expectations are quite high. You will need to give me some treasures, feed me, dismiss your harem and entertain me. A cultivation manual would also not be bad.” “Very well.” He responded with a smile. Book 2: His Adorable Target is a Little Powerful Anyone who has met or even heard of Kaito knows that his interest is never a good thing. But Yamazaki Akira is not afraid of him because she is powerful [even though no one believes her]. When Takahashi Kaito [assassin extraordinaire, famous leader of Shadow Brotherhood and self-proclaimed senior brother of Hu Lei] takes up a mission to investigate Yamazaki Akira and her connection to a certain psychopathic doctor, his interest is perked up. He decides to unravel the secrets of Akira’s life. While she seems to be a perfectly normal young woman with a budding career as a chef, he has been in the underworld business long enough to know when someone is hiding something. Setting aside his busy life for the sake of satisfying his curiosity, Kaito takes up the role of the self-indulgent prodigal young master of the wealthy Takahashi family in Mountain Ridge City. Yamazaki Akira has always lived and loved an independent life. But in a moment of weakness, she allows her biological parents to find her. She is reluctant, but she agrees to move to Mountain Ridge City to reconnect with them. She thinks that it could not be too bad. In any case, she has been planning on opening a new restaurant in the affluent city. But things aren’t always so simple. And the main problem is the handsome man who keeps showing up before her and trying to seduce her, claiming that fate brought them together. Why does she feel like his evil gaze is hiding ulterior motives? Complete blurbs in 1st Chapter!

FrozenAngel · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
733 Chs


Hu Lei heard the front door open quietly. Though she had been napping, she was always vigilant about her surroundings, especially in unfamiliar places. The small click of the suite door was enough to wake her up, even though she was quite tired after the day she had had.

She turned to her patient who had fallen asleep during the acupressure treatment. She might or might not have used a trick or two to help the process along. She felt some guilt at the thought. But it was not like she had some nefarious plans for him, she thought to herself in righteous indignation. She just remembered his pitiful self earlier in the morning and decided to help him get some sleep.

Hu Lei planned to check on him, but his open eyes surprised her. She blushed immediately, partly in guilt and partly in embarrassment. Looking at the knowing glow in his eyes, he had probably realised what she had done during the treatment. In addition, it did not look good for her because she was sleeping beside him like she owned the place.

She wanted to explain that she did not want to leave him alone in the room until she was certain that his body condition was good. But after she thought about it, she felt that the explanation would make her seem a little guiltier.

Zhong Feng looked at the unscrupulous little woman with blushing cheeks and felt a burst of warmth in his heart. Though the cute kitten did not seem to have a clear grasp on normal morals, he could not help wanting to draw her into his arms.

He felt that the fact that she could act deviously with him meant that she did not think of him as an outsider. Still, he did not engulf her in an embrace. After all, trust was a fragile thing; it could be broken so easily. He would not take a chance.

However, he could not resist touching her. He lifted his hand rubbed her fluffy mess of hair lightly. For a moment, her body tightened and she seemed ready to coil away from his hand. Then, she seemed to change her mind and remain stiffly in position, allowing him to pet her head.

Just like a kitten, he thought while enjoying the soft texture of her hair.

"Go back to sleep. I will go and check." He said before leaving the bed.

Hu Lei nodded woodenly like a puppet. Her face had become redder, and her heart was racing. She also did not feel like enough oxygen was flowing into her lungs. When Zhong Feng picked up his shirt and left, she let out a sigh of relief, though deep in her eyes, there was a small twinkle.

She did not know what had come over her. When she had seen his hand lifting, her natural thought was to move away. She hated human touch the most. However, for some reason, she had chosen to remain in the position, allowing that hand to rest on her head. Perhaps she was curious or did not want to disappoint him.

With her face still a little flushed, she spread herself out like a starfish on the comfortable bed. She did not know why she felt so relieved and happy about a little pat on her head. It was not like it meant anything. Though she repeated this in her head, the little smile on her face did not disappear.

In the living room, Zhong Mian faced her brother with a look of worry and distress. She wanted to rush over to him and inspect him from head to toe. However, there was a forbidding look on his face. She could only look from a distance. Her brows tightened in anger when she noticed the suspicious marks on his abdomen before he finished closing the buttons.

"Where is that shameless woman who dared poison my brother in my hotel?" she asked in anger.

Zhong Feng looked at her without an expression on his face. He did not want to rebuke his elder sister, but how could he listen as she insulted Xiao Lei?

"Mian, I have told you not to come to my room without calling first." He said in an apathetic tone.

She looked at him with sadness and anger. How could he not see that she was doing this out of love? She had been worried that someone would harm him. Should he not be thankful? It was always like this. Nothing she did could erase the fact that she had failed him in the past.

Zhong Feng could more or less guess the thoughts that were floating through his sister's mind. However, he did not sympathise because they were her assumptions. He had tried in vain to dispel her guilt feelings towards him when he was younger. Nothing he said seemed to make a difference to her. If anything, she seemed to fall deeper into a pit she had dug for herself.

"Please leave, Mian. As you can see, I am fine." He said with a sigh.

"If I do not protect you, no one will. Shameless women are always trying to cling to you, and this one even went as far as drugging you. Your health…"

Zhong Feng cut her off immediately.

"Zhong Mian, you do not need to concern yourself with my matters. It is already quite late."

He walked to the door and opened it, indicating for her to leave. She looked at him with a mixture of emotions, hesitating to walk out. However, she had no choice because she could see that he was losing his patient.

"Will you come to the old residence this weekend? Mum is already missing you." She turned and asked after stepping out of the house.

"I will talk to her." He responded.

The deflated Mian could only leave after that without accomplishing her purpose of tearing up that Hu Lei. However, even as she left, she did not give up on her mission. She would not allow her brother to suffer under the hands of that woman.

When Zhong Feng returned to the bedroom, he found Hu Lei seated on the edge of the bed ready to go. He could not help feeling annoyed at the interruption which had broken their peace. If his sister had not come in, perhaps she would have remained by his side for the rest of the night.

"I seem to have caused trouble." She said in a wry tone.

Zhong Feng did not like seeing her like that. Her dejected appearance seemed to prick his heart. However, he did not want to talk about this matter.

"Shouldn't you compensate me for all your mischief?" he asked in a suggestive tone.

The thin-skinned Hu Lei blushed deeply at the implication.

"I am going back. Men and women should keep their distance." She spoke while standing up to leave.

Zhong Feng felt much better, seeing her like this. He even had the decency not to mention that she was the one who did not know the distance between men and women. Who had been sleeping so comfortably on his bed?