
His and Her New Exciting Life

This is my first novel I'm publishing, if you have any constructive criticism please let a rip. The cover is not owned by me, if the author of this image wants me to stop using it please contact me and I'll take it down. ************************************************************ Will lives a boring life in a small town dreaming of something exciting like a visit to a big city with the wonders it holds. however that's not meant to be. A tragic event places him in a new world with a strange twist.

TheImmortal978 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 3: What's the system?

What was going on? It was a strange feeling, like Will was piloting two bodies at once. He saw through his own eyes and hers, heard through his ears and hers, all at the same time. Everything he did, she would mimic, but the feeling of each was different. When he touched his arm it was the same kinda feeling as someone touching both your arms as she mimicked him. He stood up, she stood simultaneously.

"Can I move indepently?" he thought.

In the way you focus to move one muscle he turned his head towards her.

"Fuck this is giving me a headache." he thought.

Then he finally saw her. She was a beauty by anyone's standard. She had golden blonde hair with piercing blue eyes and a well proportional figure. She was significantly shorter than him by about 6 inches.

"Damn!" he thought.

He focused to make her turn her head without him doing the same. He saw himself through her eyes. He had very similar looks to before but slightly more defined. He stood a bit taller at around 6'1. He looked a bit stronger as well, more defined in general with a slimmer figure.

Still all of this didn't answer any questions. Who was this girl? Where were they? How are they connected like this? He thought he would definitely like to separate them if possible. At the very least she might be able to answer questions as to how this happened. He looked around and didn't see any sign of civilization. They appeared to be in a grassy field with a long mountain range to the north and a forest to the east.

He knew the dragon flew north and wasn't about to go toe to toe with a lizard the size of a bus with a built-in flamethrower.

"Where the hell do I go from here?" he thought to himself. "I don't know if there's any towns in this area, maybe I could get some food in the forest and move south and see if I can find people."

They began walking toward the forest after he decided his course of action. She was shorter than him which meant he had to focus on her strides to keep up. This whole thing was a nightmare. He silently cursed God for doing this to him.

"I said surprise me but I didn't think you would put me in two people!" he lamented.

There did seem to be good things about this world though. The grass looks greener, the air pure, and the mountains were beautiful despite possibly being a dragon's nest.

The forest was much further than he thought it was. When they started walking the sun was directly overhead, now it was creeping closer and closer to the horizon. They continued to walk closer to the forest. He estimated they were only half an hour away at this point, but he began to worry about shelter. If this world has dragons running around what other nightmares can he expect to find? With nothing around him to use as a weapon he hoped to find materials to make some in the forest.

"But how can I fight with both of us? I'm getting used to walking with both of us but there's no way in hell I can coordinate us while fighting something. Maybe if something comes up I'll have her run while I fight." he thought.

He practiced punching the air while picking up her speed. It was a hell of a lot harder than just walking. "If I keep this up my headache will blow up to a full blow migraine." He said aloud.


"System booting*

*Dual control skill leveled up!*

*Dual control skill now Lv 1*

"What the hell?!" he said. "What is the system?"

*Answer, the system is a gift from God in order to facilitate your strength request. It allows you to increase your proficiency when conducting tasks with minimal training.*

"Great, not only due I have to focus on being two people, now I have this fuckin thing in my head." he said.

"What kind of abilities can I get from this?"

*Answer, anything at all, from magic to carpentry to improved physical strength and healing abilities.*

"Wait magic?! How can I get that?" he asked.

*Answer, skill books or a tutor, or by experimentation.*

"Experimentation?" he said. This world was sounding more and more interesting. He was so distracted by the system he tripped over a root in his male body.

"Fuck, guess I made it to the forest." he thought. Also as soon as he walked past the first tree he heard a deep roar echo from somewhere deep in the forest.