
Missed you so muchh

Kabeer's POV -

**Beep** **Beep**

"Sarah is returned from abroad this morning and right know she is going to meet her brother in his company" - From Arsalan

"So what do you want me to do" - Kabeer

"Nothing!, I just wanna inform you" - From Arsalan

"How do you know that she is back" - Kabeer

"Fiza told me" - Form Arsalan

"Okayy" - Kabeer

After talking to Arsalan, I couldn't stop myself. I just wanna she her. So I came to Hayat Place company has arrived, but now I'm not sure how I should meet her.

After thinking for a long time, I remembered that Mom and Dad's anniversary is coming up, so why not organize it at Hayat Place.

When I reached their office, I saw Sarah sitting on a chair, laughing and talking to her brother. Seeing her smiling face, I got lost in that moment for a while. Her small round face and lovely eyes. I couldn't help but admire those eyes. While lost in these thoughts, I suddenly heard someone's voice and snapped out of it.

Saying "Hello Mr. Kabeer, how can I help you," her brother approaches me and extends his hand for a handshake. I shook his hand.

"Alright then, you go ahead and have the meeting, I'll wait outside" she says as she get up from her seat to take a leave.

Savas introduced her to me saying, "This is my sister," then he looked at her and said, "Alright." with a smile.

I was just looking at her. She grab her phone and purse, glanced at me once, and then walked out of the room.

After she left the room, I discussed Mom and Dad's anniversary celebration party with her brother. After everything was discussed, I came out of the office with Savas, I saw Sarah standing a little distance away, talking on the phone. I watched her for a while and then left the company.

I just came here to see her. Now I see her. She is looking mature. As I remember her in my memories is she used to be bubbly and always lost in her own world but now she is looking mature and more practical. But I'm happy to see her again. I missed her so muchh in these 8 years. "Sarah, I have waited for you for 8 years." He mumbled himself.