
His Beloved sequel to (No Forgiveness)

Nickolai is a six hundred years old vampire. Turned at the age of twenty six he as not had it easy but with hope of finding is beloved Nickolai as a great out look on life but his past is about to catch up with him. Payton as been burned and burned bad with the lost of her mate and her pack. She now lives in the Montana Mountain with her wild family. Nickolai and Payton world are about to collide and when Nickolai he ways neither one of them could ever imagine. This is booked two to fallow the story you have to read book one (no forgiveness)..

Demons_Path · Fantasia
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36 Chs

Chapter Eighteen



"So they're gathering in France."

"Yes, the woman you spoke about is here too. She has a man with her, they are rumours that he's to be the next vampire King."

"Is there any truth to that?"

"From what I have heard he can't be king, the vampire that slathered the royal family is the rightful king but no one seems to know who that person is are where they are. From best as I can tell they are trying to find out themselves."

"What of the other supernatural leader."

"A couple of members of the world governing body are here trying to figure out what's going on, am told the witches, werewolves, Fays, and the demons are staying out of it, for now anyway."

"Okay, thanks for the update Gabriel, I need you to lay low for a while because I am going to be out of commission for a few days."

"All right, I'll wait till I hear from you."