
Chapter 2

I was in disbelief. My father's long time friend and business partner Ted Baker had died and his son had inherited the fifty percent shares he had but with being the ass hole Frankie Baker was he had sold it to a silent buyer at the time who had turned out to be no other than the O'Connor's, who seemingly wanted to do a hostel take over.

I paced my bedroom, the one I hadn't seen in years, the room that now seemed like a guest house to me.

"How could this have happened? " I asked myself pondering over all the secrets my father had.

My father lost fifty percent of his own company that he worked so hard to build. It was a family business.

Everyone worked there, The shipping company had been in the family for years but what had happened over the years when I had left.

Suddenly I felt guilty.

I sat on the bed in disbelief, completely dumbfounded.

How did father expect me to go undercover and get it back. This felt like mission impossible, honestly I wanted to help my family but how???

Knock, knock....

I looked up to see Aaron standing in the door way with his hands folded over his chest. " I know this is a huge shocked to you Ap"

"You could of called me!! You could of said something." I stood and throw my hands in the air. " Dad could of told me" I started to throw a tantrum.

Aaron sighed and walked in closing the door behind him, he stood before me his brows furrowed. "Tell you what exactly Apryl? You left us, you detached yourself from us. You didn't want this life, you wanted simple. So dad gave you that! "

I sighed, I felt tears running down my cheeks. I sat on the bed all of a sudden weak, " I know but he should of told me" I replied feeling defeated.

" You know now" He said seating next to me, "All that matters is for you to do what he asked"

I looked at him with teary eyes, he hugged me" I know it seems hard .. But this is our legacy "

"I know"


I stood outside a glass skyscraper building I never thought I would of step a foot back into this building under these circumstances and feeling out of place as a understatement . Hadn't worn a suit in ages but I have to admit I did look great in it.

They had already informed the broad that someone was coming to take over my father's position.  what i couldn't believe that Aaron had to left for Miami or was it India ..to deal with some investors at least so he claims.

I walked as confident as I could but I felt all eyes on me. How the hell was I going to do this, How did father expect me to get dirt on a man like this.

I went to the fifty floor, the whole elevator ride I kept replaying how my entry speech would be especially crashing this executive broad meeting..

I remembered where everything was, I stepped past the receptionist

"Misssssss?? " She called out.

I ignored.

"Who are you ?what are you doing?? "I heard her sayings her heels hot on my trail trying to catch me.

I bust open the boardroom doors and saw all the face both old and new.

Men filled the room; young and old, odd looking and... Handsome. My eyes landed on a man at the end of the table in a black suit, his eyes landed on me.

" May I help you? " Said an old man.

"I see the meeting has started without me" I said with a smirk.

"Miss you can't be in here " Said the girl in the glasses which had been following me.

She held on to my risk, " I'm sorry sir I tried to stop her, I'll call security" She said, her eyes pleading to the handsome man at the end of the table.

My brows rose and I eyed her hand touching me. "If you don't get your fuvking hand off me, you'll live to regret it"

I gave her my famous death glare that I was told I got from my father.

She removed her hand so quickly I would of swore I burned her.

"Where do I sit? " I asked looking around for available seating smiling but no one smiled back. Everyone was clearly wondering who the hell I was, even Paul Van Carr my father oldest executive in the company did not recognize me, I had matured alot I suppose..

"And who are you? " Asked the man at the end of the table his brows knitted and he sat up in his chair.

I placed my bag down and eyes them, each one of these sons of a bitches I'd make pay for going against my family.

I clasped my hands " Well I'm the bitch that still has 50% in this company "

"impossible." Said a man in the glasses,"The Smith's owns fifty percent"

"Well my humblest apologizes, " I replied with a smile, " I'm Apryl Smith.. My father Is Kenneth Smith"


The meeting went short after I dropped in on them, who knew a room filled with men would of gotten intimidated by a woman.

Nathan O'Connor didn't show much though, his nonchalant behavior was clearly a facade, I saw his shock but he masked it so well. That handsome bastard hide his expression well.

I looked around my father's office. I can't believe I was here doing his dirty work, even though the doctor had said he couldn't handle the stress and didn't need this environment but I thought he had trained Aaron to take over but he thought he was too weak.

"Getting comfortable I see" I turned around to see Mr O'Connor standing in the door way his hands in pocket.

I didn't realized how far gone I was with my train of thoughts."well might as well"

"So? " He asked walking towards me at the window. I rose a brow, " I knew he had a daughter but she was missing in action for about ten years now"

He looked at me under his lashes. That's was so sexy, I took a breath giving myself a mental slap.

"Well yes. I went to boarding school, I traveled. I stayed off the fame"

"Well it's just surprising to see you walking in here like you own the place" He said.

"Well I technical do" I retorted with a smirk.

"I see" He smiled at me and I swore my breathe itched. This man was so handsome it was too much to even understand, clearly he was older than me by a few years but his sex appeal was scale breaking and he knew it.

I walked away from him, "Am I missing something Mr O'Connor? " I said seating in my chair

"Not at all Miss Smith.. Not at all" He replied picking up the tiny globe on the desk., " I'll see you around I suppose " Placing it back.

"Surely" I gave him a smug look. , " Looking forward to every encounter"
