
Favyy's Home

The new day begun with the buzz sound of the alarm,waking favyy up.but,due to laziness,she refuse to stand up.

Mrs joy,noticed her daughter was not up yet so,she decided to go to her room,and when she got in she swiped the curtain.The ray of the sun shone brightly on favyy's eye which made her open them.Mum please Five more minutes.oh come on favyy you need to be up to prepare for school, remember it a new school and you have to be early,Fine am up,good go have your bath don't waste time ooo sou can eat breakfast I made your favorite.ummm kimchi pancakes? Yes dear and tea just the way you love them.Alright mum I will be down in 30 minutes.good girl..

After her mum dispersa, favyy headed to the bathroom to have her bath and get prepared and in less than 25 minutes she was done with everything so she headed downstairs.

   Mum can you pack some of these first me to school,no problem dear I will.Favyy finished eating and left the house heading towards the school.

         ( K .I .S .S . SCHOOL.

         (Korean independent school of              Seoul).

At the school,students of high class from wealthy background could be seen walking around the school premises heading towards their various classes.But suddenly three car stopped at the parking lot and students could be heard screaming most especially the girl's who couldn't help but drool over the sight of the school charms.

Three guy's were seen coming out if their various cars one could perceive the aroma of wealth from them from afar,they are called the knights. A  title formed by them for their group.

      First we have Bryan Anderson who is from the family of a great tycoon.he is well known to be a flirt in school which probably means he dates and dump like a trash he is fond of anything under the skirt,bryan is a music lover so it is something he is addicted to.girls couldn't stop gaining his attention and he didn't waste time in retaliating with winkes.

   Next we have Brandom Nicole also from a rich business tycoon.he is known to be an introvert while hates the sight of girls especially bitches who throws their selves at him without shame,his father is known as the owner of sunshine company in paris  with great collaborations which is one of the famous company.he is also the only child to his parents so he gets all the attention and love and he is a book warm.

    Lastly we have Alex the schools crush and owner which happens to be the leader of the knights.he is the dream Of every girl in that school but he never gives an eye to any. all he does is to focus and be at the top just as he always do.the screaming from the girls couldn't stop They kept drooling and shouting The more but it fades away when a flashy red Ferrari stopped.

      Young mistress we have arrived, come on Mr travis, you don't have to address me as that, you are old enough to be my father and even grandfather too you know.

So call me by name,okay Favyy have a blessed day at school and you too.

Favyy opened the car door and stepped out,she noticed everyone's attention was diverted to her so a mischievous smile crept on her lips.welcome to school favyy she said to herself.the students started murmring words among themselves.

📣Omg who is she??

📣She is so sassy

📣She is cute.

📣Gosh I hate her am prettier than her

📣I can't wait to have her😋.

Favyy heard all of this and just smirked. she passed the knights and for the first time Alex looked at her and somehow felt weird with that catchy feeling.even Brandom who was concentrating on his phone raised his head to take a glimpse of her not to even talk of Bryan who was lustfully staring at her till she was out of sight.


    Every student of year 12 were all seated and settled while Mr Cole their biology teacher was lecturing them.Favyy entered the class and saw that the class has begun already.

She came along with the principal who told her to introduce herself to her mate. Hi everyone,am Favyy jones by name am a  black girl from Nigeria to be precised and I hope we get along thank you.Well favyy you are welcome and I am Mr Cole your biology teacher.Nice meeting you Mr cole and you too dear.Favyy went to have her seat opposite a girl named kylie swift and they both exchanged greetings.

    The class lasted for an hour before the bell for lunch alarmed and the everyone began to leave the class.since favyy is a new bee kylie decided to take her to the cafeteria.

On their way to the cafeteria,Favyy tried to adapt to the directions given to her.they went to the counter and bought burger and cheese with juice.

We didn't get to introduce each other properly,am Kylie by name and am favyy.the two girls got along with their introduction without noticing what the students were murmuring and looking at.

📣O.M.G. the knights are here 

📣gosh my crushhhhh

📣Jeez Did Bryan just winked at me?

Girl's couldn't stop complimenting them until they took a sit opposite Favyy and Kylie.Alex couldn't stop stealing glance from favyy.all he knows is that he has never gotten attracted to anyone before like her.Ummm Favyy I think you are drowning attention.Why did you say so? I mean the knights have their own condo where they eat and relax during break hour.well, I didn't come here for them so,when they are done looking or cru they let my face be.Mira who noticed the way Alex was looking at favyy decided to take action before they take what is hers.

   Lunch time was over and the students dismissed the cafeteria back to the class.they had two more lectures before the closing hour of students return.Favyy went to the garage to wait for her driver.while waiting,Alex car was passing by,but suddenly came to a halt.May I offer you a ride,No thanks I don't accept offers from a stranger.He smiled and asked, may I know your name again please,I believed you were in class during my introduction,but since you have short memory am favyy.and you? Am Alex,nice name for a pretty girl like you.thanks she muttered. Have a nice day Favyy and you too Alex .He zoomed off.and few minutes after his dismissal,Her driver came and she left heading home.


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this novel is basically a highschool scenario with different characters.read and learn and also imagine yourself as any of your favourite characters.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! If u have some idea about my story then Comment it and let me know.

Favour_Peter_9408creators' thoughts