
His Cold Yet Sweet Wife

Liang Ren and Zhang Yiyi got arranged into a marriage but they agreed that they will divorce each other after an year of their marriage..............Will they get a divorce or something would happen between them within this period. Read to find it out

Chun_Hua_7848 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs


"You didn't told them that about our son? Why?" He frowned but regained his cool soon enough.

"They won't accept him then!" She kissed his hair lightly.

"Then how did you hid the truth from them?" Yiyi didn't wanted to answer but He is Little Wei's father so he has the right to know everything about his son.

"I went abroad with Liu Wei...Ben also came when my delivery month was near. We hid it from our families but somehow Liu Wei's parents came to know about that so we told them the truth. At first,they didn't agreed and thought it was Liu Wei's illegitimate child and everything was really chaotic. But when they saw the baby,they agreed to let Liu Wei live and take care of me. I'm really grateful for their support. They even hid it from everyone and they're still hiding it. This year,My family somehow got Liu Wei's number and asked me to come back. I didn't resisted and came back here but the next day after i came,they asked me to marry you and i didn't even knew what i could do so i thought of divorcing you and you looked like a gentleman so there was no doubt that you would resist. After thinking about this marriage for a long time,We decided to live in B city till the divorce and we shifted there but you called me here!... That's a pretty long story....! Hey- Are you asleep?" She frowned after looking at him, sleeping peacefully in her arms. His eyelashes were long and black,his dar brown hair smelled nice,he had beautiful lips to kiss. She slapped herself mentally after realising what she was thinking.

"You guys should close the door if you want to do something intimate..There is a little kid and a single me in this apartment to see you guys like this. It's really harmful for us.....Maybe i would get diabetes soon if i kept watching your Sweet moments!" Liu Wei stood beside the bed and spoke. Yiyi shushed him,not wanting to wake Liang Ren up.

"This guy is really something...You gave in so quickly....I think the only thing is Missing that you make a sibling for Little Wei. That kid is so alone...I can't play with him like this forever....I would get a wife and we will have children,then i would be busy with them and won't be able to spend time with you guys ...You guys should start the process of making another child,maybe in 9 months,i would also get married!" He sat beside her and let his head rest on her shoulder.

"Can you please stop it?.... Where is my son?"

"What? You're thinking about him now? You got a husband and forgot about your son....Wow! Just WoW! " he commented sarcastically.

"It's not like that... Liang Ren is sick... ofcourse i would have to take care of him... he's our guest now till tomorrow...." She defended herself and Liu Wei's attention shifted.

"When did he came here?" he asked snapping her back to the reality.

"Last night!"

"But i don't remember anyone coming here last night!" he was playing as a detective now.

"Shut the fuck up! Of course you know when he came and what he did!" He chuckled at her description.

"Hahaha..... Actually i saw him coming at the midnight and let me tell you a secret....I told him about the spare key!" he whispered in her ears.

"If it's not for him sleeping peacefully in my arms,i would have beat your ass to the pulp!" She tried to threaten him with her cold eyes but it didn't had any affect on him,he kept giggling and talking.

"He misunderstood us!" she stopped him by her words.

"I think so too!.... Earlier he was like...'You could have told me that you loved her' and i wanted to laugh out loud. Me and a monkey? Never?" he was still making fun of her.

"Bastard, It's you who thinks that I'm a fucking cupcake! Get outta here or i won't care about him and kick you out first!" She said while gritting her teeth.

"Let me just sleep here with your Husband! " Saying this he stretched and layed down beside them .

Before she could drive him away,he was snoring like a buffalo.

She smiled slightly and let her head rest on Liang Ren's while gripping him tightly.

She knew she cared about him but she also knew that she doesn't cares enough,and she doesn't knew what's worse. She loved him but was too shy to say it to him.She knew he loved her way too much but she didn't wanted to make a wrong Choice and regret later. She didn't knew if it would work up for them so she wanted to maintain some distance between them but this man doesn't likes their distance and is always there to break the rules. She didn't quite liked the physical contact between them but eventually she's now liking the way he touches her,he glances at her,kisses her and the most important thing,needs her. She likes it when he needs hugs for reassurance,craves for cuddles and the way he begs for it with his puppy eyes. She loves it. She loves everything he does,says and likes. Unknowingly,she fell for him all this while. But now, looking at his sexy lips....she was running out of her mind. She wanted to kiss him,bite him...Wait- Just now she was thinking like a creep. She mentally slapped herself again and tried not to move as it would wake him up. Her body was all numb after being in the same position for hours and she was not feeling anything. Not the same case with Liang Ren,He kept on shifting from her chest to her stomach to her shoulders to her neck and at last he was now sleeping around her while putting his face on her waist curves. This was all so crazy for her.

Liang Ren opened his eyes slightly, trying to adjust with the brightness but it helped a lot because there was only a little amount of light coming from the window. He frowned after realising that it was already evening. The sun was setting in the west but he felt something else. He was startled after seeing Yiyi looking at him Fondly.

"You're still here??" he asked in his sleepy voice.

"It was you who asked me to stay like this forever.... I can't do anything about it...."

"What's the time now??" He rubbed his sleepy eyes still leaning on her body.